Enders (21)

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"We can't continue on like this," I practically squawked, blocking Aiden's path to the door of the meeting room so he couldn't escape. "We're settling this right here and now!"

I looked at my friends that stood around me, knowing they would help me restrain him if he continued to try to leave. There we all were, with Lena instead of Kristie, in the meeting room, giving Aiden the intervention he much needed.

It'd been a week since the iceskating rink incident, and Aiden wouldn't talk to either Dex or Kristie. Granted, Kristie hadn't made a move to talk to him either, and it was the weirdest experience. I never thought I'd see Dex try to make up with Aiden before Kristie did.

"You need to get over what happened with Dex," I ordered, still blocking his path.

Unsurprisingly, Aiden didn't listen to a single word I said, snapping, "I'm never talking to him again."

Anthony rolled his eyes at our team leader. "It's not like it's his fault," he defended, even though we all knew it was a useless battle. "It's not like he wanted to kiss you. It was Lena's fault for running into you guys."

Aiden turned his nose up in the air. "Then I'll never talk to her again either."

"Well, it's about time—"

"Lena," I spat, elbowing her in the side. She was not making this any better with her comments.

I understood why Aiden felt so embarrassed; Dex had felt the same exact way. However, after a long time, and a lot of kisses, I was finally able to convince him that it was no big deal. Unfortunately, Aiden was going to be the difficult one, like always.

"This is the most humiliating thing that's ever happened to me, and you want me to just forget about it?" our leader hissed, his glare focused on Dex as he pointed at him. "That's just not possible!"

"It was a mistake," I clarified slowly. "It was an accident. No one even thinks it's funny anymore!"

Lena glanced to the side. "I mean..."

I elbowed her in the side, harder this time.

When the door to the meeting room slid open, we turned in horror, afraid that Kristie would be the one standing there. We could not have both of them confronting Aiden at the same time. We'd never get anywhere with him if that was the case.

Instead of Kristie, Hank and Nay stood there instead, giving us all the most confused looks I had ever seen. Throughout the week, neither of them had asked why Dex and Aiden weren't talking, but instead enjoyed the silence that there lack of fighting brought. They were so happy that they didn't even realize Kristie and Aiden weren't talking as well.

"What are you arguing about?" Hank asked, the door sliding shut once he and Nay made their way inside. "We can hear your guys bickering all the way from our rooms."

"That's impossible," Anthony pointed out, like he always did. "The meeting room's soundproof."

"We thought it'd be better to say that than to say we kind of just assumed your guys were fighting." Hank rolled his eyes at us as he spoke, but I didn't blame him. "Since, you know. It's you guys."

"Dex and Aiden kissed yesterday," I explained without even hesitating, and this caused both boys to look at me in horror for even repeating the story. "And that caused Aiden to admit he loved Kristie in a panicked rage. And then Dex—"

"Did Dex? Did Dex confess, too?" Hank interrupted, taking a step forward, a little more excited than I expected him to be.

That panicked look crossed Dex's face once again as I asked Hank, "Confessed what?"

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