Football Captain

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*Music has nothing to do with story*

You are a sweet shy girl. Who had a boyfriend on the football team, team Captain of course. You didn't like too much attention on you. Due to his busy schedule you decided to become a manager on the football team. Everyday after practice you'd pick up all the foot balls and clean them. You'd gather all the sweaty jerseys and wash them. You'd organize the locker room. And your most dreaded part was putting the pushing dummies. They were always do heavy and youd struggle but would get it done. The members of the team never really saw you due to your shy nature but we're very thankful none the less. Sometimes your boyfriend would help you put the dummies back when he could. Game days were really the only day the team would see you. You and the team would all get on the bus and you'd snuggle up in a seat with your boyfriend. When you'd finally get to the school you were playing at, youd all go to the locker room.

You would fill up everyone's water bottles and make sure everyone had their stuff together and neat

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You would fill up everyone's water bottles and make sure everyone had their stuff together and neat. While the boys would be playing the game you'd set out a snack and drink next to each guys bag and would set up a small hamper for everyone's dirty clothes. When you had finished you'd put on your boyfriend's hoodie which was oversized on you and would curl up on the bench laying your head on his bag and falling asleep. After the game the team would come back into the locker room being loud after winning until one noticed you and shushed the rest. On their way to the showers each guy on the team would lightly pat your head. After showering everyone would gather their things and start heading to the bus. You're boyfriend would look at you softly and whisper "i love you" before picking you up and holding you to his chest. One on the bus he'd cradle you close to his chest and kiss your forehead softly. He remembers the first time he introduced you to the team as a manager. You'd hide behind him and cling tightly to his shirt trying to make yourself smaller as all the attention was on you. He'd look at you so softly and make sure you were ok. Everyone on the team was so surprised, it was hard to see their captain who seemed so hard core and rough be so gentle and soft with you. He'd kiss you forehead softly before letting you go back to what you were doing.

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