Cloud Watching

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(I'm back at it again, remember music doesn't have to do with the writing)

It was a nice sunny day outside, a bright blue sky and a slight breeze. During math your teacher allowed people the option of sitting outside and doing their school work. You decided to take up that offer and grabbed one of the outdoor blankets. Setting up the blanket you quickly got to working on your worksheet, you didn't get much into it before you heard the voice of someone behind you. 'Do you mind if I join you?' He asked. Looking up at him you saw the shine of his dark curls and the deep color of his eyes that were brought out in the sun. You agreed and scooted over on the blanket, you both worked quietly next to eachother. After you were finished you set your work sheet to the side and laid on your back. Your hair sprawled around you as you used your forearm to cover your eyes from the sun. Letting out a small sign of content you rested. You heard some shuffling and felt a shift next to you, the boy had laid down next to you looking up at the clouds. 'you know that one looks like a dog.' He said causing you to uncover your eyes and look up. 'it really does' you said looking over at him. You both shared a smile and kept watching the clouds.

( very short but done. Ive had an insane boost of creativity recently word count 256)

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