Ballroom Boyfriend

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(Music doesn't really have anything to do with the writing, also this is about the same crush as the last chapter enjoy)

The school was hosting a formal ball for all the students. It was a masquerade ball, very original of the school. You got excited and bought your ticket to go. It was held in a city center with beautiful gardens outside of it. You and your friends were talking about it all week, it wouldn't be for another 2 weeks. That weekend you and your friends went shopping for your dresses and masks. After trying on many a dresses you found the perfect one.

 After trying on many a dresses you found the perfect one

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(These are just some ideas, you can wear whatever you'd like feel free to describe it in the comments) It fit perfectly, you felt like royalty

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(These are just some ideas, you can wear whatever you'd like feel free to describe it in the comments)
It fit perfectly, you felt like royalty. After purchasing the dress you viewed the selection if masks and picked one that matched your dress. You happily made your way home. The next 2 weeks passed like a flash. The same routine made it easy, wake up, get dressed, get on the bus, go to math, then Ela, then science where you had both lunch and your crush in that class. You'd stare at him from time to time listening to his conversations. On the Thursday before the dance (the dance is on Saturday) you overheard that he wasn't going to the dance, hearing this you slightly frowned. His friends kept trying to convince him to go, they had even bought him a ticket. Finally he agreed to go just to get them to shut up, you let out a soft sigh of relief. You hoped to talk to him. Saturday had finally arrived and you woke up early, ate a good breakfast and headed out to get your nails done. They were perfect, they even matched your dress, after they finished you went to get your hair and make up done.

 They were perfect, they even matched your dress, after they finished you went to get your hair and make up done

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(Just some ideas, you can choose something else ofc)
Your hair got done into the perfect hairstyle. You finally put on your dress, twirling in the mirror you smiled, you felt so pretty. You took some pictures and got into your car driving to the venue. Slipping on your mask before leaving the car, the ball had already started. You walked in and some people looked at you and whispered to eachother. Even though everyone had masks most people could easily tell who eachother was. You slowly walked around looking for your friends. In the middle there was an amazing dance floor with a glass chandelier hanging over it. Couples were dancing on the floor to classical music. You were in awe of how beautiful it was. As the current dance ended someone tapped your shoulder, you turned around to see your crushes best friend. 'oh is everything ok, do you need anything?' you question him he responded with 'a dance with you' you became flustered and agreed. The both of you making your way to the dance floor running the pattern as you danced with everyone else. From the corner of your eye you spotted your crush he was looking at you two dance and looked angry, clenching his fists around his glass the song ended he made his way over to you and his best friend. 'May I?' he requested holding out a hand towards you. You nodded shyly 'you may'. He placed one hand on your waist and held the other as you placed your hand on his shoulder and in his hand. The music started and everyone started dancing. It felt magical, he looked at you with such soft eyes. He looked at you full of love. You both danced the night away. As the end of the ball drew closer he looked at you full of determination, leaning down he kissed you with passion. It was soft and delicate but still full of wanting. He pulled away and looked at you leaning his forehead on yours. 'I love you so much, please be mine'. You couldn't help but smile and nod happily.

(The end this is 701 words, the longest chapter yet. I want someone to hold me close and dance with me in the moonlight all night long .)

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