Fun Run

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(as always music has nothing to do with the writing)

You were a member of student council, you were quite book smart but not very street smart. You had a crush on one of the athletic boys (whichever sport you choose ofc, this is about what you want). As part of student council you would host school events for charity, this year's event was a race. It was a 5k that looped around the school and down a couple streets. After planning you sat at your table in the lunch room taking the entry fee and the names of people wanting to join the race. Suddenly your crush and his team was in front of you ready to sign up. You got flustered as you quickly sorted through giving forms and taking money. He gave you a toothy smile while you sheepishly smiled back. He thanked you and went on his way as you watched him lovingly walk away. *At the fun run* After setting everything up such as a snack and water station and some other stations you went to your position about halfway through the race path to supervise. As the race started you would count how many people went by. You noticed your crush was falling a bit behind. Building up your courage you cheered for him telling him how good he was doing and to keep going. He looked up and smiled then started running again sending a smile and wink at you as he passed. Your heart skipped a beat. As the last person passed you you got on the gulf cart and headed to the end. After getting there you awarded the winner who just happened to be your crush. After all that was said and done you started heading back to your station to take it down. After a minute you heard foot steps but continued walking. You heard a 'HEY!WAIT UP' you stopped and turned around seeing your crush run up to you. Starting to walk towards the station together. 'Hey?' you asked, 'Thanks for cheering me on it meant a lot' he grinned, 'ah it's no problem' you smiled sheepishly. As you two neared your station he said 'let me help you. After taking the station down together he slung the bag over his shoulder.'Hey!, You don't have too!' you scrambled to say ' why would I let a cutie like you carry something so heavy.' he replied giving a wink and a smirk. Then started jogging away. You stood there stunned before running after him 'Hey! Get back here!' you said with a laugh as the sun set.

(Ahhh i hope y'all liked it, you can leave requests and stuff, I'm getting back into writing as i dream more scenarios, 463 words)

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