Gamer Boyfriend

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*Music has nothing to do with story*

As you walked in your class one day you sat next to a group of three boys, who you did know and were kind of friends with. They were talking about games and such. Although not much of a gamer you enjoyed to watch and play an occasional game every once in a while. They brought up body pillows and one of the boys mentioned owning one because he was lonely. You were also quite lonely. You decided to strike up a conversation with him after class. You called his name and he stopped in the door way of the classroom and you mentioned you needed to talk to him about something. He agreed and listened. You mentioned that you were also lonely and could be a match for him. You explained that you loved cuddles and kisses and didn't mind him playing games at all. He agreed to try it out and set a time to meet at his house. Later on you knocked on the door to his house and he opened the door, greeting you. He was in a pair of gray sweatpants and a tight fit black athletic shirt.

 He was in a pair of gray sweatpants and a tight fit black athletic shirt

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(The shirt)
He lead you to his bedroom where he opened the door. As soon as you walked in you noticed a large queen sized bed with dark blue sheets, a flat screen tv with a playstation, and a desk with a gaming PC and chair. In the corner was also a shelving unit with different things from more electronics to pictures. He lead you softly over to his bed where he already had a game of Minecraft set up on the PlayStation. You smiled softly and thanked him before sitting down on the bed. He smiled back before sitting next to you. After playing the game for 30 ish minutes he looked over at you before wrapping an arm around your waist and softly moving you closer to him, so you were sitting right next to him. He looked away blushing softly as you were a bit shocked. None the less you blushed and lightly placed your head on his shoulder and kept playing. While playing you let out a yawn and he smiled before saving the game and shutting the system off. He looked at you a tad bit embarrassed and asked if you two could cuddle. To which you responded with a nod. His face brightened upon you accepting as he got under the blanket and held it up for you to get under too. He held you softly to his chest and rested his chin on top of your head as you snuggled further into his warmth. He held you tightly and would nuzzle you every so often and even place soft kiss on your head. Both of you had relaxed compared to your earlier state. He had softly rubbed your back and you ended up falling asleep. He looked down at you and smiled. Letting out a small laugh he looked at you with soft eyes before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He held you closer and fell asleep himself. Later his parents came home and looked at you two. They were surprised to see their son with a girl. They smiled and closed the door softly.

557 words

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