Workaholic Boyfriend

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* image and music have nothing to do with the story, and I don't condone being a workaholic*

It was late at night and as always your boyfriend wasn't home yet. As you got into bed for the night you hear the front door open. And in walks a very frazzled and stressed looking boyfriend. Sighing he placed his work bag down before going to shower. While hearing his shower run you lay in bed facing away from the bathroom door lost in thought. Before you knew it he was out and in some sweat pants and t-shirt he leaned down and kissed your forehead before walking to the at home office with his work bag. You tried to fall asleep again but you could hear the clicking of computer keys. Finally you gave up trying to go to sleep and sat up wrapping a light blanket around your shoulders. After standing up you lightly tip toed to the home office and peeked in the door way seeing your boyfriend typing furiously at his computer. You watched from the door for a bit before softly asking if he was going to come to bed, he said not yet and that when he was done he would. You nodded and went back to the bed room, getting into bed. After falling into a light sleep you couldn't seem to stop tossing and turning, opening your eyes and looking at the clock it said 2 in the morning. Looking over at the other side of the bed you noticed your boyfriend wasn't there, you started to tear up this was the 8th day in a row. Sighing you got up with your blanket wrapped around you and made your way to the office seeing him typing on the computer still. Hearing your foot steps he looked up at you and with a soft look said 'oh baby come here'. You softly walked over to him and sat in his lap hugging him tightly.

(Similar to this but with only one computer

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(Similar to this but with only one computer.)

e hugged back for a bit before continuing to work while you laid your head on his shoulder. You smiled softly as he would kiss your head or rub your back from time to time. You fell asleep after a while and he finally closed his computer and picked you up. Tucking you into bed before getting in and holding you close.

(Finally updated 🤪 word count is 411 for this chapter)

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