Class Crush

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(based off my new crush, as always the song has nothing to do with the chapter, normally i don't add much of a description of the love interest, but this time i will because it's based off my actual crush 🥰 some parts are based on things that happened while others are based on what i wish happened)

You slightly peeked up from your test to glance at your crush. He was working diligently, noticing this you smiled softly to yourself then continued your test. After the test was over you looked again at your crush. He was a tall asian boy with thick black framed glasses, his hair was cut short on the sides with the top being longer, he also had bright blue braces with a slightly deep voice. Having felt a pair of eyes looking at him, he turned around to look at you. You immediately looked down at your phone as he smiled with a slight smirk and turned away. Later that night you decided to pick up your courage and compliment his new haircut. He thanked you. You attempted to keep the conversation going by asking him how he felt about the test you had taken earlier , he said that it was fine but the 2nd question was tricky. You agreed and he ended up leaving you on read. You weren't willing to push much as you never talked to him and you suddenly wanting to talk would be suspicious. The next day you walked into class and sat next to the outlet to charge your Chromebook. Your crush took a seat next to you, his action surprised you. Glancing over at him every so often, allowing a soft smile to grace your lips. He then caught you glancing at him and smiled asking if something was wrong. You softly shook your head and looked away feeling the heat rise to your cheeks (blushing). Class continued and you didn't dare peek over at him again. At the end of class he waited for you as you finished packing up your notebook and other school supplies. You went to go Walk out the door, which he was standing by. And before you would make if far he grabbed your wrist and said he needed to talk to you. You nodded nervously as you to walked slowly side by side. He asked why you would Always look at him. You nervously tried to explain your crush in him without saying you had one in him. He already knew about it but wanted you to say it out loud to him. You looked away and confessed that you liked home. He said he liked you also. Before walking away to his next class. Leaving you an embarrassed mess.

(This chapter is 472 words, as always feel free to suggest something)

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