Chapter 8

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Scaramouche pov:
I walked in Mr. Zhongli's office. Ei wanted to come with me today but I insisted she stay home cause of personal matters.

I was outside waiting for Mr. Zhongli. The office somehow looks different, but I dare not complain. At this point I just want Ms. Sangonomiya to arrive in Liyue so I can quit this awful role and guilt I feel deep inside. But I really do, no did, do, did.. love him. But knowing he loves someone else made my heart sink, he definitely won't forget about his death.

"Hello mister, you may come in but Mr. Zhongli hasn't arrived yet." A goat like figure came out from the counter.

"Ehh— WAIT GANYU!!" Without another word, the half adtepus pushed me inside a dark room.

I tried to stand up, the room was dark. While I was trying to find a light switch the door behind me suddenly closed shut. 'Guess I'm stuck in here, nothing could go wrong right?'

I decided to just sit down, the floor's cold. Soon I heard footsteps. "H-hey, back off."

They came closer to me and then grabbed onto my waist while I was struggling to stand up.

I was clearly struggling to speak, "W-who are you? You set up a whole plan to k-kidnap me.. didn't you?"

A calm, light as a feather voice but also sounded obsessed voiced answered, "shush Scara dear, you'll be fine with me." A laugh followed, following that, I could hear him say how much he loves me over and over again...

What happened next was unbelievable. He slapped me. Somehow there was a knife on the floor, I tried to grab it but his other hand was around my waist, it hurt. He grabbed the knife instead, "Are these your friends?" Evil laughter filled the room as he let go of me. I started walking towards the bodies, a light flashed down.

"Childe?! Signora!!" I bursted out crying, "why did you hurt my friends??"

A gun was next to the dead bodies. I picked it up.

"Shoot me. You wouldn't dare."

That's one thing he's correct on. I wouldn't. I wouldn't kill the love of my life. But he killed my friends, MY FRIENDS.

"There's no bullets inside.." I mumbled.

"Hehe, smart I see." Kazuha lowered his head a little, since he is taller than I am and looked straight into my eyes. As he got closer I could feel myself burning as his fingers slowly touched my cheeks.

"Perhaps I can enjoy you today..?" He said, seductively.

'No no. Pull yourself together Scaramouche, this isn't Kazuha. He wouldn't act like this, he also wouldn't do such criminal act; but most importantly..."

I didn't finish my thought but pulled away.


I woke up on my bed, I probably have gotten a nightmare. Ei was sitting on a chair in front of my closet. "Finally.. you're awake," she started crying, tear drops running down her cheeks one by one, "you- you fainted.." her words weren't as clear anymore, she was clearly struggling to talk, choking down her tears. "I didn't want to send you to the hospital, they left Makoto dead there."

Yes yes, 7 years ago when I was 17 and Ei was 20, Makoto had died due to Hanahaki I believe.

Authors Note:
Bro I have been dead cause I'm like obsessed with getting Ganyu on my alt :/

Sorri cliff hanger hehe :)
I wrote this all on paper like four or five days ago but never actually started writing it on here and checking my grammar errors hehe.

Published Date: January 30th, 2022
Reworked Date: April 15th, 2022
Word count: 615

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