"Is your peculiarity a strong sense of sarcasm?" (pt.2)

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"Who are you?" Y/n asked.

She'd run but she was still surrounded by a wall of fire. 

"Come with us, Miss Peregrine is waiting!" The Red head says.

Before Y/n could protest, the towns people started putting out the fire. She quickly followed the strangers.

{A/N: So I went back and looked at the last chapter and realized that Y/n didn't go through the loop yet so those are really confused towns people rn lol}

They ran all the way to the beach and waited till the coast was clear before they ran into a dark cave. By now, Y/n's storm had calmed to a drizzle. As they entered the cave, Y/n slowed down until she came to a complete stop. Panting, she says,

"Wait, you guys aren't gonna kill me in here right? 'Cause I'm too young to die. I haven't even made my first friend, o-or boyfriend! Not that I need one anyway. I mean, it's the 90's. We women are independent!" She rambled, earning a smile and a chuckle from the girls and the floating hat.

"We aren't going to kill you." The hat says with a laugh.

"THE HAT TALKS?!" Y/n yelled out of complete shock.

"I'm not a hat, I'm a person. I'm just invisible." The ha-I mean boy said.

"If you're invisible then why can I see your haaa-Wait! Are you naked right now?" Y/n turned away with her eyes closed, as you f she could see the boys body. The Blonde girl then said,

"Millard, put some clothes on." As the red-head tosses the boy some clothes.

"Millard? The peculiar?" Y/n asked

"Yep!" He says.

"As in Miss Peregrine's peculiars?"

"Uh-huh!" He says as he finishes putting on his clothes.

"So you must be Emma and Olive. My mom always told me stories of you guys. I just assumed you'd be...older." she says, pointing to the two girls.

"You're Ruby's daughter, aren't you?" Emma asks.

"Yeah." You say, slightly frowning at the memory of your mother.

It was a quick moment of silence when they noticed your drop in mood. Until Emma finally spoke,

"We must hurry now, Miss Peregrine is expecting you."

Without another word, they were sprinting out of the cave and to... A carriage? That definitely wasn't there before.

Y/n POV:

The ride to the house was quiet but  I liked it. Gave me time to think. By now, the sun was shining bright. When we arrive at the house we walk up the pathway, to the door. I take time to notice how beautiful the scenery is.

When we get up to the door, we are immediately greeted by Miss. Peregrine herself. She was very beautiful and had nice hair if I do say so myself.

"Right on time! Miss Peregrine, delighted to meet you!"

{Yes I did use the same greeting from the movie...bite me😤}

"Hi, my name is-"

" Y/n, I know. Your mother once lived here," she pauses before she says, "I'm sorry for your lose."

How did she know about that?

"How did you-" I was cut off again, by olive this time,

"Horace had a dream of your arrival last night. Miss Peregrine guessed it was under this unfortunate circumstances and well, Miss Peregrine's never wrong." She sums up.

Another moment of silence took over the group. Miss Peregrine then looks up with a fresh smile and says,

"Emma why don't you give Y/n a tour while I  finish up her room."

"Yes Miss. Follow me Y/n!" Emma says excitedly.

I follow Emma into the house and she showed me the whole down stairs. We went out into the garden and I met everyone. Well, almost everyone.

The last stop was right next to my room. Emma knocked on the door and a voice inside yelled,

"Go away, Fiona! I already said I don't want to play with yo-" The door opened, revealing a tall, pale boy with curly hair.

"What do you want, Emma." The boys says while staring into my soul.

It might just be the fact that he's the first boy, my age, that I have ever seen in person, but he's kind of attractive.

"Miss Peregrine told me to give Y/n a tour so she can meet everyone and your our last stop. Y/n, Enoch O'Connor. Enoch, Y/n. Great! We can go now."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I say, showing that I have decent manners.

Enoch just scoffs and walks away to go do what he was doing before.

"Don't worry about him. He's always like that."

"I'm told that I'm a very patient person. I think I can handle him." I wink at her.

Emma laughs as we continue to walk to my new room.

{A/n: imagine whatever room you want. get creative!!}

My bags were already sitting at the foot of my bed. I look around and I notice a picture on the nightstand. It was my mother...but younger. She looked so happy here.

"This used to be her room. Miss Peregrine thought you would like to have it. Some of her old clothes are in the wardrobe. Supper is at 4:00. I'll be going now." She waved then walked out.

I sat on the bed and closed my eyes. Although this was all a lot to take in, I kinda felt safe here. I lay back in my bed and just take in the comfort. Suddenly, I feel a presence at the door.

"What do you want Enoch?" I say.

"How did you know it was me?"

"You have a certain stench of aggravation and annoyance." I say sitting up.

"Is your peculiarity strong sense of sarcasm?"

"No that's more of a natural talent." I reply with a smirk.

"You're interesting. I like that. See you around rainbow." He said then walked away.

I was confused as to why he gave me such a nickname until I look up and there above my head was a big bright rainbow.

Every other day after that, I grew closer and closer to everyone in the home until, eventually, "the home" became my home. Me  and Enoch got closer. Somehow he always knew how to calm me down when my peculiarity starts acting up. Everything was going great until HE showed up...

{A/n Ok we can finally start the movie😌. Also ik I said I would post this yesterday but...I forgot 😐.I had to change the title of the last chapter because I decided to use that line in a different chapter.

Hope you guys like this chapter!!!

QOTD:Have you watched Encanto? If so, who's your favorite Madrigal?.
Mines Camilo (for obvi reasons) and Antonio!!

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