5. "...you'll be ringing rain from your clothes for weeks!"

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Y/n's POV

After I finished getting ready, I headed down to the movie room. Olive lit the fire as I searched for a seat.

"Y/n's would you like to sit with me?" Bronwyn suggest.

"Of course, thank you Bronwyn." I say.

She gets up so I could sit down and she sits on my lap. Olive sits down next to us as Millard also sits down...naked again!!

Horace begins to project his dreams onto the screen. The first clip was him getting tailored. The second clip was him and Jake in the garden. I'm assuming that happened this morning because right after was Jake and Miss Peregrine walking and talking.

Not a very eventful night if you ask me.

The next scene made me eat my words. It was a group a people in a dark room, all sitting around a cage. Then, they were wheeling in an older woman but she looked terrified. She started squawking so she must be an ymbryne!

"Who is she, Miss Peregrine do you know her?" Fiona asks.

"Don't be silly. Horace just must have had a bad dream, that's all." Hugh tells her.

I smile at Fiona, reassuring her. My attention was quickly drawn back to the screen when I saw...Emma? And Jake? They were stepping closer to each other until it looked like they might kiss. I look at Emma with a teasing smirk. She just shakes her head in return. The children were all giggling and whispering.

Miss Peregrine began to walk towards the light but before she cut them on, the screen quickly switched again. This time it was me...unconscious. I was laying still in someone's lap. The screen zooms out and just before we could see who it was, Miss Peregrine turns the light on.

A chorus of "aww's" fill the room. I take a quick a glimpse around the room and lock eyes with someone.Enoch was staring at me. Our eye contact was interrupted by Miss Peregrine speaking up,

"That's quite enough of that, thank you Horace." Horace removes his eye thingy.

"I should probably get going." Jake says as he sits his cup down.

"You could stay the night, rather than walk home alone in the dark." Miss Peregrine suggest.

"But-" Both me and Emma began. I nod, signaling for her to continue.

"The island is very safe, isn't it?" She insists.

I'm not sure what she means by that exactly.

"Of course, I only meant...the path is incredibly bumpy. Jake could trip." Miss Peregrine says.

I don't believe that is the real reason.

"Perhaps, you and Y/n could show him the short cuts. Should he ever need to avoid...bumps."

"What, why do I have to go?!" I complain.

Miss Peregrine just gives me a look, basically saying 'I don't want to hear it.'

"Won't you at least stay for the reset, Jake. It's really quite spectacular." Olive said.

Enoch throws his head back in annoyance. If anything, I should be the one annoyed. Why should I have to go away from home IN THE DARK!

All the children agree with Olive. I let out a sigh as everyone gets up to go outside. On any other day, reset is my favorite time of the day. But, today I'd much rather go inside and sleep.

We all stand out side of the house in the rain and put on our mask. I'm standing behind Olive, not really caring to much about our current activities. As we standing there waiting for the planes to fly past, I can't help but to think about what Emma said earlier today.

~My Anchor~ Enoch O'Conner x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now