6. "He..hehe...he, No."

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I was rudely woken up this morning by the sun shining through my window. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night because of my ankle. Everytime I would drift off, I either felt a sharp pain or I had this bad feeling that something bad was about to happen. Eventually I was able to get some sleep.

I got out of bed to get dressed for the day. You're probably wondering how I was able to walk with a sprained ankle. Well... I wasn't. I fell.

I groaned as I turned over to lay on my back. I roll my eyes when I look up towards my door and see a smirking Enoch.

"Are you always this stalker-ish in the morning?" I say, propping up on my elbows.

"You know, you got a lot of attitude for someone who can't walk." He says stepping into my room with his arms crossed.

"Haha- can you just help me up please." I say, reaching a hand out.

"Well since you asked nicely." He says with a sly smile and walks over to help me up.

Once I am off the ground, he places my hand around his shoulder and we slowly make our way out of my room. On our way to the stairs we run into Bronwyn.

"Y/n, would you like me to help carry you down the stairs?" She asks very cheerfully.

"That's quite alright, thank you, Bronwyn. But, I'm sure Enoch can handle it... isn't that right Enoch?" I say, giving him a side glance in search for a confirmation.

"Uhhh... Yeah, I think I got it?" He said, but it coming out as more of a question.

I let out a soft chuckle. I then notice that everyone is already dressed and wide awake.

"Wait, what time is it?" I ask.

"Eleven-ish...why?" Enoch answers, adjusting his stance

I must be getting heavy...nah he's just weak.

"How long was I sleep!? I have to get to the garden. You know what Bronwyn, I'd like your help after all. Could you carry me to the garden."

"Sure!" She says, picking me up bridal style.

"Wha-why couldn't I just take you?" Enoch...whined?! That's new.

"With Bronwyn, I'll get there faster. Besides, now you have more time to play with your dolls...or whatever you do when I'm not around."

"They aren't dolls!" He huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Right..... Bronwyn, shall we." I say, totally not believing him.

"Yep!" Bronwyn says as she begins to carry me to the garden.

{A/n: forgot to mention that Y/n changed before she went downstairs}

*Time skip*

After I finished watering the garden with my clouds, I decided I was gonna stay there for a while and sketch in my sketchbook. Most of my sketches consist of fashion, the peculiars, and sometimes mushrooms. But, every now and then, I end up sketching clips from the night my mom died. Specifically, the monster that killed her. I was only able to make out the silhouette that night but my imagination filled the rest of the page

~My Anchor~ Enoch O'Conner x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now