*THE REAL* 13. "Why does it look like a funeral in here?"

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It's been a week since Y/n's unfortunate death in Black pool. After she  fell from the sky, Enoch was the first to run to her. They all tried to wake her up but she was unresponsive.

They quickly carried her back to the boat where they laid her on a table. While they were trying to find a way to wake Y/n up, Jake had went to find his grandfather in Florida.

She was laying on the table for a couple of hours before her heart slowly began to stop. Enoch tried to wake you up again but there was no luck.

For the next six days, on their way to find a new home, Enoch refused to leave her side. He's been around dead bodies all his life yet seeing yours broke him. He was numb. Heart, shattered

Everyone else tried to except the fact that she was gone. And it was hard, very hard. Especially for Bronwyn. She saw Y/n as a big sister so when Emma told her that she wasn't waking up, Bronwyn cried for a really long time.

Emma and Olive took it upon themselves to sail to Paris to have Y/n's funeral. Emma suggested it since Y/n always wanted to go to Paris.

Considering it would be extremely weird for them to carry her body off the boat, they decided to do it in the boat.

(Forgot to mention that Jake came back before they left black pool but he aged because he went through loop-hell to get back.)

As all the peculiars sat around their lifeless friends body, all that could be heard in the room were the echos of sobs coming from all but one.

Enoch wasn't crying. He sat next to Y/n just staring. Waiting. Praying. Hoping that some way, somehow, you'll wake up.

No one could speak. When ever someone tries, their words quickly turned into sobs.

"Why does it look like a funeral in here?" Everyone looked up at the sudden raspy voice.

"Y/n!?!" Everyone yelled simultaneously.

"OH MY STARS! WHY THE HELL ARE WE YELLING... I think I have a concussion."

Without warning, Y/n was tackled into a giant hug from all the peculiars.

Except for one, that is.

As everyone else squeezed the rest of the life she had out of Y/n, Enoch stood up from his seat next to her and stepped back, unable to process the fact that the possible love of his life just rose from the dead right before him.

"Wait, what happened? Why is everyone crying and hugging me?" Worry clouds began to form above her head.

As everyone let go to give Y/n some space, remember she just came back to life. They all just awkwardly looked around the room. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Jake finally stepped forward.

"Um, Y/n... It looks like a funeral... Because it IS a funeral." Y/n gasped.

"Oh no- wait, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11... *Gasp* did something happen to Ms. Peregrine?" She said, frantically looking around the room.

"No, Y/n..." Emma said, trying not to laugh at your confusion.

It cause the little ones to giggle and chuckle a little too.

~My Anchor~ Enoch O'Conner x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now