7. "...I already watched my mother die, I can't loose anyone else."

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Y/n's POV

{A/n: our ankle is still hurt but we work through the pain 🧍🏾‍♀️}

We all gathered in the garden/greenhouse as Miss Avocet told us the story of how her she got here. Hearing about what happened to those children made me sick. If I ever got my hands on those monster, I'd let out a neverending storm.

Soon enough, Olive returned with Miss Peregrine. Jake and Emma trailing behind.

"Oh, Miss Peregrine. They found my new loop. The children. I tried to save them but... There were so many Hollows. I don't know how I escaped." Miss Avocet says.

Miss Peregrine quickly hugs her for comfort.

"You're safe now." Miss Peregrine informs.

"None of us are safe. They set up the machine in my loop." Miss Avocet says.

"They put it in the cellars at Blackpool Tower. They're still there." Olive says.

"Their machine?" Ask Miss Peregrine.

"The experiment. They intend to do it again." Says Miss Avocet.

"This time, he's using more Ymbrynes." Enoch chimed in.

I can't help but to stare at him from beside me. Not even 10 minutes ago, we were having a conversation where he confessed his feelings for me. Now, we find out our home might be in danger.

"He still wants to be immortal." He finishes.

Miss Peregrine sighs and stands to walk next to Olive.

"Do Hollows only attack peculiars?" Jake asks.

I knew I should have worn my lucky scarf on our walk today 🙄

"Of course not," Miss Peregrine begins, turning around, "They're monsters, Jake. They'll slaughter anything in their path." She says coldly.

"Some sheep on the island were killed," I gasp loudly causing Enoch to give me a questioning look.

"You don't think they're here already, do you?"

"Have you seen anyone with white eyes?" Miss Avocet asks, eagerly.

Jake just shakes his head no.

For some odd reason, this all seems familiar but I just can't put a pin on it.

Miss Peregrine thinks for a moment then finally speaks.

"I'm sorry, children. We can't remain here."

"What?" Me and Enoch both speak at the same time.

I can't leave this place. This is the only place I know as home since my mom died.

"We'll leave on the first ferry off the island tomorrow. Pack anything of importance. Then it's sandwiches and early to bed." She says grabbing the twins from the floor.

"Are we leaving for good?" Hugh asks.

"When are we coming back?" Fiona asks.

~My Anchor~ Enoch O'Conner x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now