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PARK SOO-JIN let out a huff as she tucked in the last chair that needed to be put away. It was the end of the day and the students were finishing cleaning up before going home for the day. This part was always Soo-Jin's least favorite as she had to be even closer to the people she hated most.

"Hey!" Someone yelled at Soo-Jin, capturing her attention. The Junior let out a long sigh before slowly turning around and seeing Lee Na-Yeon. "How was it?" She asked and Soo-Jin's eyebrows creased in confusion.

All she wanted to do was go home and sleep, not stay here and converse with people who think they're better than her just because they have more money or more friends.

"How was what, Lee Na-Yeon?" Soo-Jin shook her head, waiting for an answer. The two girls did not get on at all - in fact, they were worst enemies and if they were put in a room alone together, there would be no doubt that they would go at each other's throats.

"You know, when you were fucked by-" she chuckled, nudging one of her friends that were stood beside her before being cut off. "your dad? Or your mum? Because either one was just great." She smirked knowing it was angering the girl.

It wasn't true of course, but Soo-Jin just loved seeing the girl get all worked up.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up you little whore!" Na-yeon scratched, picking up her backpack and shoving past Soo-Jin and leaving the class room; Na-Yeon's friends following after.

The short haired girl who was now left on her own let out a chuckle and grabbed ahold of her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Bitch." She muttered to herself before leaving the room and making her way outside to now head home.

As she was walking, she made sure to look around to see if any fights or such were about to break out so she could quickly jump in and fight too, but nothing like that happened. In fact, someone that she did not want to see at all, caught her eye.

Lee Su-Hyeok.

He was surrounded by a bunch of girls, most likely asking for his number or wanting to go on a date with him. Soo-Jin let out a scoff and rolled her eyes while shaking her head. She did not like Su-Hyeok at all, and it was no surprise that he was one of her enemies on her side, not so much his.

He was constantly getting praised for his good looks and nothing real special and Soo-Jin hated that. She hated it so much, that when they first started high school he tried to befriend her but she ended up slapping him across the face.

She continued walking and with every step, she got closer and closer to the exit of the hellhole and once she finally made it out, Park Soo-Jin let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally.." she whispered and began to head home where she'd then be in the warmth of her blankets.

It was the next day and she was on her way to school with her older sister beside her. The two girls were close. They did everything with each other and that definitely included getting in trouble together.

"Hey, you want one?" Park Mi-Jin offered her younger sister a cigarette, to which Soo-Jin kindly took one, lighting it with the lighter that was in her trouser pockets. "Look at those goodie-two-shoes." Mi-Jin lightly laughed as she hit Soo-Jin on the arm to get her attention.

Ahead of them were a bunch of students racing to get through the gates before the teachers stopped them and made them sign their names for being late.

"Idiots.." Soo-Jin shook her head, blowing out the smoke from her cancer stick and then finally putting it out with the bottom of her shoe.

Once the two girls had finally made their way to the gates, they were made to sign the sheet before walking through them. "I'll see you later." Mi-Jin told Soo-Jin who nodded and began walking off to get to class even though it hadn't started yet. She liked being early because then she could smoke a little more without anyone finding out.

Once she got there, she was over the moon to see no one. Putting her stuff down in her seat at the back, she walked over to the window and opened it before bringing out a cigarette and lighting it.

The park girl took an inhale from the snout and let out a slow exhale. Whenever she smoked, she found peace in it and she especially loved doing it when she was on her own, that way, she could just let her mind roll with the wind and let go of herself for a moment or two.

"You shouldn't be doing that." A feminine voice warned, causing Soo-Jin to open her eyes and turn her head back towards the door, only to see the class president, Choi Nam-Ra.

Choi Nam-Ra was the only person that Soo-Jin could tolerate in school. Their friendship began at the start of the year when they were made to be desk partners. At first, Soo-Jin didn't even bother talking to Nam-Ra; it was only when she saw that Lee Na-Yeon wouldn't leave her alone about being class president, that she decided to try and talk to her.

Soo-Jin liked Nam-Ra. She enjoyed talking with her and hanging with her and she was happy being friends with her - Nam-Ra too.

Soo-Jin let out a chuckle and reached her hand out to give the cigarette to the long haired girl. Nam-Ra sighed and took it from her before walking towards the window and inhaling it.

"What a bad bitch." Soo-Jin teased her, nudging the Choi girl playfully who smiled at her actions. "Shut up, Park Soo-Jin."

"Whatever you say, prezzy."

Okay, so this is the official first chapter. Not much has happened just yet, but trust me, a lot is about to.

Another chapter should hopefully be posted tonight, if not, tomorrow!

Have a great day/night <3

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