I am staying at the damn palace!!!!!

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The party wasn't exactly over.

But I was tired and Lucas suggested that if I wanted to, I could just leave.

"Okay. Uh.. I'll grab you some clothes later. For the time being, just borrow something of mine. If you need anything, Lucas's room is just beside yours," The princess explains.

She looks incredibly tired (and yet still  perfect) herself but I guess she is required to go back to the party.

"Thank you. Really. I don't know how to express my gratitude to you."

"As my brother said, there's no need for that," She flashes me a smile before walking out the door.

The room is nice. Really nice.

It's not as damp and dark as Damon's mansion.

I don't know about the rest of the castle but this room is actually really... homey.

I am too tired to actually turn on the lights and carefully look around the room. But I know it has has a white canopy bed close to window.

I walk out into the balcony and take a deep breath in.

I hear someone knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Tis I, mademoiselle!" Lucas's voice calls out.

I let out a little laugh before asking him to come in.

He is different than he looks. As stupid as that sounds.

It finally occurs to me. I've seen him before.

On group calls with Damon and other friends of his.

He always looked so... intimidating and scary.

But now, that I've actually talked to him, he's already one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

        We slow danced to atleast three songs, I tried a sip of wine from his glass for the first time. It wasn't that bad.

He showed me around the palace and plucked a yellow flower from the bushes and gave it to me. I kept it on the bedside table.

That was nice too.

He walks up to the balcony, leans forward on the railing.

His hair shines in the moonlight and his grey eyes close for a minute as he lets out a sigh.

"I hate these parties," He admits

That's surprising. He looked so...in his element there.


"I don't know. I used to love this. The fancy stuff, overly expensive champagne, hot girls," He looks at me, "Now this is just seems useless."

I don't know how to reply so I just nod.

"Although. Slow dances with pretty girls with pretty names is timeless."

I look down at my shoes, hoping he doesn't notice my huge smile and most definitely red cheeks.

"Do I seem arrogant to you?" He asks suddenly.

I shake my head.

That's the last word I'd use to describe him.

"Why would you even think that?"

"A lot of people say that. One said it tonight itself."

"What did they say?"

"That I let Esmeray's kindness get to my head. I am not a royal. Never will be. No matter how much the world treats me as such. I was just lucky."


He stares off into the distance, looking at nothing in particular but also at everything.

"I am sorry. You have bigger troubles than my public image. My bad," He laughs but there's no humour in it.

I want to hug him. But why can I?

He literally didn't even know I existed before tonight. Moreover, I don't want to come off as clingy or annoying.

This is the first night in years where I've felt...safe. Comfortable, even. Like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest and thrown far away.

I never thought I'd be a person who warms up to people so soon. But Lucas is... he's different.

"I don't know where my mother is," I blurt out.

He looks at me and nods, "I don't know where my mother is either. My father's dead. Kayan killed him. From then on, Essie stopped calling that monster her father."

My heart feels like it shrunk.

I feel so bad for him.

"Essie saved my life," He says, "We might not share the same blood and some people might never accept me as a royal but she's my sister. I'd protect her with my life because I will always, always be her brother."

"And you saved my life." I smile at him.

He did. I was around a hundred percent sure that tonight, I'd be dead if I went home.

He doesn't respond. Just smiles. I think..I think his might be my favourite smile ever.

We stand in silence, one of us letting out a sigh once in a while.

I excuse myself to go get changed, he asks if he should leave.

I don't want him to. I don't know why but I can't be alone.

So he stays in the balcony as I walk into the bathroom.

I am not sure when one of the maids kept a sweatsuit inside but I am grateful for it.

I strip of the dress and look at the bruises on my arm and stomach that are still prominent.

Why don't they just fade already?

Slipping into the shower and bracing myself for the cold water, I start thinking about Damon.

Not like missing him...just thinking about him.

To my surprise, comfortable warm water trickles down my bare skin.

I forgot I am in the palace.

I shake my head as if that would remove all thoughts of that...that creature.

I am not sure why I start crying but I do.

A sob erupts from the back of my throat as I hug my chest, tears mixing with the water from the shower.

I walk out of the shower, still sniffling as I dry myself and slip on the sweats.

They are a bit big result of malnourishment, I suppose.

"You okay?" Lucas asks as I walk out of the bathroom.

I nod my head but he frowns, clearly not believing me.

"Can I give you a hug?" He asks after a while.

I look up at him as he comes a bit closer.


He lets me close the distance between us, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest and letting me throw my hands around his neck.

I sigh into his chest, letting his shirt soak up the rest of my tears.

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