Just a filler chapter. Feel free to skip it.

I gained a bit of weight in just a few weeks. My nails have lost that blue tint and I got my period back.

Thanks to Susan's delicious cooking and Lucas's hangouts that always involved me eating.

At first it was so hard. And he was so patient. But then, very slowly, eating didn't feel like a crime.

I don't know if it's too soon or whatever but I think I might be developing some...feelings for Lucas.

He doesn't feel that way, I am sure. Which is why I need to get rid of these feelings.

I trust him. I do, really. But after being with Damon for so long, I think... there are things I might never recover from.

And how long have I even known Lucas?

No matter how sweet, how patient and how charming he might seem now... will he be like this a few years down the line?

I have read articles and magazines about the 'royal duo' and the people they have dated. These two, they are not ideal people to look up to when it comes to relationships.

And Lucas admits it.

"I fucked up. Many times. I've hurt people. And y'know at the time, when I was younger, that shit seemed cool. Like...I get to pick and choose and move on to a new one. It gave me a sort of validation. But looking back at it now, I hate myself for that," He told me once.

I mean... people change. Obviously. But what if, a few months or years down later Lucas and I go on actual dates and start a relationship?

Will that be something that's permanent or will their be an article about me and him too?

I know, I am thinking too much about something that's probably never going to happen.

But I already feel like we're moving too fast.

It's been only a little while since the party where we first met and I already feel like Lucas is the best friend I have ever had and Esmeray is like an older sister to me.

Azrael and I aren't close. He's more of a loner, from what I've heard from Essie. He stays in his room most of the time and only comes out a few times. Either to meet Esmeray and get food or to go the library.

Esmeray is a busy person so most of my time is spent with Lucas.

We're so different. But he's so fun and comfortable to be around.

But sadly he's busy too, today.

So, with nothing better to do, I am shopping with Susan.

"That dress is so beautiful!" She exclaims, pointing to a store that we just walked past.

I forgot how beautiful these streets are. The exterior walls of the houses and the stores are all mostly white. There are flower pretty much everywhere. Children run around. It's...It's so pretty.

Somehow, through all the wars and all the pain the king causes, these people have more of a life than the royals can ever have.

The people are happy. The kids are being kids. And what was Esmeray doing when she was their age? Running a kingdom.

"Oh my god, yes!"

We walk back to that shop and ask for the dress on the mannequin in my size.

Lucas is paying.

"I am so sorry I can't hang out today but I heard you're going shopping with Susan so here's my credit card. The pin is 3-7-6-8," He said this morning right before I left.

I was so surprised and I obviously declined first but then he got all cute and pouty and insisted that I do this for him. And I figured that what harm can a little shopping do to the brother of a princess?

The dress that we're looking at is clearly for winter. And that's okay. Autumn in the Capital is like first few weeks of winter anyway.

It looks a bit vintage. The dress itself is beige and the top of it is kind of like a tie up corset in the front. And it comes with a super soft, long princess sleeved woolen white sweater kind of thing that goes under the dress.

I try it on and it fits like a dream.

"You look like a dream," Lucas says when I video call him to show the dress, "Please buy this."

I giggle and ask him to hang up because I have to take it off now.

He bought me a phone too. Imagine being spoilt by a person you haven't even know for long. Not complaining by any means.

Anyways, he reluctantly hangs up and I decide that I am definitely buying this dress.

We buy the dress, walk around for a little longer, grab some brunch and head back to the palace.

"I am so sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could hangout for longer but I really have to get back to work."

I assure her that it's okay and I go to my room.

I am in a good mood today and kind of want to dress up. Haven't done that because I wanted to in a long time.

It's still too hot to wear the dress but there's some other outfits I can wear today.

Such as my second favourite outfit of the day. A blue cardigan with daisies drawn on it that doesn't do much other than look cute and brown trousers.

I throw on a white tank top under the cardigan and call it a day.

My hair won't be hard to do because Esmeray made my room fully furnished and to her fully furnished also means all the hair styling stuff, hair care, skin care and makeup that you can imagine.

Again, I am not complaining. At all.

After about an hour and a half of messing around with all of the shit in my room, I am finally done and I never say this, but I think I look good. Just a tiny bit.

My hairstyle is basically a beach curled ponytail, with some loose front strands and a braid that's wrapped around the rubber band.

My phone rings beside me. It's Lucas. Video call.

I show him the outfit through the mirror and he starts taking a billion screen shots.

"Holy macaroni, you look amazing. My own fucking angel. No wait... Pearl. Cause y'know they're one of the most precious and beautiful things found in the ocean. Get it?"


I liked that a little more than I should've.

"Shut up," I laugh, trying so hard to not blush and melt into a puddle.

"Hey, I am going to the library. I'll talk to you when you are free. Okay?" I tell him.

"Okay. bye, pearl."

He hangs up. I let out a squeal and fall back on the bed, giggling like a schoolgirl that just made eye contact with her crush.

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