Giddy, blushy and happy

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We've been driving for about an hour. Azrael has fallen asleep and Esmeray has put headphones on.

Which was weird, considering the fact that she's driving but I guess it's a witch thing.

        Our car is small, probably so that we can go by unnoticed. Not that there's anyone to notice.

 Queloband at night can be scary. No one comes out. It's ghostly and alone.

There's duffel bags between me and Lucas.

I want to be closer to him.

       As surprising at it sounds, it's didn't take long for me to adapt to these people, understand them and learn how they function.

Esmeray is seemingly the toughest one of us all but she's the one who needs the most love. She doesn't like most people but she'd do anything for you if she did.

To be honest, I feel like she'd do anything for me and I've only known her for a few weeks.

Azrael is the quiet one. The poet, the calm waves to Esmeray's blazing fire. He's the love Esmeray needs. I just hope she helps him help her.

And Lucas...Lucas is everything.

He's tough, he's sweet and he's just so amazing. Yes, he's been through a lot but he always makes sure that others around him are laughing.

But he's more than Esmeray's brother or a comedic relief. He's a good person. I know it. The way he treats me, knowing just fragments of my past but still somehow understandings everything is amazing.

"You're staring," Lucas whispers to me.

His eyes twinkle with an emotion I don't quite understand.

But it's enough to make me blush.

I look down at my fingers and mumble an apology.

But then I hear him moving the duffel bags towards his car door side. I look at him again as he shifts closer to me, his leg brushing against mine.

"I am tired. Ocean Willow Cynthia, will you do me the honour of being my pillow?" He asks and I nod in response because I think I might've lost my ability to form coherent sentences.

He turns around with his back to me, puts his legs on the duffel bags and drops his head on my lap.

I feel him staring at me at me but I can't make eye contact so I just look outside the window.

He's a tall guy which is why he needs to move his legs around a bit before he can find a comfortable position.

"This okay? Tell me and I'll get up."

"I'll ask Esmeray to kill you if you get up."

He lets out a single laugh before nuzzling up against my lower stomach.

Somehow, I seem to have forgotten just how insecure I am about that part of my body.

Instead of being nervous of what he will think, I let out a small giggle and feel him smile against my skin.

"Hey, Pearl?" He calls, his voice thick with sleep.


He says something but I tune it out because no. He can't possibly have said that. Not to me.

He's tired. He's not thinking straight. That's it.

"You what?" I ask.

"Nothing. Sorry."

I feel weird. It's weird to think that someone could like me like that No, he didn't mean it.

He looks up at me, grinning as if he said nothing. Pretending as if I didn't hear it.

"Hair," He says and surprisingly, I know exactly what he means.

My fingers run through his messy hair and down his cheek. My palm rests on the crook of his neck before I trail my finger back up his cheek and into his hair. I continue the process until I feel him slump against my skin.

I look down at him and see him fast asleep. 

I physically cannot stop smiling. I play with his hair while looking out the window. 

The moon looks so beautiful tonight.

I see Esmeray looking at us through the rear view mirror with a smirk.

I frown and she mouths the words, "Get it, girl."

I laugh as quietly as I can, trying not to wake the big baby on my lap. 

I never thought I'd say this while being with runaway criminals who also happen to be royalty but I am truly, utterly, completely happy.

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