The return of The Queens: Part 3

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{Ms. Bustier's class Pov}

Alya walked into class with a huffy attitude and sat down at her and Lila's desk grumbling. Lila followed suit but she looked as though she didn't know what to do. Poor girl. Marinette is really becoming something unrecognizable. Lila didn't deserve this bull.

Nino and the rest of the class took in Alya and Lila's behavior.

"What's wrong Babe, Lila?" Nino asked concerned.

"I don't know if I should say." Lila said, looking downcast and afraid.

"Is it Marinette again?" Alix asked.

Lila stayed silent but nodded and looked down at her and Alya's desk.

"I just don't know what I did wrong. She's been so mean and rude to me since my first arrival here and all I've been trying to do is be her friend. *fake sad sigh* But I guess she thinks herself too important and popular to be friends with me. After all who would want to be friends with plain old Lila?" Lila said, soaking up the uproar of anger towards the bluenette that began. These idiots were ever so easy to fool.

"What did that lying, deceiving, jealous, entitled b*tch do now?!" Alix shouted.

"Lila finally got the courage to tell me this morning that apparently Marinette cornered her in the restroom when she first got back from her trip to Achu and threatened to take away all her friends and turn us against her. After Marinette left the restroom Lila broke down in tears in a stall and was nearly akumatized." Alya began explaining.

"What?!" Most of the class exclaimed in anger and hurt.

Adrien however froze. That didn't happen. At least, the Marinette threatening Lila and Lila nearly getting akumatized because of it. Sure she got akumatized that same day, but that was after his run in with Lila. And she was coming from the girls restroom at that time. Could she have threatened Marinette that day? It was highly possibly at this point in time.

"That's not even the half of it. After Lila began apologizing to me and panicking that I probably don't believe her as this was my "best friend" she was talking about, I told her I believed her, as much as I wish it weren't true I know she wouldn't lie to me. I then asked her if there was anything else. She after a moment of silence admitted that Marinette has apparently been stealing her designs and taking credit for them and writing them off as her own. I confronted Marinette through text this morning but she hasn't replied yet. Probably biding her time and panicking that she was caught. I demanded that when she comes to school this morning that she had better apologize to Lila infront of us and Ms. Bustier along with what she did. Also Adrien, please call your Father on Lila's behalf and tell him what Marinette did and have her blacklisted in everything fashion and so the proper credit can be given to the right person." Alya said, the last bit of what she said she said while looking to Adrien.

That began an even bigger uproar throughout the classroom.

Adrien tensed at that request. Marinette would never steal someone else's designs. He knew that. They should know that. He noticed Lila's smug look. She wasn't directing it at him and her face was still facing downward to her and Alya's desk. He may of advised Marinette take the high road, but no more would he tell her to. Lila was going down one way or another. Even if he had to cut ties with his classmates who he thought were his and Marinette's friends.

Adrien for the first time spoke up against Lila's lies.

"That's funny. The whole Marinette threatening Lila in the girls restroom and leaving her alone in there. What time was this?" Adrien asked.

"Lunch time. After the whole napkin incident and Marinette stormed away from everyone. I excused myself to go to the restroom and freshen up and she suddenly walked in and started threatening me." Lila answered.

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