The first guardian of the Miracle Box

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This oneshot doesn't have any salt or sugar. I know that that kinda defeats the purpose of the name of the title of this book.

Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or this trend. But I own the plot of this oneshot.

"Hey Tikki?" Marinette called out to her kwami.

"Yes Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"What was your guys first guardian like? I mean, you all are thousands or years old, so your first guardian had to have been a long long time ago, right?" Marinette asked.

"Right." Tikki said and held a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Our first guardian.. she was perfect. She was kind and smart, she was beautiful and strong. She was as great as they come. She was there when we were, born is the best to describe it. She took care of us, she played with us, she taught us things, she helped us control our powers and abilities. She was like a mother to us." Tikki said, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"I'm sorry I ask such a sensitive question. You don't have to continue if you don't want to or if you can't." Marinette apologized gently.

"No, I want to continue. It is still a sensitive topic to us all, but we can't not talk about her." Tikki said.

"Okay, if you are sure. Continue when you're ready." Marinette said gently.

Tikki nodded. She gave herself a moment to collect herself before continuing on.

"One day however, we were attacked. Our guardian created a portal that would teleport to the guardian temple that had just finished being built by the other guardians and kwami's. She stayed behind to fight but said that we would see her again some day. I never knew what she meant by that as she had died from a fatal wound. But thinking on it it's possible she was talking about reincarnation. I don't know though as she had left no clue or hint to what she meant." Tikki said sadly.

"I am sorry for you and the others loss. She sounds wonderful. I would have loved to meet her." Marinette said.

"Thank you, it means a lot coming from you." Tikki said as she sniffled.

"Come now Tikki, let us do something else to cheer you up." Marinette said as she scooped up Tikki and gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

"Can we watch some of those funny cat videos?" Tikki asked perking up slightly.

"Yes we can. Would you like a cookie?" Marinette asked.

"Yes please." Tikki said and her eyes lit up.

"Alright then." Marinette said.

Marinette got Tikki her cookie the the two began watching funny cat videos.

{Time-skip to a few months later/After Miracle Queen}

"Hey Tikki?" Marinette called to Tikki.

"Yes Marinette?" Tikki asked, looking to Marinette from where she was talking to the other kwami's.

"Remember a few months ago I asked you about your first guardian and you told me about her?" Marinette asked.

"Yes." Tikki answered, wondering where her holder was going with this.

The other kwami's looked shocked at that. Plagg was there too and he was shocked as well. That information wasn't commonly told by kwami's to the newer guardians. Though, he didn't mind that Marinette knew because he trusts her.

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