Chara Amora Stone: Part 3

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Chara arrived at her school in time for the first bell to go off. She ran inside, up the stairs, and into her class. She sprinted to her seat in the back and sat down. She made sure to put her back on the side closest to the window and away from the people in the room that would gladly destroy it or steal it. Or in Lila's case plant something in it to get me in trouble once again. Really that girl was pathetic and petty. No wonder she lies about having a perfect, amazing, cool life, she's too lazy and too much of a social climber to get a real life.

Ms. Bustier for some reason had to step out real quick right after Marinette had arrived. Leaving Lila and the WLS (A/N: Worship Lila Squad) to taunt her and make an unnecessary ruckus. Or to ask her if she heard about Lila's latest delusional lie.

"Hey Mari! Didn't you hear that Lila is Jagged Stone's daughter? Isn't that cool?! If you stop being such a petty bully and apologize to Lila and make amends with Lila I'm sure she wouldn't mind putting in a good word for you to her Dad to get him to commission you again! She could even get you into a really elite fashion school or internship with someone!" Alya asked in excitement.

"Yeah Mari! I could do all of that and so much more! You know since I'm really good at modeling I could model your designs and they would for sure sell even faster and better! Heck, I could help you design since I was given a few points by Diana Prince and even Adrien's Dad! All you need to do is apologize to me for being mean to me and for trying to take my friends away by trying to lie and say that I'm lying and it'll all be water under the bridge!" Lila purred. Not that anyone except Chara and Lila herself noticed.

Chara looked unamused and unconvinced.

"I have nothing I need to apologize for. You are lying, it's not my fault that I had tried to warn my supposed friends in hopes to protect them. Nor is it my fault that they are ruining their futures by believing your lies and following them blindly. That's on them for forgetting common sense is a thing and for forgetting that Google is a thing and that they can easily use it. And it's certainly not my fault that you are so pathetically sad and delusional that you have to lie about yourself to make you feel better and be a social climber all because you don't want to put in any effort at being a decent human being. That's on you all so don't bring me into it." Chara said straight faced. Oh she knew that would piss them off, she was in fact counting on it, Hawkass be danged.

Everyone was stunned before Lila burst into poorly acted crocodile tears.

"I *hic* don't know *hic* why you are s- so *hic* m- mean *hic* to m- me. All I wa- wanted was t- to *hic* be fr- friends *hic*." Lila sobbed. Despite the poor acting her WLS came to her immediate defense. But Chara of course cut them off.

"Y'all are dumb. Dumb as hell. You don't even as my side of the story or if you decide to you immediately say I'm lying and jump down my neck. Alya you even told be a good reporter always checks their facts. Have you? No. You especially take what comes out of Lila's mouth face value. You have only known her for a few months, and you've prior to her first coming here have known me for around a year almost two. Yet you throw all that away cause you found a better meal ticket. Look in the mirror the next time you wanna call me a petty, jealous, entitled, nobody that will get nowhere in life except as some guys on the side." Chara said. And for good measure she glared at them, daring them to be stupid enough to try to say something back to her.

Adrien was stupid enough to try but was interrupted by the classroom door opening and walk back in, in a hurry.

Everyone who was standing up or not fully sitting down sat down quickly. No one except Chara and Chloe noticed Lila's supposed tears no more and no trace of her sobbing was left. Clearly she doesn't know how to act worth dit.

Chara turned her head away and her glare turned into a straight face thin lipped expression.

Ms. Bustier took notice of Chara's expressions but didn't say anything. She instead cleared her throat.

*Insert clearing throat noise*

"Attention everyone, we have a new student joining us today." Ms. Bustier announced.

Whispered chatter broke out.

"He's come all the way from London." Ms. Bustier continued.

A few perked up at this, remembering that Adrien's cousin Felix was from London.

"Please come in." Ms. Bustier called to someone out in the hall. And low and behold, it was Felix Graham de Vanily.

Outraged gasps came from most of the students in the room. Adrien and Chloe had a surprised experience and Chara looked intrigued.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" Ms. Bustier asked, taking notice of the reactions around the room and deciding to ignore them.

Felix rolled his eyes in distain but nodded and did so.

"As most of you know my name is Felix Graham de Vanily and I am Adrien's cousin." Felix said.

Ms. Bustier frowned.

"Why don't you tell us something about yourself?" She asked, in an encouraging tone.

Felix rolled his eyes again but did so anyway.

Everyone perked up at this. Despite most of them not liking him and still hold a grudge against him they were curious about what they may learn about him.

Felix took notice of this and cackled on the inside knowing what he was about to do was going to tick most of them off.

"I don't care to make friends nor am I hear to make friends so don't make mediocre attempts at befriending me or anything of the sort. Only reason I talk to Chloe is because her family is an allie to my family. That is all." Felix said sternly.

Ms. Bustier frowned even more and opened her mouth to try to say something but Felix, knowing what she was going to say cut her off.

"What? You said to you something about myself, you never specified in what genre. So I told you something about me and I'm sticking to it. Now, can I sit down so class can get started?" Felix asked.

"Y- yes, of course. There's a empty seat by Marinette, Marinette raise your hand. And she can give you a tour as well when class is over." Ms. Bustier stuttered, not expecting that kind of response.

Chara raised her hand and Felix internally groaned cause Chara to internally cackle in amusement. Lila's hand immediately shot up.

"Ms. Bustier! I think it would be beneficial if he were to sit by me and I give him the tour! I know Marinette is the class president and all, but I'm considering running next class president election and it's never to early to make a good impression on your fellow new students! And I don't want Felix to hear certain rumors about me and decide that I'm not worth getting to know in order to see if the certain rumors are wrong." Lila exclaimed. Felix looked hotter than Adrien. If she were to land herself as his girlfriend more girls would be jealous of her being his girlfriend than if she were to be Adrien's girlfriend.

"That's a great idea! Felix- " Ms. Bustier began only to once again get cut off by Felix.

"Actually it's not. For one, why have someone move seats when there is clearly one available at the back and as I don't have hearing or seeing problems I will be fine sitting in the back as long as my seating partner is respectful of my space and distract me I'm fine. Two, I rather get a tour from Mademoiselle Dupain Cheng rather than Mademoiselle Rossi because as Mademoiselle Dupain Cheng is class president she would be able to answer any questions I may have about the school rather than Mademoiselle Rossi as she is still new to the school and doesn't know certain things about it yet. Now I would like to take my seat in the back so we can quit wasting class time." Felix cut in. He, not even waiting for a response took his seat in the back and gave Ms. Bustier a look that said "start the lesson."

Chara was internally cracking even more. Chloe not being far behind her. Lila was fuming and Ms. Bustier scrambled around to getting attendance done before starting the lesson.

Lila would just have to get some time with him later.

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