No, Not Really....

325 7 3

3rd pov

For starters, life is amazing, and short, and wonderful...

But for (y/n), it's just pure torture.

Not being able to talk with very limited moves, it's hell.

(y/n) sighs inwardly as she mopped the floors of one of the decks in the submarine.

The sun slowly rising in the horizon as it painted purple and indigo in the sky, the stars and moon bidding its farewell to the world and the sun saying its hello.

She hummed as the stars that once shone brightly in the sky slowly faded.

'rain... It's going to rain soon' she thought while finishing her own job.

"you're up early" her captain hummed behind her as he leaned against the doorway.

(y/n) wore a mask that covered her entire face, restraining him from seeing her 'normal' expression, which was just her being stoic and serious.

She turned and saw him.

Black raven hair completely blending in with his silver eyes that always seemed to glow, his side burns and goatee were neatly kept as he wore a black skin tight shirt that showed his perfect pecks that made women fall to their knees and men raging with jealousy.

(y/n) never saw what all the women meant about him being a 'gentleman' and a 'perfect husband/boyfriend' if he even felt this so called 'love' that made people weak and vulnerable.

She always wondered if those women were high on drugs or just touch starved, or even both.

"say, why are you always up this early? I think you don't sleep, even." he asks with concern.

But, (y/n) was yet to believe that.

Him? Trafalgar d. Water law? The surgeon of death? Be concerned?

He would've been if one of his crew mates observe the lack he wants in them, such as good productivity, but never in her entirety in the crew did she ever hear him bring this up.

Only when he wants 'enjoyment'.

Which is him just teasing the two women on the crew.

Ikkaku and Serbia.

But (y/n)? She doesn't classify herself as either male or female, neither, actually.

But, she just let's people call her him/her/he/she/they/them.

Whatever they want

But internally, she would rather be called she/her since she's used to it growing up with unknown people who now know she is just used to it.

The people who....

Know her by heart.

"(y/n). What're you doing up this hour?" he called, snapping (y/n) out of her own stream of thoughts.

She shook her head and turned to her job once again.

Law stayed there for a few minutes before leaving.

'he... He's always on to me. Is he just waiting for me to be at my low to tease? Either way... I don't trust him, not anyone here.' (y/n) thought.

Despite the fact that she's a 3 year pirates of the heart crew member, she never once said out loud that she trusted any of them.

Especially Serbia.

She's a stupid human being, one that acts dumb to men, one that would literally wear a bikini in public just to gain attention.

A scum to (y/n)'s eyes.

She just sighed and finished her job before moving to the other.

'I swear, if this day isn't gonna be any shittier, I'll kill myself'

Spoiler alert, it was shittier.

Just hearing Serbia's voice already scheduled her migraine.

"(y/n)!! What the hell did you do?!" Serbia yelled as she groaned inwardly.

'what is it this time?'

"you did my coffee wrong! It's horrible!"

'then make your own, goddammit'

"I want another one!" she demanded.

(y/n) just stared at behind the pale white mask that (y/n) wore.

She sighed and walked away to her next job.

'I'm not your damned slave' She growled, 'fuck your damned coffee. Make it yourself'

"hey! Where are you going?!" Serbia's voice slowly fades as (y/n) stomped silently and fast.

(y/n) sighed in relief when she lost Serbia.

'finally. Silence...'


'fucking hell.'

"everyone! Someone fell in the ocean!!" shachi yelled as everyone ran to the deck.

(y/n) didn't even bother and went ahead to her job.

Both to avoid people and avoid being seen.

But of course, she hates the sun

It shining on her skin, with the heat it gives.

The temperature of the sub was enough to make her sweat hard.

(y/n) sighs again and writes the things in need for supplying from the next island.

"(y/n)-ya," law called, his tired voice was strained by stress.

She turned to him

"the person that got shot out of the sky asked for your help."

'me?' she thought before nodding.


Law opened the door and saw a guy with dark brown over grown hair, red eyes, and round glasses.

"hey (y/n)... Nice to see you again" he hummed as she sighed.

Blood running down his forehead as he had a goofy smile and flew his arms to a t-pose.

'are you even kidding me-?'


'oh my God...'

The crew was just looking back and forth.

The guy's name was Wilbur.

No clear relation to (y/n) yet except 'friend' but too close.

Wilbur was also seemingly having a stable conversation with (y/n) despite her not even moving her lips and speaking

"(y/n)! Look what I can do!" Wilbur said as he did some swift dances and...

From the ocean's surface, droplets of water rise up into the air.

"day stars! Love it? Heh? Heh? Heh? And the best part is..." Wilbur said as he touched one droplet and sent him with electric sparks to the railing as the ship swayed a bit.

It caught (y/n) off guard and gasped.

"I'm fine! Don't worry, a small spark won't hurt. Would it?" he laughed as he went beside (y/n) again

(y/n) sighed

"you sound so disappointed in me. What did I do?"

'demo... You really had to do a demo.'

"of course I do! How would you know I wasn't lying, right?"

'I would've known you'd be this insane'

"oh shut up, I know you love me"

'maybe... Maybe I do'

no, not really (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now