Ch. 9

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3rd pov

Law practically dragged (y/n) back to his room and slammed the door locked and ripped her mask off, throwing it on his desk, landing on top of the books that just stood there.

"you fucking tease." law groaned and kissed her roughly

To which she immediately kissed back before chuckling at his very touchy yet possessive approach.

"what's so funny?" law asks as soon as he pulled away.

"you're so touch starved... It's fine though, I kinda like it..." (y/n) chuckled before kissing him softly.

Law calmed down and kisse dback as soft as it was.

(y/n) pulled back and kissed his cheek

"that's really cute of you... Although, I may point out that you're quite the jealous type, hmm?" (y/n) hummed in his ear before biting the shell of it.

This small action made him groan and somehow, to (y/n)'s confused yet amused mind, made him a harder

"didn't know you get aroused so easily" (y/n) admitted.

"we've done this more than once, (y/n). I thought you knew"

"no, no, I knew... I just didn't expect it every time" (y/n) laughs before pressing her lips to his in a small peck

Law hummed when she started to descend her sweet kisses down to his neck where she started teasing his sensitive skin.

It made him moan and growl whenever (y/n) would suck on a sweet spot even teased him by licking the part and missing it completely.

"(y-y/n)-ya... Keep doing that and I'm sure I won't stop myself..." law groaned.

(y/n) chuckled before stepping forward and making him sit on the sofa, she climbed up and straddled his legs as he wrapped his arms around her waist and his head bury in her neck, letting out soft breaths with a few moans or growls.

"who's stopping you? And besides, I'm in charge. Don't order me around." (y/n) growled dangerously against his ear as she bit down on his shoulder making him bite down his lower lip.

"(y/n)... Ya... That hurt a bit..."

"it was supposed to... Kiss me darling" (y/n) hums softly as she held his cheeks in her hands and kissed him softly.

His hands slowly crept up under her shirt and run along her back making her shiver.

"I said I'm in charge. Not you." she groaned before pulling on his shirt harshly and pulling it off completely for her

"long day?" (y/n) teased making him groan, "patience law... You're impatient, make sure to stay up"

Next day...

(y/n) slowly sat up with her just holding the blanket to her chest.

Her hair was kinda messy, but can still be excused as pretty.

Law groaned as he slowly opens his eyes.

(y/n) laughs softly before laying back down only for her to place a hand on his chest and her chin on his shoulder

"good morning prince charming" (y/n) teased as law chuckled, eyes still closed.

His arm went around her waist to pull her closer, she repositioned herself so that her head was partially on his chest as she kissed his jaw.

"slept well? You were so noisy last night. Had to silence you" she smirked as he now opened his eyes halfway and turned his body to her.

"yeah. I noticed. You placed a gag on me." law groaned as he buried his head in her neck while his arms that were now around her tightened.

"but you didn't even protest, you liked it even."

"hmph. I like it when you're dominant, that's that."

"you sure that's all? I'm pretty sure there's more..."

"hmm... Oh, and I love you.. Darling" law hummed.

"there's my morning star, I love you, too. Very much" (y/n) laughed.

"yay... Last night was the best I've had"

"you always say that..." she grumbled and kissed his forehead making him hum.

"really? I don't notice, but... Can you do that again sometime?" law asked as (y/n) hummed.

"fine, but you'll owe by then" she smiled softly and kissed him.

"juts... Don't die,"

"I won't... I will never" (y/n) hums.

"captain! We just reached an island!" shachi called

"already? We just left last night" (y/n) asks.

"hmm? Oh... Maybe it's not on the map? Our map isn't even that dated, tell him I'll be there... Please stay, I want to sleep more." law grumbled.

"captain's too tired shachi. We'll be there in a moment after I drag his sore ass out of bed!" (y/n) answered making Law perk up.

"what?" he asks as she giggled.

"okay" shachi simply answered and left.

"come on, this island could be out of the map for a reason. I want to check it out in the morning, who knows what's in it at night. Come on!" (y/n) said as she pushed law to his back and straddled his lap.

"hmm... Fine, but sleep with me later... Alright?" he got up slightly and used his elbows to prop himself up.

(y/n) cheered lightly before leaning down and kissed him.

"okay, I'll sleep here. Let's go! Time isn't gonna stop to anyone!" (y/n) said as she got off of him and picked up her clothes.

"let's take a bath together" law offered as (y/n) hummed a small 'sure.'


(y/n) wore his black shirt, which just stopped mid-thighs on her and she just paired it with some skinny jeans and black platform boots.

"you look cute hun, too bad you have to wear your mask" law hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek.

"pssh. You'll see me without it later anyway, what's your problem?" (y/n) asks as she puts it on.

"but I want to see you..." he whined

"what a child" (y/n) rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, "I'll just hold your hand instead, how's that?" she asks as she tangled her fingers with his.

"now this is perfect, come on..." law smiled.


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