Ch. 11

75 0 4

3rd pov

"here goes nothing I guess" (y/n) said as she knocked on the door where her mother would usually work in, so like her office or something.

"come in" her mother's soft voice called as (y/n) looked at law and sighs softly.

"come on..." law encouraged.

"okay" (y/n) nodded before opening the door.

Once the door opened, they saw a large desk in the middle of the room, a while wall covered in tinted glass behind it with thick and tall bookshelves covered the remaining walls.

"mother..." (y/n) calls softly as they entered and closed the door behind them

"hmm? (y/n)? You're home?" the soft voice stood up from behind the desk.

"yes mother... But, I'm just visiting because I, myself, is busy too..." (y/n) softly said

Law recognized her mother from somewhere.

When he was a kid before, he saw her.

She had black hair that was tied up into a bun with a knife through it acting as a hair pin, plain purple yukata that had small black flowers at the bottom, but what really outlined her features were those narrow yet heavy red eyes.

"oh my sweet baladeer, I missed you so much!" the mother went over to (y/n) and hugged her tightly.

The mother was at least taller than law by a few centimeters.

"you've grown so much darling, you're a fine woman!" her mother cooed.

"yes mother... This is... Embarrassing" (y/n) grumbled

"hehe, you've just grown so much dear, and I missed you..." she hummed.

"anyway, mother... This is my uh... Boyfriend, law, and law, this is my mother... Kristin" (y/n) introduced.

"hmm... Boyfriend? Never thought of you as the type, I actually thought you'd die as a lonely single person" the mother laughed as (y/n) sighed.

"mother... Please don't start now" (y/n) grumbled

"nice to meet you ma'am, I'm trafalgar law, it has been a pleasure to meet you" law casually said as (y/n) looked at him behind her mother and smiled before mouthing a small 'thank you' to him.

"my, such manners you have... I'm Kristin, nice to meet you too dear... Say, the first time I saw you was when you were... I don't know, we're you 10? Or 9?" Kristin asked.

"so that was you. And yes, it is 10"

"I'm quite glad you, survived that... I thought you're a goner to be honest, but you're a fighter, just like my daughter... Take care of her, as both her boyfriend and captain" Kristin said before pushing (y/n) over to him

"mother..." she sighed.

"I always will..." law hums.

"how do you know that mother? I just introduced him to you as my boyfriend"

"well, the stars aligned and fate caused you two to meet and love each other, isn't that nice?" Kristin giggles.

"just like you (y/n), but you're too scientific" law chuckled

"hey! That's just facts"

Kristin chuckled softly

"now off you two go and get married" she said as law and (y/n) gasped right at her

"what?! M-mother but-"

"you're half a year now, aren't you? I don't mind you two marrying each other since, that's your decision, who am I, the goddess of death, to ever stop the decisions of humans?" Kristin hums.


"and besides, I think he's planning to anytime now... Aren't you?"

"w-what...? No... I wasn't, just thinking of that..."

"so you were... Law..." (y/n) whined his name as law chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"law... You really thinking about that?"


"well, either way... Just know you have a home to go to whenever you're down, you're part of this family now, I don't mind you two dating..."

"and here I thought it would be difficult" (y/n) sighs

"I don't know why, but same..." law sighed too.

Kristin chuckled inwardly

'they are so perfect for each other...' Kristin hums

"we'll be going now mother, we still have some business in the ship to attend to, I guess we can see you at dinner?" (y/n) looked at law as he nods in approval.

"okay..." Kristin said

"that was refreshing" (y/n) sighed as law chuckled.

"yeah, I thought she'd be so uptight"

"me too" (y/n) hummed

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Later that night...

Law can't sleep, he kept shifting in his sleep.

Before deciding to wrap his arms around (y/n) and placed his head on her chest, sighing while listening to her slow and steady heartbeat.

Before feeling it vibrate with a groan past her lips.

She then hummed and placed a hand over his cheek before running up to tangle themselves into his black raven locks.

"why are you still awake?" She whispered quietly.

Law chuckled knowing she was half asleep and has a 99 percent chance she won't remember it the next day.

"I can't sleep..." law hums as he pulled her closer.

"at least close your eyes and try to sleep... You need it, quite literally" (y/n) said softly.

"I know but- I just can't... You know?"

"what's bothering you? I know there is, don't even lie to me" she mumbled.

"I'm not intending to..."

"then please, tell me... So that I can try my best to help you"

"well... About what your mother said earlier..." law went shy all of a sudden.

"hmm...? What is?"

"me, marrying y-you...?"

"oh, that... Do you think she isn't serious?"

"well... I know she's serious, but... I don't know... If I asked you to marry me, what would you say?" he's taking the risk. There's still a one percent chance she's gonna remember that.

And it's not slim. It's a whole number.

"that would be a dream... Darling, I love you so much that I would want to marry you more than once" she laughs.

"hmm... Then... I know a ring would be a valuable and very important thing for a married person so..."

"you don't know what ring I like? I don't care about the ring itself, as long as the intention is there and pure... I don't care what it looks like" (y/n) hums softly.

"you don't care about the jewel? Even plain is good?"

"yes, I don't care about the gemstones most women would like, or the fancy bling to any ring a man could get. All I care is the intention the ring could give."

"that's very reasonable. But.... What about the wedding itself?"

"heh, as long as I see you happy, it already makes me happy..." she hums.

Law just chuckled before yawning.

"time to sleep my cute doctor" she hummed softly.

"don't call me that" law groaned and buried his face deeper into her chest

"but it's cute on you"


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