Ch. 5

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3rd pov

It has now been 6 days since they left the island.

(y/n) stared at the sword in her lap.

It's n ame is the skyward sword, she think.

Lumine gave it to her as a gift,

(y/n) actually complained that it was the color of the blue sky, not that she hates it, the sword actually glows like the blue sky, it hurts her eyes

Lumine explained that the sword reflects on the sky, base on the name.

If it's night time, the sword will turn into that beautiful starry night that (y/n) love.

She actually didn't want to accept it since Lumine can use it for herself, but paimon insists that she should take it.

(y/n) just sighs before placing the sword on her bed and got up to stretch and yawn silently.

"(y/n)!" Wilbur yelled through an open portal causing her to fall forward because of the sudden yell.

Like it's any better that Wilbur yelled right exactly in her right ear, which was very sensitive to loud noises.

'fucking hell wilbur' (y/n) grunted as Wilbur apologized

"(y/n), do you mind if we visit tomorrow?" Wilbur asks

'we...? Who? Me with you? Or you with someone else?'

"me with techno, my twin..." Wilbur hummed.

'fine. Just... Don't do what I know you'll do.'

"hehe, thanks (y/n)!" Wilbur said

'I gotta tell them to stop that... Or else...' (y/n) sighed.

"(y/n)-ya, are you in there?" law called

'no. No I'm not' (y/n) scoffed

"(y/n)-ya, this is kinda important so... Answer me." law said

'ugh. If my life isn't just fucked up.' (y/n) groaned before walking over to the door

She was about to open it before remembering her mask.

(y/n) went ahead and grabbed her mask before putting it on and opening the door as law hummed.

"I knew you were inside." he smiled

'what do you want?'

"well, I was thinking..."


'oh my God. So professional' (y/n) huffs as law chuckled.

"Just thinking, i want to meet your brothers."

'that wasn't what I expected...'

"not expected? I mean, I want to know if they're as skilled as you..."

'you just want to know my family. Don't you?'

Law opened his mouth before closing it

'called it.'

"come on, I want to know... I mean... Meet them..."

'you already met one of my brothers.'

"I.... Did? If so, who is it...? Is it klione-ya?"

'no. No. He's my far cousin. He knows me and I know him. But we're not close.'

"so you are related to him... Then who's your brother"

'someone very annoying who showed up out of nowhere.'

"very annoying that showed out of nowhere..." law hummed, "is it... Wilbur-ya? I swear if it's him, I'm gonna question life."

'yep. He's my second oldest brother.'

"no way! You act nothing like him!"

'I mean... Duh... He's a boy and I'm a girl,'

"that's not what I meant.."

'oh? Then what is?'

"can we talk inside your room? I can hear someone coming" law said as (y/n) sighed and pulled him in

"your room is fucking dark, then again... I think that's normal for you" law said as he opened the lamp.

'what is?'

"I mean, he's your older brother... You're supposed to pick maybe a few things from him, then again, as far as I know, you act nothing like him... Unless you act childish around the people who truly know you"

'I am not childish, my mother said I "inherited" this trait of mine from my oldest brother, which would've made sense since the asshole is too serious and talks little to nothing.'

"hmm.. That sounds like you... When can I meet your oldest brother?"

'oh my fuckin- oh well,' (y/n) sighed, 'tomorrow, Wilbur told me he and techno will come and "visit". I think that's just a cover and excuse to annoy me'

"tomorrow? Huh, that's sooner than I actually expected. But anyway, I'm looking forward to it" law grinned.

'I think you and my oldest brother will get along perfectly.' (y/n) hums

"how so?"

'the man is a doctor, he's also a sadist, more than you actually'

"really? Then I like that man already"

'just you wait until you hear what his cheer is when fighting the government.'

"really what is it?"

'there's no way I'm singing asshole. Now get out. Goodnight. I hope you have a nightmare so bad you can't go back to sleep. Off. Off you go..' she said as he pushed him out and slammed the door behind him

Law just chuckled.

'was that a threat?' he asked himself.

Next day...

"(y/n)!!" Wilbur yelled as he jumped out of the portal.

"FUCK!!" (y/n) yelled as she fell from where she sat making Wilbur howl a very loud laughter.

"wow (y/n), he scared the voice out of you?" her oldest brother's deep voice said as he stepped through the portal.

Already having a wide grin on his face

"shut your mouth pig." (y/n) groaned.

"get up sis" Wilbur laughs as he helped her get up.

Techno chuckled

He has long pastel pink hair that was tied into a braid, he had red eyes, but when his power activates, his whole eye turns black and a white ring serves as his pupil.

"beautiful response, sister, wonderful response." techno chuckled as (y/n) groaned and punched his shoulder.

"(y/n)-san...?" ikkaku called.

"huh...? Oh, I remember you... Who are you?" Wilbur asks.

'urgh. Can I please have inner peace?' (y/n) groaned

"who's this (y/n)? Who's this... Er.... Woman...?" Wilbur asks.

(y/n) sighed deeply.

"this is ikkaku, Wilbur... I don't know what she does since I don't actually care." (y/n) shrugged.

"(y/n).... Just spoke...?" ikkaku sighs.

"oh-oh! I have an idea!"


"that's a stupidly funny idea" techno agreed

"that's quite funny... For someone who acts serious." ikkaku laughs

"yeah? Yeah?!" Wilbur asks (y/n).

"fine, I'll do it. You three owe me!"

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