Chapter 6: The First Day

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Outside of the house, the bots and copies that Ui and the team made were everywhere, monitoring the other players.

Kez: Wow. The number of the bots we managed to make with your duplicator is astonishing.
Riko: Indeed.
Instructor: Morning, son. Morning, team.
Riko: Morning, Dad. Are you and the others in the lab able to see us okay through the bots.
Instructor: I've been informed that we can see you crystal clear.
Riko: Ok, good. By the way, the NerveGear doesn't interact with or affect our headsets, do they?
Instructor: Nope. Don't worry about a thing. We will not stop monitoring you until this project is over.
Kiyu: Before I forget, I'm going to introduce you to the other players as the guy who will assemble Kirito's team, and we can go from there. Ok.
Riko: Ok?

At the fountain, the team greets the players for the briefing.

Kiyu: Good morning, everyone. I hope things have dialed down since Kayaba's frightening message yesterday, but nonetheless, we have a plan. For any inquiries, you can come to us. You can call us the "Future Folks," or FF for short.
Instructor: Huh. I kinda like that name.
Kiyu: For anyone who's confused or wondering why there are several bots flying around, these are essentially peacekeeping bots. You can compare them to policemen or their cars when you're driving on the highway or walking around a city. If you just keep doing what you're doing, help others and not break any laws that would be laws in the real world, you're all good. But if you do, you'll get what's coming to you. Also, don't try breaking the bots because they are indestructible. Every zone should be a safe zone with these bots flying and roaming around.
Riko: I guess it is good to specify what the bots are, but I think we should move on to the introductions.
Kiyu: Oh, right. This is Riko. He will be assembling a small, elite team that will help us clear the game. The guy to my far-left is Gus. For any transportation or flying matters, he's the guy to go to. On my far-right is Kez. You can turn to him for battle and weaponry inquiries. And I'm Kiyu. You can ask me for help with anything. Same goes for Ui, who is our leader.
Kez: She's not here right now because she's taking care of something elsewhere.
Kiyu: We'll also be forming two defending groups that you may feel free to join at any time. If you're good with a sword, I recommend the "Knights of the Blood Oath." If you aren't, you can join the "Aincrad Liberation Force," or ALF for short. We'll put up a bulletin board around here later for signup sheets, as well as meeting times and locations.
Riko: *whispering* These are guilds, not college clubs.
Kiyu: We will also need one or more flying groups. That shall be explained later when we have the necessary tools and equipment. For now, carry on with your virtual lives, and we'll update you whenever anything new comes up. Thanks for listening, have a nice day, and be careful out there.
Inspector: Wait. Call Lisbeth while everyone's still here.
Kiyu: The blacksmith lady from Kirito's team?
Inspector: Yes.
Kiyu: Wait, everyone! Before you go, we seek someone named Lisbeth.

The group hears a distant voice from inside the crowd: "Um...that's me!"

Kiyu: Please come up here.
Kez: Don't worry. You're not in trouble. We just want to talk about an idea!
Lisbeth: Uh...ok, I'm coming.
Kez: Ok everyone, go about your day.

The large group of players slowly disbanded, though one came up to Kiyu and asked:

"What about our parents and our families? We can't communicate with them while we're in here."

Kiyu: We've taken that into account, and Ui is taking care of that as we speak.

The player nods and thanks him before running off. Meanwhile, Ui comes to the fountain to meet up with the team.

Ui: Ok. I've told the police everything I know, and they're on their way to arrest Kayaba now.
Inspector: Good job, Ui. Did you tell them to not let him out of their sight so he doesn't kill himself?
Ui: I did. And I told them to call me back after questioning. I told them I'm working with a professional as a means of reporting him, i.e. you, and that I'm not making any of this up.
Inspector: Ok, good. We will most likely need him for this. That corrupt son of a... Anyway, talk with Lisbeth about the blacksmith shop, and bring your weaponry, spare wings, and Riko's duplicator to whichever building you choose for the shop.
Kez: Roger that.

Meanwhile, in the real world, cops barge into Argus Headquarters to swiftly arrest Kayaba and bring him in for questioning.

Cop 1: Kayaba Akihiko, you are under arrest for the entrapment of the players within Sword Art Online and attempted mass-murder!
Kayaba: What? But I didn't kill anyone.
Cop 2: Save it for questioning.
Kayaba: But-
Cop 1: You have the right to remain silent!

The cops continue to read the rest of his rights as they take him in for questioning.

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