Chapter 14: The Rescue

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Yui: Look at all those players. Trapped inside of this game without having a choice as to whether or not they wanted this. And all of these overflowing negative emotions. I wish the directive never forced me to stay here alone. Who knows what these emotions could do to them. They could go insane, or worse. *shudders* I'm scared just thinking about it.

As Yui pondered over this in fear and uncertainty, and four strangers appeared from a hole of light and greeted her.

Riko: Hello. Are you Yui?

Yui: Yes, I am. How did you get access into the mainframe?

Riko: Well, to be honest, *whispering* we didn't. We hacked our way in.

Yui: Huh. I was unaware that it was possible to hack or change the coding of this game in any way.

Ui: It sure is. But that's beside the point. We're here to rescue you.

Riko: You were created for helping players with negative emotions, but Kayaba's directive trapped you in here, and we think that's not right. So, we're busting you out of here.

Yui: I...I don't know if this is a good idea. If I disobey the Cardinal's directive, the game might mistake me as a foreign object, and I'll then be deleted.

Ui: We've taken that into account, and we've developed a plan for that.

Riko: All you have to do is not do anything major in the game. This primarily involves defeating or deleting monsters and bosses. As long as you do that and lay low, you'll most likely be safe.

Asuna: How are you so sure about this, though?

Ui: We can't explain now because we only have a limited amount of time before the hole to the outside of the mainframe closes.

Yui: *sigh* I just don't know what I should do. On one hand, I'm supposed to follow my directive. On the other hand, I don't want to keep watching these players suffer mentally, emotionally, or even physically. I fear what might happen to them or what they might do to themselves if these emotions overtake them or get out of control. Why am I feeling for these players if I'm not even human?

Asuna: Hey, Yui.

Yui: Yes?

Asuna: Even if you're not a real human, you may be experiencing human emotions. You're feeling empathy for these players, and that's not a bad thing. You being selfless and wanting to care for these players are great traits to have.

Kirito: I think that if you follow us outside of this mainframe void, you won't feel so restrained because of the directive. If you don't want the game or the directive to control you, then don't let them control you. If you want something, just say it. We're here for you now, and you can tell us whatever you want.

Yui: What I want? Well...

After pondering over this for a moment, Yui said:

Yui: I want to get out of this void! I wanna return with you, and stay with you and the other players! I want to help people!

Riko: And why shouldn't you? Even with the directive, this is why you were made after all. This is your purpose.

Inventor: And if Kayaba doesn't want that, then screw him!

Riko: *whispering* Uh, Dad, only Ui and I can hear you.

Inventor: Oh, right. Sorry. Carry on.

Player: Hurry! It looks like this hole will close any second!

Kirito: Come on, Yui. Let's get you out of here.

After hesitating for a moment, Yui grabbed Kirito's hand as the group ran out of the mainframe before the hole closed.

Ui: Rescue mission complete!

The players cheered. Yui looked around at their celebrating and felt the positive emotions that filled the room. In response, she smiled.

Kirito: It must feel good to be around smiling faces and positivity, isn't it?

Yui: Oh, yes. It really is.

Suddenly, Kiyu barged into the room, out of breath after traveling all over Aincrad and assisting the other players.

Kiyu: Phew! Hey, guys. I see that the rescue mission went well?

Riko: Yep.

Kiyu: Great. The others went back to the first floor after completing their respective missions, so I suggest we head back there as well.

Ui: Okay. We'll be right down. I just hope the cops still have Kayaba under custody.

Kirito: Wait. All of this was Kayaba's doing?

Riko: Yes. When we get back to the shop later, we're gonna get all of the elite team members together and finally explain everything to all of you.

Kirito, Asuna and Yui nodded as the group left the command center and started their journey back to the first floor.

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