distinct love chapter 5

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Jimin didn't even said a word for the whole ride back home . He was trembling from inside, suddenly the whether around him become chiller than earlier. As long as jimin remember he was always afraid to be alone, afraid to go outside , afraid meeting other people and especially terrified around alphas and betas .

He hate himself for being like this. He hate how weak he is, he feels he is burden on his hyung and tae. He have seen how his hyung have managed everything for them from such a early age. He always thought that why he is not like jin and tae, he doesn't have much of memories from his childhood. Sometimes, he feel so ashamed on himself that he wanted to disappear from this world, he wanted to be intangible.

His train of thought break by jin who is now sitting beside him while holding jimins small hands in him. Jin wiped his tears and said " Baby don't be like this.... It's nothing to worry....you know tae is also joining your clg from tomorrow so he will be near you.... And also you know very few alphas learn music... It's mostly Omega's and betas so you don't need to think so much "

"Also it is good in a way baby... You will get to learn more efficiently.....dont be silent chim.... Say something baby". Jimin said after gulping the limp on his throat " H-hyung i d-don't know.... I am scar-ed".

" Baby there is nothing to worry.... Tae will be there with you.....and you know I am always a call away from you " Jin said trying his best to comfort the younger. Jimin didn't said anything further because he didn't wanted to worry Jin even more. So he just nodded in return.


they were having breakfast before heading towards their destination. Tae and Jin tring their best to make jimin more confident and more calm. Tae said " Chim don't you believe me....i will be there so don't worry.... I know slowly you will start liking it".

Jimin gave a small smile mustering all his energy " I trust you Tae...and sorry hyung for being such a buden on you.. You have to do so muc_". Jin interrupted " Chim stop there....didn't I had said thousand times to stop saying all this useless things.....You guys are my life .. I have lived for both you and your happiness....and now hurry up....we are going to be late ".

It is not a mystery for tae and jimin that how Jin has done everything from earning money, to cooking meals, to taking care of them, to teaching them about things, to doing laundry, to standing up from them in front of any one. They know that they have bestest brother they can ever wish for.

It was first day for Tae and jimin too in other way, so Jin decided to drop them for today and from tomorrow Tae and jimin will go by their own while using public transport.

Jin has talked with Tae in private about few things. Jin knows that jimin is trying his best but he is terrified from inside. So jin mentioned his few concerns to Tae saying " Tae please formely always leave chim in his class then go to yours , and please meet him in lunch break and please wait for him to end his classes (because jimin have his classes a bit late from Tae and so it ends a bit late too) and them come home together with him".


They have their dinner in a bit awkward air. Yoongi tried forming conversation with Namjoon but in return he get few small replies. Jungkook noticed tension between his brothers so he tried easing and fortunately he is able to gain laughs from both of them.

Yoongi leave for college before jungkook as he is a professor so he needed to arrange things. After 30 minutes jungkook also sprinted towards his college with his new car which his Namjoon hyung gifted him. Namjoon has provided him with everything before his
Demand. Later, Namjoon also leave for his company with his driver.

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