Distinct love chapter 12

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Time skip

When Jin came back it was really late at night and he found out that his babies are already asleep. He just peck their forehead and went to his own room. He was really tired and exhausted because of the overtime. He was so consumed today that he decided to prioritise his sleep over his meal . He doesn't even have enough strength to eat.

He was peacefully sleeping when suddenly he felt weight over his body

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He was peacefully sleeping when suddenly he felt weight over his body. He doesn't need to open his eyes to recognise who it is. He knows, It's his cute chim . Jimin was always like this. Jimin was always quite and a soft person who used to got scared easily as a kid also.

Where as tae was active and sharped tongue from the very beginning. He always used to talk back whenever someone said something inappropriate to his father or brother just like his hyung. Tae as a toddler also used to spend his time with jin and he often ended up dozing off with jin.

Before their mother death, jimin used to sleep with their papa (omega father) all the time. He was really clingy to him. Tae sometimes used to get jealous as a kid (4_5 years old) saying that papa loves chim more than him. But it was not true ofcourse. He loved them equally.

After their omega father death, jimin started sleeping with his hyung along with Tae. After some years, tae started sleeping on his own room as he loved having a room of his own where as jimin used to get scared and didn't like the idea at all.

But later when jimin turned 15 jin kind of have a talk with jimin to convince him to sleep alone. Don't take jin intension in a wrong way. He just wanted jimin to be a little brave. It's hurt him seeing his baby bother scared of everything.

Another reason why he wanted jimin to have a habit of sleeping at his own is because of his work. One time jin came back late night from his office and saw jimin curling up in Jin's bed and he was puling. This sight just broked Jin's heart.

He just engulfed jimin into his arms and asked 'why he crying '. Jimin said that he couldn't sleep without him and he was scared. Jin said to him' why didn't you slept with tae then'. That time jimin open up that ' how he feel ashamed of himself that his younger brother have to take care of him when it was supposed to be otherwise. He feel like the worst older brother for tae and he didn't want to ask more from tae when tae is already doing so much for him'.

At that time jin decided he will do this for jimin.Its not like jin forced him to do the same. He just persuade him and jimin agreed . But now also jimin often slide himself on Jin's bed at night whenever he feel like he should and jin didn't mind at all. He love his chim cuddle too. Whats important for jin is that jimin tried and it is more than enough for him.

Jin heard beep sound on his phone and immediately stop the alarm so that jimin don't wakeup from the sound. Today, He wake up early so that he can make something good as tae wished from him. And he is more than ready to complete their every wish in his capacity.

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