Distinct love chapter 14

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Meanwhile At night with omegas

They were having their dinner as usual when suddenly tae said a bit nervously " Hyung " . "Yes baby....you want to tell me something " Jin replied. Tae was doing this from the last 15 minute and Jin have already guessed that Tae want to say something but he don't know why he is hesitating so much . Tae gulped  "  No... Nothing hyung.... Just want some water".

Jin sigh but didn't said anything, of course he wanted to know whats bothering Tae but he didn't want to be someone who doesn't give space to his brother or someone who control others.
Tae thought he will tell Jin in morning when jimin will not be around them.

Meanwhile With Alphas At Night

Jungkook went to his room after doing his dinner and a little chat with yoongi .
From the day yoongi came back he wanted to have a proper talk with Namjoon. He wanted to apologize to him for blaming him for something that Namjoon didn't done. But it was not easy for yoongi too because he didn't know how Namjoon will react or whether he will talk to him at all.

This present time Namjoon is a very different person then the Namjoon he used to know. Usually he just reply him in few words . Their lack of communication lead them to a level where they know nothing about each other at all. So he thought today he will talk to Namjoon.

Yoongi opened door after listening come in from inside. Namjoon thought it is jungkook but he felt strange because jungkook rarely knock on his door he just have a habit barging inside . " Namjoon I want to talk to you " Said yoongi . Namjoon was shocked to see  yoongi there but he didn't showed his expression and said with a straight face " okay.. Say".

Yoongi hate this awkwardness between them " Joon I want to say sorry for accusing you when we were kids. I know it was such a sick thing to do with you  but that time I didn't know the consequences and I myself was a kid back then and I really wanted to live with papa and the thought of living somewhere else without him made me do stupid things with both( omega father and joon) of you. I am really sorry joon".

Namjoon replied with the same straight face " It's okay ". " Joon please don't give me one word answers like always... Please talk to me.... I really want us to have a bond like before when we were kids Joon...just talk to me please". Now the straight face of Namjoon converted in to angery one " What do you want me to say hyung...that i forget everything and now we are okay like before.... No we are far away from being okay".

Namjoon continued " You hated me because you had to leave that omega man  behind whom I don't even consider as my father. You wanted to live with him but i am happy that he is not here anymore. I don't know why you still defend him and not our father (alpha dad). We are not like before hyung... You still have a soft corner for him after what he did with us and I hate him. You  know what he did with dad and us then also you dont believe us . You don't know anything... You were happily living your life there and here we were  struggling with everything ".

Yoongi shouted " ENOUGH NAMJOON...i was not living happily away from you all...and Stop calling him with disgust.... He gave birth to us.... When I was here he used to love us like his life depend on us....i have heard everything what you and dad told me about him but I couldn't able to believe all that till now.... He was nice, caring and loving... How can I believe that he became so cruel to you all after I left".

Namjoon said with same anger " He was cruel , selfish and manipulating from the start...he was the one who sent you away....not our dad. We can't do anything if you still think him as a good person but dad, jungkook and me hate that male omega".

Yoongi sigh " Namjoon I was a kid back then and may be i missed to notice what's happening around me when I left from here. I was mad on him but I never hated him. He was crying so hard when I was leaving back then and I know that he was not doing an act as dad always said , I couldn't able to believe dad because I still remember his eyes that was filled with sadness, sorrow and love. And Namjoon , you know I am not dad's favourite child like both of you ".

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