Distinct love chapter 34

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Namjoon got amused by Jin action, I mean it's rare to see Jin giving some reaction. Namjoon shook his head with a smile on his face and went back on his place and glance at Jin who is seating in front of him. Jin mumbled to himself " I am going to irritate him so much that he will himself ask me to leave and will stop calling me here again and again".


Namjoon couldn't help but keep looking towards jin who was sitting in front of him doing his work fully concentrated or that's what he thought. His full attention is moved from his work to jin, he observed his features from so close, Namjoon realised how beautiful jin is, he shook his head to be able to focus on his work.

Meanwhile jin is thinking what he should do to annoy Namjoon, jin is busy cursing Namjoon in his mind. Jin got an idea and started moving his leather chair repeatedly which cause it to make noise. Jin glanced at Namjoon to see his reaction, where as Namjoon know what Jin is trying to do so he just look towards Jin who was looking at him and then again get back to his work without a word.

Jin sigh in disappoint. He thought it would be easy to provoke Namjoon considering his temper. jin smirk when he got a new idea, he stare a file which was lying in front of him and started Flipping pages aggressively which cause an audible noise but to jin's disappointed Namjoon doesn't reacted again.

With taekook

Tae and jungkook both decided to go on a small get-together which is more like a date but they didn't said it loud. They were walking on a beach side by side , glancing at each other and the view simultaneously. Their hairs were flowing in the wind , Their hands were brushing to each other.

Tae said " Can i ask you something? ". Jungkook nodded in response. Tae asked " Why do you hate male omegas so much? ". Jungkook suddenly stopped which drag tae attention, he turns backward in the jungkook direction " It's okay jungkook if you don't want to say ".

Jungkook mumbles " I have my reasons, right now I am not ready to talk about it". Tae nodded in agreement and said " I understand....i also have my reason to dislike alphas ". Jungkook nodded and said softly " But now I don't hate every male omega and especially not you. I realise not long ago that you can't generalise one's mistake to the whole community ".

Tae nodded and said " My jin hyung also said something similar to this in recent times, he said not all of them are good but few are different from the typical ones so we should be open to observe. I don't hate you either ( tae said while remembering the conversation happened between him and jin while taking about jhope)".

Jungkook nodded with a soft smile " You have 2 hyungs? ". Tae nodded and smiled " I am the maknae in my house. You have seen jimin hyung already and jin hyung works in a corporate world...he is scary when he gets angry....what about you?".

Jungkook replied with a smile " I am maknae too...and i also have 2 hyungs... Suga hyung is professor and Namjoon hyung also works in a corporate world".
Tae nodded and yelled suddenly " Jungkook look.... Ice cream... Let's go there.... I want to eat strawberry ice cream ". Jungkook " Let's go.... Wanna hold hands? ". Tae move his hand and hold jungkook hands with his own and started running on the direction of icecream parlour.

With Jin

Jin sigh in irritation as he gets failed again, Namjoon didn't seem annoyed not even a little bit. Jin got standup and was about to move towards door when a voice( satirical voice) stopped him " What happened?.... going back to your cabin.... I thought you wanted to do something different here".

Jin glared at Namjoon and said " You think too much Mr. Kim....but ofcourse you can't forecast other people action.... And especially not mine ". Namjoon saw Jin disappearing figure and a slight smile appear on his face in amusement.

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