Distinct love chapter 51

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He decided to left from there but his father didn't like this. Alpha's father started screaming " You all are useless just like him.... Sometimes I regret having you all....you are just wasting my money.. Useless". Namjoon heard everything but didn't stop because it's not happening for the first time. Their father always react like this after having few drinks.

After 2 hours with alpha's father

Alpha's father is now a little sobber than earlier. He also remember what he said to Namjoon and he mumbles " I should not  have shouted on him...he is the only one who have some brain between all my son...i don't want him to be out of my control ". Suddenly his phone started vibrating indicating that someone is calling him.

" Hello " Said the caller. Alpha's father replied " Neomsu ... What happened?...why are you calling me again and again....its better be something important or you will regret it ". Neomsu said " I think yoongi is suspicious of me now.... He isn't call me for a long time now....and last time when I had conversation with him, he was really angry and frustrated".

Alpha's father gritted his teeth and said in anger " You are usele*s.... I asked you to divert his case but you freaking telling me now that he is doubting you....what type of investigator are you?". Neomsu said " I tried to do as much as I can...he is not a child whom you can divert so easily. I was able to hold him for months now I can't do anything ".

Meanwhile with Namjoon

Namjoon was uncertain whether he should msg jin Or not after behaving like this with him. Later he message jin asking about some files as an excuse. He got a small reply ' I will give that file to you tomorrow". Namjoon again message but got only ' okay ' in a reply.

Namjoon was frustrated on himself for earlier. Just now jin and he started having normal friendly talk with each other but he just ruined it. He decided he will not let this thing to become a reason for jin to again start treat him like earlier. He is certain that he likes jin.

Next day

In star enterprises

Jin knock on the Namjoon's office door and entered after listening a reply from the other side. Jin looked calm and focused which bother Namjoon because he was not calm at all. He wanted to have same vibe with jin like earlier. Namjoon said " Hyung i am sorry for yesterday ".

Jin said while still turning pages of his file " There isn't anything happened for you to say sorry ". Namjoon said " You are behaving differently with me... and i know it was my fault because of the way I acted yesterday.... I am sorry I was stressed and behaved rudely with you".

Jin who earlier decided to behave strictly professional with Namjoon , now forgot everything and reply " You shouldn't bring out your frustation on someone else.... Yesterday You acted like I am some kind of stranger to you ". Namjoon said " Sorry hyung.... You should already know that you are not stranger to me... In fact you are the only one whom I like so much ".

Jin said embarrassely " S-stop talking now.... Sign here... You are wasting my time ". Jin started flipping pages aggrevissely  and suddenly got a little cut on his finger from the file page " Ahhh". Namjoon saw jin putting his injured hand in his mouth to ease the pain. Namjoon said " Why are you in so much hurry?... I am not going eat you ".

Jin glare at him and said " Stop saying this things... I am not 18 years old to whom you can flirt with this childish lines... Don't try this on me.... Now sign here... You are wasting my time... Go flirt with someone else ...it doesn't not work on me ". Namjoon saw Jin hurriedly existing figure and he mumbles to himself " But Hyung ears were red which only happened when he is embarrassed or shy ".

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