Distinct love chapter 29

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Jin continued to move his hand smoothly on namjoon's back who is seem to be a little calm now . They stayed in the same position for long until the elevator gate got opened by the guards. Guards rushed towards Namjoon and helped him to come outside.

After sometimes with Namjoon

Namjoon was resting in special medical room while thinking about someone. He is okay now but his heart is still feeling something different. He doesn't know what changed just now but he felt distinct.

He can't help but keep thinking about jin. He realised month ago that whatever jin do and say to him it always affect him in one or another way, or you can say that Namjoon always get bothered when it's something related to seokjin . Even if he will judge him or make a perception about him but he can't be able to ignore him.

He tried really hard to not get affected by jin but things didn't get as he wanted. And today Namjoon feels like something added to whole affect thingy. He felt weird sensation passing through his entire body even now. Jin seemed different when he told him to breathe while looking into Namjoon's eye.

Jin is someone who doesn't show alot of emotions or expression while interacting with people -- Or atleast while talking to him or that's what Namjoon has observe till now . Jin always has this professional expression which give impression that he is not smiling but he is also not angry.

But today he look different, he looked worried, worried for him and that's done something inside his heart. Namjoon won't said it loud but he knows how jin is so professional and best at his work which kind of impressed him when time passed while working with him.

In beginning if someone would have said Namjoon that jin will ever help an alpha or him , Namjoon would have never believe him considering the fact how jin dislike alphas.Besides its also true that if namjoon would have in his senses he would have never accepted jin's help because of his ego. But now he knows better. He knows that if jin didn't help him that time he would have passed out or worse.

Meanwhile with jin

Jin didn't realised before that he released his scent to calm down Namjoon. He doesn't release his scent ever unless it is jimin Or tae. He usually release his scent to calm down jimin if he felt anxious. It is said that omegas/male omegas have a peaceful fabric in their scent but that can be felt only when they release their scent and not that light smell which linger on their body for the whole time.

It felt really different to jin seeing always arrogant and tough looking Namjoon like that. Namjoon eyes seem warm and non arrogant that time. Namjoon felt like normal people to jin who can show his emotions other than his usual bossy attitude. Jin just shake his head to detach this not so important thoughts from his mind.

Later With jimin

Jimin was eating after reheating the food which yoongi made for him and it is really tasty. He pouted thinking how He doesn't know cooking but he smiled mumbling " But i am better than tae". Jimin knows now how yoongi is so different from the alphas he have met in his life, he really feel sheltered around him.

He shivered remembering an alpha who was supposed to be their angel but he was pure devil. He shook his head to remove that bad memories.He was debating whether he should text yoongi Or not. But then he remembered that yoongi told him to respond and his review . Jimin click send after typing " Its really yum... I finished all ".

Yoongi couldn't help but smile wide after reading jimin's text " I am glad you like it... I will try to made more for you". Jimin replied with a small smile on his face " Thankyou so much hyung".

Meanwhile With tae and jungkook

Throughout the whole day they were seated in the same position where jungkook was sitting on the left side of tae and eunwoo who was sitting on the right side of tae. Eunwoo kept asking small question from tae between classes as he was new but this scene was making someone really frustrated.

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