2. The train

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Last week I finally moved in with my uncle. To be honest I was kinda relieved to leave my stuck up aunt. I had been informed that i would have to live in the school's newly made dorms and join class 2-B. Aizawa arranged me to shift there on my first day.

Principal Nezu asked me to give in the registration form today so I was making my way to the school.

I got into the train to bump into someone
"Oh sorry!!!" The person said
"No it's okay I wasn't looking"
"Oh it's okay I bump into A LOT of people"
I looked up to see a boy with blond hair. I blushed, he was cute..
"Anyway I'm Kaminari Denki. You can just call me Denki"
"Oh I'm y/n l/n....." I said sitting down next to him smiling
He blushed
"So you live around here? I haven't seen you before"
I hesitated before asking. After all I was talking to a total stranger. But by judging the expression on his face I could read that he wasn't a bad guy.( yes I used my quirk )
"Not really I just shifted here a week ago. I transferred here"
"Oh niceeee so where you from?"
"I'm from California"
"Really? Wow I have always wanted to go there. Sayyy.... when I do go there..... be my guide"
I chuckled "Sure"
"So as your new here wanna hang around sometime? I could introduce you to our group. I'm the best person there though" Denki said proud of himself
"Okie give me your phone I'll type in my number. My station is here"
"K here" he said giving it to me
I quickly typed it in and he saved it to Cupcake😉
I laughed and winked at him before saying "text me later Denki, bye"
And he was left there blushing like an idiot.
I gave Nezu the papers and returned home late at night. I washed and bounced on the bed
I checked my phone and it was... Kaminari! I knew as soon as I saw his profile pick. I saved his name to Denki😜 and read his text (slanted are his texts)
Hey y/n
I was bored so I texted you
What u doin~

Nothin much. Just got home after giving some papers. Tomorrow's my first day at my new school so I'm nervous

You shouldn't be you'll fit right in. I know it

Thanks Denki

So what school are you joining anyway????

UA class 2-A

Wait what the fuck?! 😨

What happened?

Cupcake your in MY Class!!

Wait whaaaaaaa

Yessssssss. This is officially the best day of my life. You WILL hang out with me k?

Wait I didn't even imagine you would be in the hero department

Hey!! 😤

Well good thing I met you today 😊

Ya me too. I'll show you around okay?

Seems like a deal

So tell me about yourself cupcake

Well..... I actually transferred here because my parents died ina villain attack 2 years ago while saving paths city and that place just brought memories. So I decided to become a hero to lead on their legacy

4 things
1. I sooo sorry cupcake I didn't know you went through that
2. I am proud you decided to share that with me
3. I love the way you want to make your parents proud
4. I will always be there for you 💓

Awwwwwww thank you Denki. I really appreciate it 💕 💖

You can call me babe

Hehehehhehehee okay 'babe'


Awww my baby is blushing ☺️


I have a brilliant idea 💡

What is it?

Let's prank my friends tomorrow

Ok but how

Be my girlfriend

(/////////) wha-

Like just pretend
even though I wouldn't mind you actually being mine 😏

(////////////////////////////////) stop it Denki your making me blush

Be mine

(//////////////////// ) stop it

Ok ok but go along with it? It will be extremely funny. Don't worry we will tell them in say a week?

That's too long

What will you actually fall for me?

😳😳 you big flirt

How about then we tell them on the spot after some convincing ?


K well see you in class??

Okie babe


See know you know how it feels

Gn cupcake

I yawned and ruffled my hair before going to bed
In the end I was great full to be on the train

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