9. Mine

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The past week I have been ignoring Bakugo

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The past week I have been ignoring Bakugo...
I put more effort into training and started improving but my mind always wandered off to him.
I thought if I would do that my feeling would go away but...
They only increased...
I just can't hang around him knowing that he likes someone else...
My heart aches knowing that I will never be with him...

I didn't study with the group as much too and whenever I did everyone could sense the tension between us two...

2 am
I woke up to the sound of my stomach grumbling...
"Damn it"
I took off my blanket and wore a hoodie as it was cold, and went downstairs.
I took out a chocolate ice cream and started eating it ignoring the tag stuck on it.
As soon as I finished a few bites someone scoffed behind me

"Hey Dumbass why the fuck are you eating my ice cream?!"
I turned around to see Bakugo with an annoyed expression on his face. HE want wearing a shirt!

I looked at the sptag which said ~Bakugo's Keep away if don't want to be killed~"Great

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I looked at the sptag which said ~Bakugo's Keep away if don't want to be killed~
"Great. Just great" I mumbled sarcastically
"What the hell did you say?" he screamed
"Nothing just fuck off" I screamed annoyed
He scoffed and pushed me against the wall.
"Push me away if you don't like it" he whispered and...

Pushed his lips on mine.
I blushed hard but kissed him back.
His soft lips did wonders on mine and I didn't want to break the kiss.

"Now that I got you to shut up... Tell me why we're you ignoring me!" he broke the kiss pinning me harder
"I- i"
"Spit it out bitch"
"I like you!" I whimpered and his eyes widened
"I like you so much that it hurt my heart to see that you didn't like me back and there was someone else. I thought if I ignore you these stupid feelings would go away but they didn't. And I know you don't feel the same way and-"

He cut me off with another kiss
"Who said I didn't like you dumbass"
My eyes widened
"Y- you like me"
"Yes, bitch. Why did you think I would give you lessons every day while I ignored the others"
I blushed hard and said
"So what know?"
"You're my girlfriend!" he said confidently
"Well you didn't ask"
"Do I have to?"
I nodded cheakily
"Fine... Will you be my girlfriend y/n"
"Yes Kat. I would love to"
We kissed again and I traced his abs with my fingers.
He picked me up bridal style and started walking

teddy bear// katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now