5. A Sleepover

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"I AM HERE!!" All might rushed into the room and stood as he expected applause. No one cheered. An ashamed look appeared on his face and he said
"I will be your, teacher, for this semester... please make your way to ground gamma. We will be practising a battle simulation"

I snatched my new hero costume and went to the changing room
Everyone's costume helped them in strengthening their power while mine was reasonable and adjustable. Allowing me to be elastic in battle while it was made of waterproof equipment.
The gloves help me in maintaining my power as they contained unlimited water

The gloves help me in maintaining my power as they contained unlimited water

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I only wore it because it was related to my mothers.
"God your costume is soooo cool" Uraraka squealed
"Thanks So is yours"

We headed to the ground and everyone praised my costume.
"Damn y/n you look hot," Mineta said and I pushed him away. Pervert!
Mina explained what everyone's quirk was and soon after All Might appeared.

"I will be calling out squads so please pay attention."
"First combat - Kirishima and Kaminari v.s Mineta and Tsu
Second combat - Mina and Shoto v.s Deku and Tokoyami
Third combat - Momo and y/n v.s Bakugo and Sero
I went to find Momo after my name was called.
"Hey y/n!" Momo tapped my shoulder
"So you must be creati"
"Yes I am," she said shyly
We headed to the screen room after we prepared our strategy
"Cheer for me," Denki said
"Ya let's test your theory," Kirishima said and winked
"See you after you win," I said waving

The First fight soon started
Kirishima and Denki went into hiding as soon as it began.
Tsu and Mineta singled out to look for them. Tsu was hoping to find Kirishima and Mineta was hoping to find Denki.

But it didn't go as scheduled.
While Mineta was glancing around he didn't notice Denki's electric perimeters and got electrocuted as soon as he stepped into the boundary. Kirishima on the other hand fought close combat with Tsu gaining an advantage by clasping her and swinging her by the leg. They both got hurt but won.

A good strategy I must admit. They analysed the situation and uncovered their targets by luring them into a trap.

"Team Charge riot wins" All Might declare

They came back with a few scratches and I helped them get to recovery girl
"You guys killed it," I said and they two smiled
"I like the name Charge riot!!"

By the time I returned the second match was already over. It looked like Deku and Tokoyami won.

Now it was my turn.
Momo and I headed to the battle category scheming to distinct Bakugo from Sero.
From what I learned Bakugo was a hothead so would easily get separated. Then we could work together with the camouflage covers Momo had made to take them down individually.

As the match started we started our plan. Momo looked through her glasses to spot them. We were pretty sure that Bakugo would come directly for us but that didn't take place.

Once Momo located them I realised that Bakugo didn't distinct from Sero. They were attentive and cautious. We decided to continue the strategy anyway. Momo launched a canon at Sero who was taken aback surprised but before it could hit him, Bakugo blasted it away. Surprising, he was assisting his partner. He found us and ran. Momo and I separated and Bakugo followed me with Sero behind. Momo came and grappled Sero and they started fighting. Sero used his quirk to make a trap but Momo wasn't going down that easy. She made a sword and cut through the tape later using it to tie Sero himself. But he escaped anyway and tapped her down before she could create anything else.

My cover fell off and Bakugo approached me quickly. I dogged his constant attacks and used water as a shield. I made a sword and approached him. I was panicking and made bows and arrows as well as a whip to try and catch him. Keyword try.

"Aaahhhhhh" he screamed
"You're going down bitch"

Once I captured him with my whips I tied him to the ground.

"I. Will. Win!"

I thought I could finally rest but Boom! A large explosion took place and I flew back. He heated the water so much that it evaporated.
"Did you really think I could go down that easily?" he said As he can towards me I used my quirk to rise off the ground and take him to the sky.
"Fleeing already?"
He followed furiously and as soon as we were high I shouted
"Dragon of destruction"
a sea dragon launched at him and he was knocked onto the floor.
But before I knew it he was up again. His arms were bleeding so was his head. But he didn't stop, even though I was in critical condition as he shot continuous blasts at me. I shielded myself but he broke through with his AP shot and finally I was thrown to the ground.
"I told you. I. Always. Win"
He grabbed my collar and shoved me deeper.
He was gonna attack me again when I used the last of my strength to make an enormous tsunami. He landed on the other side but then everything turned fuzzy.
"Team Bakugo wins," All Might said and I could barely hear it before everything turned black. I lost consciousness.

I woke up and saw a woman sitting at the edge of a seashore smiling. She wasn't looking towards me but she seemed happy and peaceful.
She turned and tears rushed down my face

The woman signalled me to come to sit next to her. When I sat down she kissed my forehead and said
"I'm proud of you baby"
She was the same as 2 years ago. Her hair was brown with a few streaks of white. Her smile was peaceful and quiet.
"Wait does this mean I'm dead?" I said starting to freak out
"No funny it isn't your time yet... I just wanted to say that I will always be watching you and I am proud of the woman you have become"
I hugged her tight and said
"Why? Why did you leave me alone?"
"You know you aren't alone... You have friends and family that love and care about you"
"I know. But I miss you so much *sniffle*"
"I miss you too funny, but you have to move on" her body slowly started disintegrating
"No. No no no no no don't leave me......"
"I am always with you y/n" she then disappeared completely.
"Tch wake up Dumbass," someone said and my eyes shot open. I realised I was crying while I was unconscious.

Bakugo was standing next to me. He sat on the bed and looked at me.
"You okay?"
I was surprised.
"Did the Great Bakugo just worry about me?" I said with sarcasm.
"No freak. I didn't want to get in trouble for what I did. Also, you are crying....."
I noticed my wet face and wiped my tears

"Mind explaining?" he interrogated
"I dreamt of my mom," I said looking down
"I'm sorry" I looked up at him and our eyes met.
He stared back at me his eyes not breaking contact.
Suddenly the door burst open and I flushed red realising what just happened.

"Hey, you okay?" Kirishima asked
"Ya you gave us a scare there," Mina said also sitting next to you.
Sero, Toru, Jirou and Denki also came
"I'm fine guys. Don't worry so much"
"You know Bakugo practically carried you here," Jirou said snickering
I flushed a bit more........

"Y/n I have healed you so you should be fine... Just keep in mind to repeat more" Recovery girl said

"So we were going to study together as it's already 4 pm. Wanna tag along" Sero asked
"Sure... Wait that means-"
"You were knocked out for 4 hours," Toru said a little worried
"Damn" I mumbled

After I got dispatched I went with the squad towards the dorms to study.
"Bakubro can we study in your room today," Mina asked
"Tch. Why would I want you extras in my room?"
"Plssssssssssss," we all said
"Ugh fine"
"So we can sleep there too. As y/n's room isn't fixed yet"
"Tch k"
"Looks like we're having a sleepover"

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