8. Glad to be your First

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Saturday night"Let's play spin the bottle" Kirishima suggested"Sounds cool," Jiro said"Yes," Mina said winking at me

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Saturday night
"Let's play spin the bottle" Kirishima suggested
"Sounds cool," Jiro said
"Yes," Mina said winking at me

We all agreed and persuaded Katsuki to play
"Please Kachhan~"
"If I play will you dumbasses shut up?"
"Yes for sure," I said cheekily
"Ugh fine"
We cheered and Sero got a bottle
"So who's going first?" he asked
"Not me," everyone said one by one
All of us looked at Bakugo
"Fine losers" he rolled his eyes and spun the bottle

My eyes met with Mina's and she gave me a 'you got this girl' look
I glanced over at Bakugo who was looking restlessly at the bottle.

It stopped on.........

But suddenly it turned a little towards me!!

Everyone looked at Toru
"I didn't do anything guys!"
She put her hands up in defence

Then everyone looked at me and Bakugo
"Kiss kiss kiss" everyone started ranting
And for a few seconds, I could see Katsuki smirk.

He leaned forward and cupped my face with one hand
"Ready bitch?"
I nodded
He tilted his head and I felt his soft lips on mine. I felt a spark when our lips connected. I wondered if he felt it too? I closed my eyes and kissed him back not wanting it to end. He deepened the kiss slowly by leaning on me. The deepened kiss wasn't visible to the brother's but I could feel his body's pressure. He bit my lip and sucked it and he continued to kiss me.

He was such a good kisser.

After a few seconds, he pulled away. His lips were wet and his hair messy.
That was my first kiss!

"God you're a good kisser" I mumbled but he heard and smirked
"Awwwww that was so cute." Mina squealed as she gave me a wink.
'Tell me all about it' she mouthed
"I ship it," Denki said chuckling
I said a blushing mess
"Y/n that was your first kiss!" Jirou said smirking
"Wait what?" Katsuki jumped a little
"Ooooooooo how was it?!" Kirk shims snickered
"I- I. it was good" I blushed and so did Katsuki as he smirked
"Damm Bakubro's a good kisser huh"
"Of course I am" he chuckled

Next, it was Denki's turn and it landed on Jirou. I knew those two had feelings for each other!

As Denki kissed her, we expected him to let go but he pushed her onto the floor as they made out. Jirou grabbed Denki's hair pulling him in.

"Guys get a room," Kirishima said chuckling
Once they stopped and realised what they had done they blushed like crazy
"You guys talk it out later k?" Sero said smirking

Sero then spun the bottle and it landed on.......
I blushed out of embarrassment.
Sero came forward and kissed me! But it wasn't the same as between Bakugo and me. There was no spark...
And I could feel Katsuki's glare at me

"How about we play two lies and one truth. But Dirty edition?!" Mina said
"Ok. I think we have had enough drama till now" everyone chuckled as me, Jirou, Katsuki and Denki turned Red

We continued in a circle

It was Mina's turn
"Okok my turn..... I have a boyfriend... I have a crush... I am simping for someone"
"Damn that's a tough one," Toru said
"Well, you can't simp for someone you don't have a crush on so that means....." Jirou continued
"MINA YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND" we shouted confused
"Yes, but you'll never guess who!"

"I bet it's shitty hair..... Am I right?" Katsuki stated
And Kirishima turned red
"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW?" Mina screamed
"It's pretty obvious if your as good as me" Katsuki boasted
"You guys got exposed by Bakugo... DAMN," Denki elbowed Kirishima.

"Okok Toru's turn," Denki said
"Ok... I am a boy..... I sometimes hate my quirk...... I get horny easily"

"Well, we all know you're a girl......... Are you?" Sero asked
"Yes, my BFF is a girl... Right bestie?"
"Are you doughing me, Mina!"
"You don't hate your quirk do you?!?" Jirou said suspiciously
"Nope,... Come on guys it was easy"
"Wait a sec you're horny?!" Kirk shims screamed
"Keep it down, Kiri" Toru hushed him
"Yes I am"
"Okok my turn..... Even though Bakubro is gonna kill me" Kirishima said
"Hey! Don't you dare shitty hair" Katsuki screamed
"Sorry... First I cheated on Mina... Second I am bi... Third Bakugo has a crush"
"You didn't......." Katsuki started running after Kirishima

---100 year's later---
We got Bakugo to calm down and sat in the circle again
"Look Kirk hasn't cheated on me..... I hope" Mina said
"Hey!" Kristina chuckled "
and I know Kiri isn't bi........."
"So that means......."
We all turn to Bakugo
"You have a crush?!" we screamed
"Keep it down extras and yes I do have one....... I am never trusting you again shitty hair"
"Aww come on Bakugo at least I didn't tell the name," Kiri said pouting
After that, I felt kind of down but didn't show it.
Kat liked someone else...

We teased Bakugo a lot but he refused to tell us.....
After that, we each went to our dorms...
I was about to leave when Katsuki asked
"Was that really your first kiss?"
"Well, I have to admit you're quite good. And I am glad to be your first" he skilled and closed the door
I rushed to my down and squealed.
My first kiss was from my crush and I was amazing.
"Today was epic"
As I drifted off to sleep his words repeated in my head
"I am glad to be your First"

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