7. Spin the bottle

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The girls and I practically dragged the boys to the mall.
Kirishima came easily once we convinced him that carrying the bags for girls was "manly"
Sero and Denki just wanted to get free ice cream from us
Bakugo on the other hand was tough to bring along but we did by telling him that he could do whatever shit he wanted there.

I actually had to buy underwater but I didn't tell anyone. 😆
After we reached the mall we split apart.
Denki, Sero and Kiri went to the food court to get some shakes for us while Mina and Jirou went to buy clothes.

Tour, Bakugo and I went to buy shoes
I picked some bootiful boots

Tour, Bakugo and I went to buy shoesI picked some bootiful boots

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while Toru picked up some white heels.

Bakugo got some black shoes like this

"I like these," I said cheerfully"Those are hot" Bakugo agreedI glanced at the price and my jaw dropped "703 dollars?""Mine are 400 heh" Bakugo chuckled and was about to go to the counter when I pulled him aside"How are you gonna pay for them?" I ...

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"I like these," I said cheerfully
"Those are hot" Bakugo agreed
I glanced at the price and my jaw dropped "703 dollars?"
"Mine are 400 heh" Bakugo chuckled and was about to go to the counter when I pulled him aside
"How are you gonna pay for them?" I asked confused
Those were costly.
"From my credit card," he said flexing it in my face
"Damn you rich boi," I said winking and his face turned a little pink.
"How are you gonna pay?" he said smirking
"Oh, I don't think I am gonna get them. If I do Aizawa will kill me"
"You uncle huh...."
"Ya," I said sadly
He grabbed the boots and took them to the counter
"Hi, I would like to purchase these.."
"That will be 1103 dollars"
"Put it on this card"

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