4. I AM HERE!!

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Still Monday
"I am y/n l/n and I am actually a transfer student so that part wasn't a prank" I said chuckling still
"So what's your quirk?" Deku asked with anticipation
"It's water manipulation" I kept quiet about my mind reading power.
Only Denki knew here and I knew it would come in handily later (smirk)

"Wow that's really strong" kirishima stated
Everyone asked me questions except one person. Bakugo
Suddenly my phone rang
"Hello y/n the plan changed you room isn't ready yet so you will stay in someone's room for the night ok?"
"Ok Aizawa"

I hung up and saw everyone staring at me
"What?"I asked
"Why were you talking to Aizawa like he's a normal person?" Toru asked
"'Cause he's my uncle"
"Your uncle!" Everyone except Bakugo and Denki exclaimed
"Ya but I have a small problem" I said shyly
"What happened" Sero asked
"My room's not ready yet so I'll have to sleep somewhere else today....." I said frowning a little
"Don't worry we can have a sleepover" Mina exclaimed
"Ya it will be like a welcome party" Toru jumped
"Ok only if you insist"
Mina told me that there were mainly two squads in our class
The Bakusquad
The Dekusqaud

I found it cute how they had named their groups after midoriya and Bakugo
But as I already knew Denki I decided to be a part of the Bakusqaud
Mina and Toru hugged me while Kirishima and Sero gave me a thumbs up.
Denki only smiled while Bakugo looked irritated 😤.

We went to class and I sat between Denki and Bakugo.

The day went on well but the only problem was I didn't understand history and literature at all.
During history class while I though it was hopeless to study. I zoned out and didn't realise someone tapping my shoulder.
I looked over to see his vermilion eyes starting into mine
"Hey dumbass. Pay attention! Don't you know any of this shit?" He asked
"Nope how would I? I studied in California."
"Well damn you gonna fail tomorrow's pop quiz" he mumbled
"Tommorow's what?"
"Nothin you need to know bitch" he turned away
"Pls tell me Bakugoo!!"
He ignored me

Little did I know Sero, Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Toru and Jirou were watching

Break came and I went to the bathroom followed by Mina and Jirou. I am guessing Turo didn't come because she had to submit her notebook to midnight.

"What was that" Jirou said smirking 😏
"What was what?" I asked confused
"You know. You and Bakugo talking~" Mina whispered
I blushed but said calming myself "what about that? Doesn't he talk"
I asked chuckling as a joke
"No he doesn't"
"He has never talked heck even spoken calmly ... ever. Not even to Kirishima"
I turned and they were dead serious
"Wait seriously?"
"Ohk..... well I'll tell you later first let's go get lunch"
We went to lunch and chatted
I sat next to Kirishima and Toru while Bakugo was opposite to me glaring with a frown on his face.
I tried to avoid his gaze but failed

"So what's about a history test tomorrow?" I asked out of the blue
"Well midnight gives every new student a test to determine what they know" Sero stated
"For who knows what reason" Denki said making a sad face
"This loser over here failed with 1/ 50" Mina said laughing and I joined
We talked a bit and I told them about my family and back story. They were sad for my loss but encouraged me to continue the legacy.
Bit by bit I started feeling comfortable around them like I could tell them everything

"How did you and Denks meet?" Kirishima asked
"Well we crashed into each other not the train"
"Wow... I thought Kaminari told us that you fell in love at fir-......" Denki covered his mouth and my eyes widened.. He gave me an apologetic look and we laughed
After eating we went to the roof. Kirishima and I were walking side by side when I caught myself staring at him. He was..... cute. Well I say that to every boy but this one was special

He noticed me and I blushed.

"How did you get that scar?" I asked touching the mark across his eye and analysing him with my quirk.
He looked stunned that I asked him such a question.
"It was when my quirk first activated...... I rubbed my eye and my hardened skin cut it" he said rubbing the back of his neck.
"So your quirk is water manipulation huh? That's way better than mine" he said shyly
"No Kiri don't say that I know your quirk is one of the strongest ones out there"
"How would you know that?" He chuckled.
I decided I could trust him with my secret.
"Don't tell anyone...... but I can read minds and find about the persons quirk by touching them" I said in a hushed voice
".... and I know you are very powerful"
He blushed in embarrassment and I elbowed him.
"So don't think low of yourself"
We hung out at the roof feeling the air roam though our hair when the bell rang.

The next class was my fav. Art..........
We did paintings inspired by our quirks and I got to see all of them.
To be honest Todoroki's quirk was awesome so was Bakugo's  and Midoriay's.
Todoroki made a half winter half summer painting showing his fire and ice.
Bakugo had a necker bomb 💣 explosion as well as a volcano 🌋 and explosions 💥 💥
Midoriya made abstract art represent green and black for his whips and red and green for his full cowl
Uraraka made a spaceship in space
Toru made..... nothing 😂
Mina made toxic acid factory
Asui made 🐸s
Momo made a shopping mall 😆
Iida made a car 🚘
Jirou made headphones 🎧
Kaminari made a storm ⛈
Kirishima made metal tools 🛠 and rocks
Sero made a caution murder area which was really good
Sati make cakes
And I made an _______

I calmed my nerves and I felt free. The other students were so talented as well.
We headed to our class when a person smashed the door
There goes our door

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