3. Who are you?

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I woke up early in the morning at 4 am.
School started at 7 but today I had to go with Aizawa as I hadn't sifted in the dorms yet, they would shift my stuff in my room till the end of classes.
I did my hair in two ponytails and wore my school uniform but making it a little stylish. I put on some lipgloss and looked at my self in the mirror
"I'm ready" I whispered to myself
Even if Denki was gonna be there I was kinda nervous
"Hey, don't worry your gonna be fine y/n" Aizawa said standing near the door
"I know I will" I gulped and sat in the car.
This was my first time seeing UA as yesterday I went to Nezu's mansion to deliver the papers but the moment I stepped out of the car it felt like I was HOME

The glass windows were sparkling in the dim sunlight. Some students were jogging and walking in groups eager for the new session to start.
The grass was covered with dew and the smell of flowers covered the air.
There were 5 dormitories in total and all of them were huge!

I suddenly remembered Denki's plan and smirked
Hey cupcake! You reached campus yet?


Oh so come over I'm in 2-A's dormitory

Are you sure that's ok?

Ya I guess Aizawa said you had to be there too right?

Yes he did and practically vanished.... so I don't know the way?!

Shit I should have thought of that. Where are you?

I'm in the front lawns. Why?

Wait right there I'm coming k?

Ok 'babe'

(////////////) stay there


After a few mins I saw Denki waving and I waved back.
He still had a bed head but had jeans and a black and yellow hoodie on resembling the black bolt on his hair.
"Good morning cupcake"
He said stretching his arms
"Good morning Denki........ so you ready for 'the plan'" I said double quoting the plan
He grabbed my waist and brought me close. He was taller than me anyway. I blushed
"Hell ya baby" he whispered

We walked hand in hand earning the glares of other people but we didn't care. The prank was going perfectly. Hehhehehehehehehe

We reached his dormitory and a lot of people were already buzzing around eating breakfast and talking. Like a typical day.
As soon as we entered the door all eyes were on us.

"Who's the chick" a small purple haired boy said with googly eye. He was creepy.
"She's cute" a red head guy said
"Ooooooh" a pink girl said. She was literally full pink.
I just smiled and Denki started
"Guys this is y/n she is a transfer student and will be in our class now onward and...."
I elbowed him as a blush crept up my face
".......she's my girlfriend!"
"She's whatttt!!!"everyone shouted
"My girlfriend" Denki repeated
"Girl how did he bribe you"
"Wait Denki can get girls?"
Everyone surrounded us and showered us with questions
"The fuck dunce face? Is this real?" I blond guy with beautiful crimson eyes shouted to get everyone quiet
He had a frown on his face but he was indeed smokin hot
I felt my blush deepening
This guy was wearing a black tang top which showed his muscles and abs.
"Yes it's real... he's my boyfriend" I said trying to hide my chuckling
"Kaminari!!! I can't believe you didn't tell me bro that's so unmanly" the redhead said
"Kirishima calm down... let me take care of this" the pink haired girl said
I chuckled but kissed him on the cheek to which he blush and chuckled

That was it Denki and I burst out laughing not able to tolerate all of it. I HAD IT ALL ON VIDEO TOO.... we were laughing our buts off while everyone around us was standing confused.

"What the hell bastard. Why are you laughing?" The blond with anger issues said
"You all got-!!" Denki screamed still laughing
"Wait what?" A green haired boy said
The boy named kirishima's eyes widened when he realised what was happening and he started laughing too.
"Hey shitty hair tell me what the fuck is going on!"
"Bakugo we got pranked... this girl isn't denki's girlfriend.... damn we got caught hard"
"Huh" the pink haired girl said
"Wait I get it we all fell for it huh?" The pink girl said smiling
"Ya Mina you should have seen your reaction" Denki said still chuckling

At that point everyone was laughing or chuckling to have fallen prey to our prank
After calming down I learnt the names of everyone
Mina- alien super queen
Kirishima - manly
Toru- invisible badass
Sero - tape dispenser
Iida- zoom boy
Asui - frog bitch
Uraraka- broke floaty
Midoriya / Denki - all might love child
Shoutout todoroki - icy hot
Momo - rich girl
Jirou- Bluetooth
And Bakugo Katsuki - boom boom boi 💥

"Wait I get that this is a prank but who are you" todoroki asked

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