Chapter 1 - Arrival at Encanto

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     Sea waves crashed and engulfed your body with a tremendous force. Thunders roared above and the sky was lit with a bluish hue every time a lightning struck. With those brief seconds of light you could see the next wave on its way to you. You struggled to swim and keep afloat but the sea was angry that night and its plan was otherwise.

A wave pushed you down violently but you tried to come back afloat, gasping for air, only to be met with another. It was too much. Just too much but still you managed. You managed to survive the violent storm and a sinking ship. However your family and crew weren't so fortunate...

Thanks to the brief illumination of the sky at the exact moment you were able to grab on to a large wooden piece and stay afloat as the waves tried to knock you down. But you held on until the calmness had returned. Everything was color ebony as the moon and stars hid behind the clouds. It wasn't long when you realized the sharp pain on your leg and the coldness of the night. However your mind and body were too tired to process anything else and little by little you lost consciousness as your body floated away with the current as the guide.

The morning was warm with clear skies that let everyone who looked up admire the different shades of blue it offered. A perfect morning. Your body rested on the wood and the now gentle waves pushed you to the shore. A couple who were in the middle of their morning stroll saw you unconscious and took you in as a patient as soon as possible. They tended your wounds and sought medical help to treat the large wound on your leg. However, an infection had begun and was spreading rapidly. The medic didn't really know what to do since the medicine wasn't helping in fighting off the infection effectively. So his suggestion was to seek medicine from Encanto. A little town in the mountains where magic exists and people could be healed instantly. It was of course a legend but people in the town spoke as if it was real. They even had the name of the family who wield such incredible power, The Madrigals.

The couple wanting to give you another chance at life, made a group of trusted and strong individuals and organized an expedition to take you there as soon as possible. With the medicine you could hold on and survive the trip but it was no definite cure. You didn't say much about it, as you were mostly in bed resting as your body fought the high fevers and healed its wounds. Two days after the conversation with the doctor the expedition began and a week later they found the magical town of Encanto. Well, they weren't very sure if it was magical but they hoped the legend was real or at least that they had one of the best medics. Just as instructed they looked for The Madrigal family until someone in town showed them the way to Casita.

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