Chapter 6 - Our Ways

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     About a year passed, maybe a little more, since Y/N's arrival at Casita. During this time a lot of things happened. You started helping out the family with the crops and in the kitchen. Mirabel started calling you tía (aunt) and it spread like wild fire on the kids. In a matter of days you were being called tía by her sisters and cousins too. You also started growing closer to the other members of the family but especially with Bruno. You had discovered by accident, when you added way too much coffee grounds into the kettle that you and Bruno liked really strong coffee sweetened with a touch of panela. Since the coffee served in Casita wasn't strong you bought a new coffee maker just for the two of you. Every morning you would help in the kitchen and prepare the coffee the way you both loved. You both also developed a night routine where you would grab a snack and meet on the hammock at first floor of Casita. There, you would both talk, read, joke and sometimes even fall asleep together. But that wasn't all, as the feelings grew deeper he started calling you mi Perla (My Pearl) and you would call him mi Cielo (My Sky). Things were progressing steadily and you were completely fine with that. After all this time getting to know this man, you fell more and more for him and he for you. But there were still somethings you wanted to do first before starting a new chapter in your life. You felt like you needed to go back to the sea and finally give closure to what happened a year ago.

One evening your were both cuddling in the hammock. Just talking about the day and enjoying each other's closeness. But you felt it was time to talk to him about what you felt.

"Bruno..." You gently rested your hand on his shoulder. He responded by resting his arm on your lower back. With all the time you both spent together, neither were shy anymore when it came to physical affection however it was limited only to hugs, kiss on the cheek or forehead, and cuddling. There was still a line that neither of you dared to cross. (Yet).

"Hm?" He looked at your eyes.

"I... am goin' to make one last trip to the sea." You confessed.

The man stared at you as he tried to collect his thoughts from the bomb you just dropped over him. He didn't exactly know what that meant. Were you going to leave for ever? Was it only temporary? How long will you be out? Would it be alright if he asked to go with you? What about us? Wait.. what did us even mean? The whirlwind spun around his thoughts and emotions but he was careful to not show any of it since he wanted to be supportive of your decision. "I-I-I see..." His voice had a sad tone in it. "When are you leaving?"

Your hand now played with one of his curls. "In a day or two..."

Your reply was like a bucket with iced water being thrown over him. He didn't know what to say but at the same time there was a lot he wanted to ask and say. A lot he wanted to experience besides you and a lot he wanted to explore.

With a sudden movement he sat on the hammock and gave you his back. You worried and soon sat besides him. Then gently fixed the hair that fell on his face behind his ear. "Cielo, are you okay?"

Your gentle touch reassured him however there was a turmoil inside that he still didn't know how to set straight. He took your hands almost lovingly and met your gaze. He wasn't sure to ask but he needed to know if you planned on returning. Hell, he even wanted you to stay there for ever. And most importantly to stay with him. "...How long will it be?"

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