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into the night.

There are ethereal singing, swaying from the bottom of the sea to the sea, and the passing fish are all fascinated by the singing, and stay in place from time to time.

This is the song of a mermaid, and it is born with a fascination that no one can resist.

In a stone room not far from the origin of the song, an elderly turtle was knocking on the door.

"Duo Duo, Duo Duo, the mermaid blind date meeting has started, why haven't you attended it yet?" The turtle slapped the doorbell made of small gravel at the door and called out to the little mermaid inside.

But even after calling several times, the little mermaid in the stone room did not come to open the door.

Turtle was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that this little mermaid who just came of age likes to join in the fun at blind date meetings.

But why to call him recently, can't move.

"Duoduo, if you don't go over, the other mermaids will all swim away." The turtle lingered at the door for a while, and finally couldn't call out the little mermaid, so he could only slowly swim away.

And as soon as he left, there was a suppressed voice in the stone room, which seemed to be mixed with crying.

"You, don't touch my fish's tail."

The little mermaid who finally dared to speak out on the humble little bed made of seaweed was looking at the fish's tail held by the man in a wronged way.

The little mermaid is beautiful, with a delicate face the size of a slap. Because of his young age, there is still soft flesh on his cheeks, which looks attractive.

It's just that no one pinched his face at the moment, but his tail, which was firmly grasped until now, has not been let go.

"you can't touch it anymore, you can't touch the fish's tail!!😭."

Yu Duoduo emphasized it again, this time, he also personally started to break the man's big hand!

Since the man fell into the sea, his consciousness has not been very clear, and he is always in a groggy state.

He stuck to Yu Duoduo and lost consciousness, but his hand caught Yu Duoduo's tail.

The mermaid's tail is cold and silky, and it feels really good to the touch.

Yuduoduo didn't dare to break it hard, and the man's arm was still injured.

After struggling and pulling for a while, Yu Duoduo puffed out his cheeks, stared at the man's handsome face, and gave up on himself.

"Forget it, we'll be a family in the future anyway, feel free to touch if you want." The unconscious man, I don't know if he heard this, the force of touching his tail was a little heavier.

Yu Duoduo hugged him and buried his increasingly red face into his chest.

"I gave you the beads, and I touched the fish's tail. You have to be my daughter-in-law."

(@mcloud: whaaaaaat! daughter in law??)must be wife >>>>>>>>>>>>

Yu Duoduo closed his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered, and his grasped tail became hot.

The newly grown mermaid has entered the stage of courtship.

And the tail...

is the most sensitive part of the little mermaid.

There is a special smell that spreads in the stone room. This is the unique smell that each little mermaid will only produce after being stimulated by the courtship period.

Of course, for this smell to come out, it also needs a key incentive -

the right partner.

Only the most suitable partner can let the little mermaid really enter the courtship period.

As the night got darker, the man who touched the fish's tail suddenly opened his eyes.

He lowered his eyes, looked at the hot and beautiful little mermaid in his arms, and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Duoduo." A deep and pleasant voice, like a stone splashing a jade plate, fell on Yu Duoduo's ear.

The man's face was handsome, and his black eyes were as deep as pools. He seemed to have suddenly woken up. He whispered to the dazed little mermaid, "Thank you."

"Thank you for saving me."

Yu Duoduo followed him blankly. look at each other.

"Are you awake?" The man nodded, took him into his arms, and repeated, "Thank you."

While he was fluctuating in consciousness, he could occasionally hear movements outside.

He knew that he had fallen into the sea, and that a little mermaid had rescued him.

Yu Duoduo was a little helpless.

He has no family in the sea and is a real little wild fish.

The clansmen thought that he was incompetent and a little waste fish, so they drove him away a long time ago.

Over the years, Yuduoduo has survived tenaciously, relying on desperate fights to dominate the bottom of the sea.

The most people said to him was: "Go away!"

This was the first time he had received a thank you.

"No thanks."

Yu Duoduo raised his tender bun-like face, stared at his wet round eyes, and said to him with a calm expression: "You are my daughter-in-law, it is all right to save you and take care of you. "

Daughter-in-law?" The man raised his tone slightly, with a little doubt.

Seeing this, Yu Duoduo explained to him hurriedly: "There is a legend that has been passed down for thousands of years in our mermaid tribe. Human beings who fell into the sea are all objects sent to us by the sea god, and whoever picks it up will return. Who."

"I found you and ate my beads, so it's mine!"

Yu Duoduo was very satisfied with the man he picked up.

He didn't know any feelings, but when he saw a man for the first time, he liked it very much and even had a strong sense of familiarity.

It was because of this feeling of no head and tail that he dragged the man back to the nest.

The man is tall and well built. The most amazing thing is that his facial features are the most beautiful that Yu Duoduo has ever seen, even better than the mermaid who has always been proud of their appearance!

For the little mermaid's explanation, the man didn't know how much he heard.

His fingertips rested on the little mermaid's tail and rubbed it.

"Duo Duo, your tail... it's hotter than before."

It wasn't just the tail.

Yu Duoduo's whole body was terribly hot, and he curled up uncontrollably. On his beautiful face, his reason was gradually replaced by confusion.


Yu Duoduo flicked his tail, and the temperature in the stone room rose unknowingly.

The unique atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, until one person and one fish are involved in this craze.

The mermaid singing in the distance, like an ethereal background sound, seemed to pass over.

Yu Duoduo grabbed the man's back, and when he caught the mermaid singing, his eyes flashed with clarity for a moment.

"Begging, courtship song."

Yu Duoduo grabbed himself hard, forcing himself to remember a very important thing.

"I haven't sung to you yet."

The most important tradition of the mermaid tribe is to sing a beautiful courtship song to your partner when confirming a relationship with your partner!

Although Yu Duoduo sings out of tune, this traditional ceremony cannot be lost!

The man's hand was still on the little mermaid's tail. Hearing the little mermaid's words, he forcibly restrained the restlessness in his heart and patiently followed the little mermaid in his arms.


He was looking forward to the little mermaid's singing.

"oh~ the sea, my love~"

The pretty little mermaid with a blushing face opened her throat, and the first sentence was broken.

Man: "..." The

man was shocked by this tone and almost lost consciousness again.

A whole courtship song, after the little mermaid sang, the man's face relaxed in an instant.

"What do you do I sing?"

Yu Duoduo took courage and nervously asked the man how he felt after hearing it.

Other mermaids disliked his singing, but maybe humans would like it.

The man looked at the little mermaid full of anticipation, and after all, he had no conscience.


He spit out these words succinctly.

Yuduoduo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't be more excited.

"Really? Really? Do I sing really well? What other songs do you want to listen to? I'll sing other songs!" The man stopped the excited little mermaid and interrupted him to sing this terrible idea.

"Duo Duo." The man pressed against his forehead: "We should continue."

He hadn't touched the little mermaid's tail.

The little mermaid who saved him, as soon as he touched his tail, was like an addiction.

Yu Duoduo was reminded like this, and hurriedly hugged the man's waist.

"Then, let's continue!"

His courtship sang, and the courtship period came. In order to save this partner, he even fed the mermaid beads in his body to the man, so he didn't need to be hypocritical.

After staying in the stone room for several days, Yuduoduo's reserve fish in the room were all eaten up.

"I will be going out for a while."

Yu Duoduo patted off the man's hand, and seriously reported the trip to him.

"Your injury isn't healed yet, I'll go catch some fish and ask a doctor to come back!" The

man would still fall into a coma from time to time in the nest, and it's not good to apply herbal medicine to the wound.

Yuduoduo didn't dare to delay any longer.

He was still young and did not want to be widowed as soon as he found a partner.

The man couldn't stop him, he could only watch him get out of the nest.

"Grandpa Turtle!" In the seaweed, Yuduoduo found the sleeping old turtle: "Do you know where the big snake in the sea that lends money to the little mermaid is?"

the turtle was shocked " Duoduo , that big snake is very bad. He specializes in lending usury to the little mermaid. You can't find him."

"I have to find it."

I don't have enough sea coins." The old turtle didn't have any money either.

The two stared at each other for a long time, and finally, the turtles were defeated.

"He, he lives in the mud hole at the southernmost end..." Before the old turtle could finish his words, Yu Duoduo flicked his tail, and he had already swum without a shadow.

by evening.

Many fish borrowed from loan sharks. After catching the fish, they also called the doctor.

The doctor is quite familiar with Yuduoduo.

He knew that this little wild fish was cute but always fighting. It's just that Xiaoyeyu is stingy, and he never sees him when he is injured in fights.

For this little mermaid, the doctor sighed more than once: "It's a great fate to be able to live safely until now."


When he swam to the door, Yu Duoduo was still telling him: "As long as you cure my partner, I will catch a lot of fish for you in the future, and I will also help you fight a lot! You can fight anyone you want. I said!"

Yu Duoduo clapped his tail and promised the doctor with oath.

The old doctor with a gray beard replied: "Don't worry, I will cure him."

"Well! Thank you!"

Yu Duoduo politely bowed to the doctor and thanked him.

Carrying the medicine box, the doctor advanced into his nest.

However, as soon as he entered, the doctor turned his head and threw a question at him.

"Duo Duo, why is your nest empty? Where is the partner you asked me to treat?"

Yu Duoduo: "?"

Yu Duoduo's eyes widened: "He's in the nest!" The doctor looked at the empty space Wo, looked back at the stubborn little mermaid, showing sympathy.

"Duo Duo, your partner is gone."


Yu Duoduo didn't believe his daughter-in-law who was still touching his tail before going out, and he was gone as soon as he went out.

"Let me take a look."

He swam over and leaned his head into the nest.

There are small nests made of stones and seaweed piles, which are very small and can be read at a glance.

After a few seconds.

Seeing the reality of the little mermaid, I only felt that the sky was falling apart.

Daughter-in-law, wife, no, no!

"Big brother, big brother!"

Outside the nest, there was also the little mermaid's younger brother, rushing over.

"The human you picked up has run away!"

"Big brother, the humans you picked up have been caught on the big boat." The

younger brother scrambled to report first, for fear that the older brother would not be hit enough.

The doctor who came to see a patient saw this scene, and silently put the sea coins he received on the table.


The little wild fish is quite poor.

He still doesn't want this money.

Yu Duoduo staggered a bit. He lived to the age of eighteen and found his partner for the first time, and his partner was very compatible with him.

There are so many fish who are so innocent and ignorant about their relationship that they never thought that their partner would run away...

Now, the cruel reality has taught him a lesson.

"I, I—"

Yu Duo's angry eyes turned red.

The younger brother was busy and attentive to the eldest brother: "Brother, let's not be sad, now there is a mermaid blind date conference, you go and see, we will grab whoever you like!"

"Yes, yes, the species are different. If you can't love each other, big brother, let's find the mermaid back in the nest to give birth to the cubs." The

younger brothers tried their best to coax.

Duoduo did not listen at all.

"I'm going ashore!"

He clenched his fists, raised his head, and looked straight up. "Brother, there is no Fangyu anywhere in the world, why should you love a person alone? Think again!" "No, I don't want to love him." A man with a bead, if he loses the bead for too long, he will not be able to survive on the bottom of the sea. Falling in love can. You can't lose the beads.

The little mermaid, without a partner, caught fish on the bottom of the sea with water plants and was ready to go ashore.

Inside a certain ship at sea, a man with a handsome face was forcibly sent away in a coma.

And the human world on the shore.

In a mansion in City A, where land is expensive, a family is crying while holding a portrait.

"It's been 18 years, it's time for our cubs to grow up."

The woman with a beautiful face, leaning on her husband's arms, looked at the chubby cubs in the portrait, and said with grief, ' Now I can't go to the sea, and I can't go to find the cub. You say, why doesn't the cub know to go ashore?

The husband sighed and patted his wife on the shoulder soothingly.

"Don't be too sad, I was pulled at the intersection a while ago to tell my fortune."

"The fortune-teller said, we are about to reunite with the cub." The woman didn't believe it: "Tell me, how much money did you give the fortune teller? That's what you said."

Husband: "..."

Husband: "Cough, not much. I gave a deposit of 1w, and when the cub came back, I'll pay the final payment of 10w."

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