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 Xie Ling didn't believe the daughter-in-law he said at all, but he didn't talk too much with Yuduo.

Stubborn and stubborn, he is very cowardly.

Yu Duoduo walked with him for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

"Xie Ling, didn't you tell me in the morning that your friend's birthday is today, are you going out tonight?"

Xie Ling was reminded by him and slapped his forehead: "Yes! I forgot."

Yuduoduo: " How stupid."

Xie Qin smiled when he was scolded, he looked at the time, and said goodbye to Yuduoduo: "Duoduo, I'm going to pass."

Yuduoduo nodded.

He watched Xie Qin turn around, and stopped him again: "Wait a minute."

Xie Ling told him about those friends, and Yu Duoduo didn't have a good intuition for those friends.

"Send me the address you are going to, and you will be back at nine o'clock in the evening."

Yu Duoduo said, and pointed to his mobile phone: "You can call me if you have anything."

Xie Ling heard the words and was moved: "Duoduo, are you caring about me?"

Yu Duoduo gave a "uh" and didn't answer directly.

He didn't know if this counted as caring, anyway, Xie Ling was stupid, and he was easy to be bullied by looking at him. It was okay for him to bully, but not for others.

"Go quickly."

Yu Duoduo urged him: "Stop dawdling."


Xie Ling waved to him, took a taxi and left.

Yu Duoduo looked at him obediently getting into the car and withdrawing his gaze.

"How good is it to take a taxi."

Yu Duoduo muttered: "It's too scary to drive."

He went to work in the car repaired by Xie Ling two days ago. On the way, Xie Ling almost killed him again.

When he finally reached his destination, Yuduoduo got out of the car and squatted on the side of the road, looking like a dish.

He, he and Xie Ling's car are in conflict!

Without Xie Ling, Yu Duoduo went straight to the small restaurant where he worked.

The proprietress of the small restaurant will give him dinner.

"A lot." The proprietress liked when she saw him: "Remember to wear gloves when you wash the dishes, so as not to hurt your hands."

"I know."

Yu Duoduo squatted in front of the sink, washing the dishes skillfully.

The proprietress sat down beside him with her six-month-pregnant belly held out.

"Aunt Liu, when did you give birth to a cub?"

Yu Duoduo looked at her belly curiously while taking a bath.

Aunt Liu was the first human being with a cub he had ever seen.

"It's the sixth month now, and there are still four months left to give birth." Aunt Liu said with a smile: "I will see you more now, maybe more, and when the baby is born, it will be like You are so good-looking."

Yu Duoduo raised his pretty face when he heard this, and said generously, "Hey, you can look at it!"

He also likes good-looking cubs!

Aunt Liu was amused by him and gave him a pocket of apples for him to take away later.

"We are pregnant with cubs, it only takes six months."

Yu Duoduo looked at Aunt Liu's belly and couldn't help sharing it with her.

Aunt Liu was surprised: "How is that possible? Six months, the baby hasn't grown up yet, right?"

Yu Duoduo shook his head, wanting to say that we mermaids do not directly give birth to cubs, but directly to eggs.

After giving birth to the eggs, the eggs have to stay in the water for one to two months by themselves.

When the eggshell is broken, a small cub the size of a slap will crawl out.

"Anyway, we can give birth in six months there." Yu Duoduo didn't care whether she believed it or not, and said nothing else.

Aunt Liu was surprised, but seeing that Yuduoduo was still young, she didn't take his words to heart.

How can a child know so much about having a baby?

Aunt Liu, who recognized Yu Duoduo's nonsense, also laughed and teased him: "Since you can have a baby in six months, Duoduo, will you have a baby?"

Yu Duoduo: "..."

Yu Duoduo is Suddenly stunned.

He lowered his head and looked at his stomach in confusion.


He forgot that mermaids can have cubs too.

"Aunt Liu."

Yu Duoduo said dumbfoundedly, "I may have a cub too."


Aunt Liu's smile was wide open: "Duoduo, you are a boy, you can't have cubs. Cub."

Yu Duoduo was not comforted by Aunt Liu's words.

In his amber eyes, despair slowly appeared.

"I must not be pregnant with a cub!"

His daughter-in-law ran away, and the cub was destined to be born without a father.

"Don't worry, you won't have a cub."

Aunt Liu coaxed him like a child: "Not to mention that a boy can't have a cub, even a girl, it's not that easy to conceive a cub.

" Cub, Aunt Liu is not easy to say.

But she repeatedly stressed to Yuduo that having a cub is not an easy process.

Yuduoduo was in a heavy mood after brushing the dishes.

Before leaving, Aunt Liu paid him wages and gave him a pocket of apples.

"It's getting dark outside, Duoduo, be careful on the road."

Yu Duoduo held the apple, adjusted his mentality, and smiled at Aunt Liu.

"I'll be careful."

After coming out of the small restaurant, Yu Duoduo nibbled at the apples and drilled down the patch skillfully.

The path is very close, but the street lights are not good and it is pitch black.


"The handsome guy in front, wait a minute!"

Yu Duoduo was walking, and there were rapid footsteps and a man's thick voice behind him.

Yu Duoduo subconsciously hid the apple behind him and turned his head.

"It's time to wait for you again."

The man in a suit with big back hair came panting and holding a briefcase.

Yu Duoduo saw that he was panting like this, and let his guard down a little in his heart.

With this kind of lack of physical strength, he can beat up several times at a time.

"I, I'm from Xingwen Entertainment, you can call me Brother Ma."

Brother Ma tried his best to calm his breath, and at the same time, he was looking at the boy in front of him carefully.

The two were close together, Ma Ge looked at the young man up close, and he had only two words in his heart.


The appearance of this young man is simply divine.

"This is my business card, you can take a look. Our company is a regular entertainment company, and many people want to enter after breaking their heads."

After bragging about the company, Ma said his intentions.

"I think you have a good appearance and are very suitable for a talent show. As long as you can participate in this show, our company will give you a high salary."

Yu Duoduo was tired of hearing it.

He was about to leave when his ears caught the word reward.

"I will give you money for participating in the show?"

"Give it."

Brother Ma followed him for two days. Knowing that he was handing out flyers and washing dishes, he was a poor kid, so he immediately gave him a reward.

"As long as you can participate, I will call you 5000 directly first."


Fish Duoduo quickly counted in his mind.

It costs 35,5000 yuan to distribute flyers at a time, and he needs to distribute flyers for half a year to earn!

"The whole process of this talent show was recorded for two months." Brother Ma told him: "If you only record the first round, it means that you only need to stay for a month." The conditions are getting more and more tempting.

The little fish, who has no money and is obsessed with money, is naturally heart-pounding.

"When you go to record the show, you will include room and board."

"Every round of promotion, you will be rewarded."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know anything, there is a teacher to teach you."

Ma said, and Yu Duoduo's expression loosened. a little.

When he finished speaking, Yu Duoduo looked at him seriously.

"I can go and record the show, but we have to sign a contract, and you have to make money first."

The little mermaid who is struggling to survive in the human world is not stupid.

Although he is quite white and sweet-looking, he is not stupid.

Yuyu, who has a lot of heart, agreed with Brother Ma to see the contract and was approved, he deliberately broke half of the apples he hadn't eaten and handed them to Brother Ma.

"Here you are."

If it weren't for this person, he would not have sent the money to the door.

Brother Ma took the apple, opened WeChat cheerfully, and added contact information with Yuduoduo.

"I'm very optimistic about you."

Brother Ma said, "When you're on the show and you have traffic, you will make more money in the future." There is a lot of fish who surf the Internet for 20g and nod in agreement.

He saw Xie Ling chase the stars.

Xie Ling talked to him about how much money can be earned by working as a star. In short, it is very special.

You can buy a big house, you can buy a car, you can buy whatever you want.

"Thank you."

Yu Duoduo politely thanked Brother Ma.

If he also became a big star, he would buy a whole bag of apples for Brother Ma.


not yet.

The stingy fish now only has this pocket of apples.

Seeing that this matter is almost stable, Brother Ma is ready to go home and rest.

When Yu Duoduo lowered his head to put away his phone, he saw the message sent by Xie Ling.

"Duoduo, I'm dizzy."

"They made me drink."

"Duoduo, I want to go home." The news was sent in the last few minutes. After reading it, Yuduoduo frowned and called Xie Ling.

Called several times, but no one answered.

"Stupid Xie Ling."

Looking at this posture, Xie Ling must have been forced to take care of the phone.

Thinking of Xie Ling's situation, Yu Duoduo no longer hesitated and started looking for a car on the side of the road.

"Hey, where are you going? If you're in a hurry, I'll take you there." Brother Ma, who hasn't left yet, expresses his sympathy to the fish.

This path is too far, and Yuduoduo can't stop the car.

A few minutes later.

Yu Duoduo got into Ma Ge's car.

In the car, Yu Duoduo was texting Xie Ling on WeChat and making a phone call.

Suddenly, a friend request popped up.

"I'm Xie Qin."

Xie Qin, the name Yu Duoduo is very familiar, is the eldest brother Xie Ling often mentioned to him.

Since the two had made phone calls and sang songs, Yu Duoduo agreed to the friend request.

Xie Qin: "A lot?"

Yuyu wants to get rich: "Well, it's me."

Xie Qin: "I asked the housekeeper for your WeChat. I took the liberty to add you, I hope you don't mind."

Yuyu wants to get rich: "I don't mind, but do you still want to hear me sing?"

Before Xie Qin could reply, Yu Duoduo looked outside and found that it was almost time, so he was busy typing with his head down.

Yuyu wants to get rich: "Brother, I have to pick up Xie Ling, let's chat later."

Yuyu wants to get rich: "886!"

Xie Qin: "..."

Xie Qin looked at 886 and fell into deep thought.

886, what does this mean.

The little fish surfing the Internet has recently liked to use digital homophonic stems. For example, 886 is goodbye, but he didn't take it into account at all, and a certain antique elder brother who received 886 didn't understand it at all.

"A lot."

Brother Ma who was driving stopped the car: "We're here."

The place where they parked was a splendid clubhouse.

Brother Ma was afraid that Yuduoduo would not be able to get in, so he deliberately brought him in under his own identity.

"What are you doing here?" Ma Ge wondered: "The consumption here is very high, you—"

"I'll find someone."

Yu Duoduo stopped and Ma Ge followed, and he went to Xie Ling's private room by himself. .


Yuduoduo found the private room where Xie Ling was, but before he opened the door, he heard voices inside.

"This Xie Ling is really easy to deceive. If you ask him to pay, he will pay. You say, is his head just a decoration?"

Laughter filled the entire private room.

Someone said maliciously: "We got him drunk this time, we have to get something out of it. You can see that he looks good. Or, let's record a small video for him..."

Before the malicious words were finished, The door to the private room was kicked open with a bang.


The beautiful young man clenched his fists, and his eyes seemed to have small flames.

"Want to shoot a video, right?" The boy walked over step by step: "I will accompany you to shoot your ancestor tonight!"

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