ch 4

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Duoduo, Qiuqiu, you can't earn that money!"

Xie Ling vowed to defend the dignity of a man to death, but unfortunately, Yuduoduo didn't need it.

After pulling for a long time, Yu Duoduo sighed tiredly at Xie Ling, who was dragging him to death.


He patted Xie Ling's head: "I'm not going to shoot commercials, I'll go to hand out flyers."

There are flyers at the street corner, and they have been recruiting people these days.

Others hand out flyers, and it is 30 in the afternoon. If he goes to hand them out, he can get 5 yuan more now.

The sister who dispatched the order said that he was good-looking, and 5 yuan was an extra gift.

"Duoduo, why don't you accompany me upstairs."

Xie Ling didn't let him go but dragged him upstairs.


In the upstairs room, Xie Ling called her brother's phone.

"Hey, Sister Anna, is my brother awake? I want to talk to him."

Anna is Xie Ling's private secretary. When she heard Xie Ling's voice, she said gently, "Sir is awake, but he just left the medical treatment. cabin, the body has some negative reactions, and I can't speak at the moment."

Xie Ling was not surprised by this situation.

In the past, when my brother entered the medical cabin for medical treatment, every time he came out, there was a brief stress reaction.

I was also blind for two days last time.

He misses his brother, so this time he made a phone call.

"Sister Anna, can you put the phone out for me? I want to talk to him."


Anna obediently agreed, turned on the loudspeaker on the phone, and placed it beside the man on the bed.

The man was wearing casual clothes made by a private tailor. On his handsome face, his eyes were closed, and he could not see any emotions.

Anna put away her phone and exited cautiously.

For this man, even if she worked with her for a few years, she was still afraid.

The man was silent, and the momentum around him made people dare not offend for no reason.

"Big Brother!"

Xie Ling's cheerful voice came over the phone: "Are you okay now? Are you still feeling sick? I miss you so much!" The man's fingers tapped twice on the edge of the bed.

Xie Ling understood: "I can rest assured that you are fine. By the way, brother, do you still want to listen to me play the violin for you?"

Because my brother had some mental problems, Xie Ling also learned the violin.

He has heard others say that music is helpful for spiritual healing.

The man tapped his finger.

means refusal.

The fish next to him was so bored, he poked Xie Ling's arm.

"Let me sing a song for your big brother."

Although Xie Ling is a bit silly, he is really good to Yuduoduo.

Yuduoduo still owes him money for his mobile phone, as well as accommodation fees, which add up to a lot of miscellaneous things.

Xie Ling didn't want his interest, but he had to give something back.

"I sing, it's good for your brother."

Yu Duoduo took a few steps forward, moved a chair and sat down, then took the phone from Xie Ling's hand.

Mermaids like to sing, and the better they sing, the more they will be liked by other mermaids in the clan.

And the reason why the mermaid attaches so much importance to singing skills, there is also a very important point——

The song of the mermaid can defend against enemies and heal.

To put it simply, no matter how the mermaid sings, it is amazing!

Yuduoduo was driven away as a small waste fish because of his insufficiency of tone.

But his healing song is enough for an ordinary human being.

"Well, you go out."

Yu Duoduo pointed to the door: "I only sing for your brother."

Xie Ling puzzled: "Why can't I listen?"

"You can't listen!"

Yu Duoduo is not confident to say goodbye now He sang in front of human beings, and he didn't want to expose his insufficiency.

Xie Ling was driven away by Yu Duoduo, and when he walked to the door, he was pulling the door frame to try to cheat.

"No eavesdropping."

Yu Duoduo closed the door with a snap, completely blocking Xie Ling's sight.

After driving Xie Ling away, Yu Duoduo sat back on the chair.

He cleared his throat, turned to the person on the other end of the phone, and asked, "Can you hear me?"

There was silence on the phone.

Yu Duoduo: "?"

Yu Duoduo tilted his head, looking at the phone in front of him, a little confused in his eyes.

When Xie Ling was talking just now, there was still movement over there.


The sound of fingers tapping on the edge of the bed sounded, and Yuduoduo breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're still listening."

He raised his hand and rubbed his little round face: "I'm going to sing you a song now, you can get a good night's sleep after listening to it."

After he finished, he began to search for the thoughts in his mind. song list.

In the mermaid's song, there are special ones that can treat mental problems.

After a few seconds of retrieval, Yu Duoduo clenched his hands into fists, placed them on his lap, and sat upright.

"Okay, I'm about to start!"

After sending the notice, Yu Duoduo opened his throat and began to sing emotionally.

on the other end of the phone.

From the moment Yu Duoduo's voice suddenly sounded, the man on the bed with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

There was still redness in his eyes, and the originally indifferent emotions were all replaced by huge fluctuations at this moment.

Coming out of the treatment cabin, his memory was chaotic.

Everyone said that he had never been to the seaside, had never been on a boat, and never touched the water.

But he desperately wanted to go back to the sea and wanted to go back to find something.

After several rounds of examination and treatment, now, all he can remember are some flickering and blurry shadows.

As for the singing from the mobile phone, he was sure that he had heard it and heard it with his own ears.

"Cough, I'm done singing." Yu Duoduo finished singing

the entire Healing Department song, unable to hold back, lowered his voice, and secretly asked the listener: "Do you think it sounds good?"

Do you think it sounds good?

The words reverberated in the man's mind.

There seemed to be a face in front of him, a beautiful face that made him want to get close.

"Nice." The hoarse voice was pulled out of the vocal cords with difficulty.

The man couldn't speak, but he couldn't answer the boy's question on the phone.

When Yu Duoduo heard the words "Nice", he immediately rolled his eyes.

"You really have an eye!"

Yuduoduo said happily: "I can sing to you when Xie Ling calls you next time."

"Okay." The voice was still so hoarse that it was almost unrecognizable, and the man was still responding to Yuduoduo's words.

Yuduoduo's favourable impression of men also rose a little.

"Stop talking and have a good rest."

Yu Duoduo was actually struggling to listen to him: "I have to go to hand out flyers, let's chat next time."

"Okay." The phone hung up, the man turned his head and stared at the Mobile phone, my heart is full of strong remorse.

half an hour.

The man finally calmed down and forced himself to continue resting.

He has to hurry up and get healthy and get out of here.

The first floor of the villa.

Yu Duoduo pushed open the door of the room, looked at Xie Ling who was squatting at the door like a mushroom, and grabbed his messy yellow hair.

"Xie Ling, when can you dye your hair back? Yellow is not good-looking."

Xie Ling held her head and said stubbornly: "No, I will dye it yellow!"

Yu Duoduo wondered: "Why do you have to dye yellow? ?"

Xie Ling blushed, pressed against Yuduoduo's ears, and whispered to him: "Because I am an adult, I want to prove that I am an adult."

"Proving that I am an adult, with dyed yellow hair, Does it have anything to do with it?"


Xie Ling asked in a persuasive manner: "Yellow hair, don't you think it's implying something?"

"What does it imply?" Yu Duoduo asked blankly.

"It hints at my heart, just like my hair!" Xie Ling's brain circuit is clear: "I'm sending a message to others that I want to do pornography!"

The boy is a few days younger than Yuduoduo. Master, I can't wait to be a real grown man.

Yu Duoduo: "..."

Yu Duoduo looked at Xie Ling with pity again.

"You're so smart."

He patted Xie Ling's head: "This implies that normal people can't figure it out."

Only such an eclectic mental retardation can figure it out.

Xie Ling didn't hear that Yu Duoduo was saying something ironic, he was quite happy.

"Duoduo, let's go hand out flyers together."


Yuduoduo promised to take him to work, so he didn't regret it.

The two stood at the intersection, facing the sun, and handed out flyers for hours.

After handing out flyer 35, Xie Ling bought two new ice cream desserts 40.

In the afternoon, put down 5 yuan.

Yu Duoduo is stingy, he always spends money in the book, and he doesn't even drink mineral water when he goes out, but picks up boiled water in advance at home.

"I don't eat it."

Yu Duoduo put the newly earned money in his pocket. He patted the pocket and rejected Xie Ling's ice cream: "Eat it yourself .


Hold it in front of him: "Here, you eat."

Yuduoduo still didn't want it.

He is still a little poor fish and cannot be so extravagant.

When he makes a lot of money in the future, he will eat well.

Xie Ling's ice cream could not be delivered, so she had to eat it herself.

You can't even eat it, there is a lot of fish watching.

When Yu Duoduo saw his waste, he would kill him and beat him when he had a bad temper.


Xie Ling accidentally choked and hiccupped several times before she recovered.

"Duoduo, where are we going now?"

"To serve dishes." Yuduoduo

's job is not easy. He has no culture and it is not easy to make money.

As soon as the two of them walked at the intersection, behind them, someone stared at their backs, and a thought flashed across their eyes.

"These two children are poor and good-looking, so they can make ahead for the show."

The middle-aged man with a big backcomb looked down at the candid photos on his mobile phone.

The more he looked, the more satisfied he became: "It's just them, it must be a fool!"

"Xie Ling."

After taking a few steps forward, Yu Duoduo glanced back sharply: "I always feel that someone is watching us."

Xie Ling: "Ah?"

Xie Ling looked at Yuduoduo's beautiful face and scratched his head: "When we were handing out flyers, someone kept peeking at you." "You are so good-looking, isn't it normal to be seen?"

It's not that the fish grows so well, the young master may not love to play with him every day.

The fish frowned.

Xie Ling looked at him like this, itchy fingers, and boldly poked his face.

hey hey, so soft!

Yuduoduo is not a good fish, he is very careful.

Xie Ling poked him, and he directly kneaded Xie Ling's face into a dough.

"I can't poke my face."

Yu Duoduo with a small round face warned Xie Ling seriously: "Only my daughter-in-law can poke."

Xie Ling muttered: "Then don't you have a daughter-in-law?"

"I have "

What about your daughter-in-law?"

Yu Duoduo: "..."

Yu Duoduo turned his head and pulled his face: "Runaway."

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