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After receiving the call from the boss, Anna responded quickly: "Boss, can you tell me the specific problem? I will find the orange station immediately."

Xie Qin didn't talk nonsense, he took a picture of the video being blocked by the barrage, and sent it to the past. .

Anna: "..."

Thanks to Anna's good professionalism, she didn't laugh out loud to her boss on the spot.

"Cough, boss, what popped up on the video is a barrage, which can be closed. There is a button in the lower right corner."

Through Anna's command, Xie Qin successfully closed the barrage.

But on the live video, there is no more fish.

And as we all know, the ongoing live broadcast cannot be played backwards.

Xie Qin looked at the unfamiliar faces of the other players on the screen, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his eyes.

the other side.

Yu Duoduo looked at the players who were assigned to the same team as him. Except for Xie Ling, the others were secretly poking at him.

Although they are divided into one team, the judges can still select from their team who can advance, not the whole team.

"Duoduo, don't be nervous."

Xie Ling lowered her voice and comforted Yuduoduo: "You don't have many lyrics, and they are all rap parts, so you can definitely pass the test!"

Yuduoduo was not nervous at all.

He is used to being wild in the sea, what big scene has he not seen? Now this stage, for him, is not as good as the mermaid blind date conference.

"Xie Ling, it's you who is nervous."

Yu Duoduo pointed out the person who was really nervous.

After that, he rarely got better and encouraged Xie Ling to pat Xie Ling's hand to stop him from shaking: "Don't worry, your training yesterday was praised by the teacher, and you will be able to do it later.

" Ok!"

Xie Ling held Yu Duoduo's hand, and it was quite soft: "Duoduo, we have to do our best!"

Xie Ling chased stars, and he was chasing especially powerful movie stars.

Yu Duoduo often heard him talk about how handsome the other party was, but he didn't feel anything about it.

He doesn't chase stars.

He just wants to focus on making money.

In the human world, to marry a beautiful daughter-in-law, you have to prepare a dowry.

Yu Duoduo, who made up his mind to marry a new daughter-in-law, has already begun to work hard to collect dowry gifts.


The performances belonging to Yu Duoduo's team were cast on the big screen and in the live broadcast.

"Ah, ah, I saw my cub again!"

"The cub is really beautiful, like a little prince! His name is Yu Duoduo, and I announce that this is my little fish!"

"The little fish is mine ! , don't grab me. I'm coming to play and cultivate!" On

the stage with the flashing lights, the young man was like the most dazzling star.

Some teammates deliberately blocked his camera, but the boy was fearless and calmly looked for opportunities to continue to jump with the rhythm.

He is so bright.

On the barrage, the audience is excitedly brushing the fish and cubs. At the jury's seat, the eyes of the three teachers also stayed on him for the longest time.

at the same time.

Downstairs in Xie's company, Xie Qin sat in the car and didn't move.

"Mr. Xie." The driver looked through the rearview mirror and looked at Xie Qin who had not yet planned to get out of the car. He advised cautiously, "You can watch it in the office, which is more comfortable than in the car."

Xie Qin Brows furrowed.

This is a live broadcast, and he is afraid that if he temporarily closes the page, he will miss some pictures.

From the moment Yuduoduo appeared on the screen, Xie Qin's eyes seemed to be stuck and he couldn't take it away.

He stared at the fish on the screen without blinking, his chest was a little stuffy and stuffy.

Unexplainable emotions were stirring in his chest...

and he couldn't understand the source of these emotions at all.

"Mr. Xie, you can wait for the commercial to join the company."

The environment in the car is not as good as in the office, and the driver still wants Xie Qin to work in the office.

Xie Qin didn't know whether he heard the driver's words or not. He watched the screen for a while, and when the host was actually broadcasting an advertisement and invited the players of the new team to perform, he closed the computer and got up and got out of the car.

In a few minutes, in the office.

Xie Qin turned on the live broadcast again. This time, he also saw a reminder in the lower corner of the screen, saying that he could vote for his favourite players, but each person could only cast one vote.

Xie Qin, who had never played this game, didn't go to Anna, but picked up his mobile phone and searched the Internet seriously about how to vote.

The whole show often took more than two hours.

In the final voting and the judges' scoring session, Xie Qin did not hesitate to cast his vote.

on the field.

Yu Duoduo stood beside Xie Ling, waiting to announce the final result.

"The shortlist for this promotion will be announced by the judges." The host said, handing over the rights to the judges.

The judges consist of two men and one woman. Both men have relatively well-known masterpiece songs, while the woman is a popular Xiaohua actress named Wan Ning.

The three of them have already commented on it before, and this time it is necessary to screen again who stays and who leaves.

"A lot of fish."

Wan Ning opened her mouth and called her name. She looked like a royal sister, her voice was slightly raised, and she was very seductive: "This contestant impressed me the most."

Because of Wan Ning's initiative to cue, the camera was also cut to Plenty of fish.

I have to say that the lighting of the show team was very inhuman, the big camera was zoomed in so close to the face, and the sweat beads oozing from the players' foreheads and nose were clearly visible.

Yu Duoduo didn't sweat, his body stood straight like a small pine tree. The face that has been praised wildly by the barrage since its appearance, is still amazingly beautiful when photographed directly.

Wan Ning looked at him with a smile and handed him an olive branch.

"You dance very well and have excellent control over the stage. Although your singing performance is mediocre, your strengths are enough to make up for that flaw.

" You have a better performance."

As soon as these words came out, it was a steady announcement that Yu Duoduo was promoted.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Yu Duoduo wasn't very nervous, but he was really happy to announce that he was promoted.

Wan Ning looked at the beautiful young man and bowed politely to himself, but couldn't hold back, and said to him, "In the scene, I'm going to shoot, the director said that there is a shortage of children, a lot. If there is a chance, I hope we can cooperate.

" Duoduo has never filmed, but he knows that filming is more profitable than doing other jobs.

"Thank you teacher!" Yu Duoduo politely thanked again: "If there is a chance, I am very happy to cooperate with the teacher." The simple conversation ended, and the other two judges brought the topic to the next contestant.

And Yu Duoduo decided to advance, and also retreated to the stage.

Sitting under the stage, Yu Duoduo raised his face and looked at Xie Ling.

He was waiting for Xie Ling's result.

The camera swept over from time to time, and the audience squatting in the live broadcast room could see him from time to time.

"Wow, why is Xiaoyu getting better and better? I want to pinch it."

"Mom, under such a death scene, the cub can still be so beautiful, and Yan is too resistant."

"Wan Ning is my goddess, she sees it. I like Xiaoyu very much! I look forward to their cooperation!" The barrage was very lively, and of course, there were other players.

Fish Duoduo didn't even know about these.

He waited for a long time, and finally, Xie Ling came over.

"Duoduo, I'm also promoted."

Xie Ling couldn't control his excitement and hugged Yu Duoduo.

Yuduoduo: "..."

Ah, disgust!

Yu Duoduo, who didn't like hugging with others, pinched Xie Ling's back collar, wrinkled his face, and lifted him away.

"Hey hey hey." Xie Ling was still dumbfounded after being opened.

"There's a camera."

Yu Duoduo's face was rounded, he pointed to the camera, and he said seriously, "If you are photographed like this, it will make people laugh.


Xie Ling had always listened to his words, heard the words, and sat down.

The two of them sat side by side, with the dignified appearance of a primary school student listening to the class carefully, and the audience could see how cute they were.

xie qin stared at the screen, and at them.

Coincidentally, Xie Ling ran down to hold the fish just now, and he was also staring at him.

"Anna, when will Xie Ling start school?"

Xie Qin raised his head and asked Anna who was packing materials on another desk not far away.

"Master Ling's school doesn't start until September, so it's still early."

Xie Qin said "um" and said nothing.

Anna has worked with Xie Qin for so many years. Although she is still afraid of him, she can communicate more on weekdays.

"Boss, how did Young Master Ling perform in the show?"

Anna didn't know that Yuduoduo existed, she only knew that Xie Ling went to the show.

And Xie Qin watched the live broadcast. When she wanted to come, there was no doubt that it was for her own brother.

Xie Qin glanced at the yellow hair on the screen, and his tone seemed a little disgusting.

"He's doing okay, he's advanced."

"Wow, that young master Ling is very good, boss, do you want to give him a reward?"


Xie Qin said in a low voice: "The reward is ready for him."

When he comes back, make sure he's "surprised".

As soon as the live broadcast ended, Xie Qin did not continue to delay work.

Before dealing with work, he opened WeChat and sent a red envelope to Yuduoduo.


As for the younger brother of the list, the younger brother knew that he was back, and he was still cowardly, not daring to come to brush his presence.

"Duoduo, Duoduo." In the base, Xie Ling was circling around Yu Duoduo like a starling: "Please ask me, ask my brother, did you vote for me?"

Although he thought his brother was sure I want to vote for him, I still want to hear his brother admit it.

That way, he can show off to his friends!

Fish Duoduo covered his ears, not wanting to listen.

"You've already advanced, so what are you doing with that ticket?"

"I want to feel my brother's love for me!"

Xie Ling shyly said, "Hey, you don't understand. People like my brother are too emotional and never express it, so that he can occasionally Express it once is as cool as opening a lottery ticket."

Yu Duoduo didn't quite understand.

Xie Ling said that his brother was aloof and abstinent, and he didn't have any feelings for him. Most of his concern for his younger brother was introverted. The two brothers didn't say
much. xie qin


Where is Xie Qin so cold?

This is clearly the big boss that the working fish likes the most!

The two were standing together, and the director came towards them from behind.

"Duo Duo, come here."

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