ch 11

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 Yuduoduo was stunned, he didn't expect Xie Qin to ask such a question.

"I didn't cry." The face-saving Xiaoyu raised his head, wiped his eyes carelessly, and retorted, "You must have heard it wrong."

Xie Qin felt that he heard it right.

But the boy on the other side didn't admit it, and he didn't plan to continue to struggle with this.

"Well, I heard it wrong."

Xie Qin stopped reading the book in his hand, walked to the chair by the floor-to-ceiling window and sat down. He deliberately adjusted his posture, and then began to speak calmly.

How can the little mermaid in the deep sea be able to withstand the calculations of human beings?

Especially human beings as inscrutable as xie qin

It didn't take too long for Xie Qin to get him to say it all.

The shoes he bought for 20 yuan were broken and he hadn't worn them for a long time.

Many people on the Internet scolded him and wanted to kick him out of the show.

There is very little money saved, and it is not enough to buy hot search clarifications.

Yu Duoduo spoke, his voice lowered again.

Xie Qin noticed this emotional change and opened his mouth immediately.

"A lot, don't be sad."

Xie Qin's tone was unhurried. He comforted the depressed Xiaoyu: "Those who scold you don't know the truth. When they know the truth, they will apologize to you."

Yu Duoduo heard the words and said sadly: "But the problem is, I don't know Ways to let them know the truth."

He only has a private Weibo, with 0 followers and 199 followers.

Among the 199 people who follow, there are those who post marine animals all day long, the authors of novels who he chases, and most of the rest are bloggers who post-shopping coupons.

This kind of Weibo, even if it is clarified, no one will read it.

"Duoduo, record a clarification video with Xie Ling."

Xie Qin arranged in an orderly manner: "After recording, send the clarification video to the media and let them clarify on the Internet."

Yu Duoduo heard this and pretended to be The veteran sighed and sighed: "Oh, you are so naive."

Xie Qin: "?"

With such a big life, Xie Qin is the first time he has heard others say he is naive.

The self-proclaimed mature Yuyu, after sighing, patiently explained to him: "I'm not popular now. The media don't know me, and they don't know me well. They won't help me clarify things."

Xie Qindan The channel: "There will be media."

He said, read the name of a media, and added: "This media is very fair, you send him the clarification video, and he will publish it."

Yu Duoduo: "..."

Really? Fish don't believe it.

After Xie Qin repeatedly assured the media of justice and impartiality, Yu Duoduo finally believed it.

"Then I'll go to Xie Ling to record the video, and send it to the media's private message on Weibo."


Xie Qin finished his answer and asked him to hang up first.

Yu Duoduo wore the free sandals issued by the dormitory and ran to find Xie Ling.

He ran fast, and the door was not locked, so he couldn't stop the car when he got to the door, so he pushed the door open.


Xie Ling, who had just pushed away and hid in the quilt, suddenly exposed his head and asked vigilantly.

"It's me."

Yu Duoduo walked up to him.

Seeing it was him, Xie Ling suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "It scared me to death, I thought who it was."

With his guilty conscience, he looked at Yuduoduo with a little doubt.

"What are you doing?"

"I, I'm painting."

"Why do you want to paint in the quilt?" Yu Duoduo was more puzzled: "Isn't there a table and chair in the dormitory?"

Xie Ling put it on the quilt He took out the lamp and drawing board, he was a little embarrassed: "Hey hey, I'm drawing a fan."

"Whose fan?"

"Lu Yan and me."

Lu Yan is the actor's name, that is, Xie Lingzhui the male god.

Yu Duoduo looked at Xie Ling's paintings, and after a while, patted him on the shoulder.

"I wish you success in chasing stars in the future."

After speaking, he stepped into the topic: "Did you go online just now?"

"Not yet, I plan to play with my phone after I finish drawing."

Yu Duoduo sat next to him and sent his phone to He sees.

A few minutes later.

Xie Ling howled angrily and almost overturned the dormitory: "They are so vicious!"

Yu Duoduo nodded in agreement with a pretty round face.

"It's very vicious."

Xie Ling slapped the bed angrily and even cursed out swear words.

Yu Duoduo pricked up his ears and memorized a few sentences, ready to keep them for himself.

After Xie Ling finished venting, Yu Duoduo dragged him: "Okay, let's record the video."


Xie Ling agreed that he was so good with Duoduo, not like what was uploaded on the Internet.

The two of them were head-to-head, and they were discussing something while lowering their heads.

One person and one fish in the dormitory are busy.

Inside the villa.

Xie Qin, who was still sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, had an extra glass of red wine in his hand this time.

When he was in a bad mood, he would take a few sips of red wine.

The phone calls are open to the public.

Anna thought to herself that something was wrong when she heard the slight shaking of the wine glass.

Finished calf.

It's so late, who the hell is picking on Boss's fire!

Anna listened to Xie Qin's indifferent order with 12 points of spirit.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. The company's legal department and public relations department will also do their job well."

Anna finished talking to Xie Qin neatly, and quickly hung up the phone.

Time was running out, she had to settle the matter quickly and let Xie Qin turn off the fire.

Otherwise, if Xie Qin's displeasure deepened a little further, the consequences would not end well.

Anna's ability to follow Xie Qin for the past few years is enough to show how strong her ability is.

As picky as Xie Qin, he is satisfied with her.

The black material about Yuduoduo on the Internet is still being posted by marketing accounts.

Xie Qin sipped the red wine, skipped the black material, and looked at the topic under the entry.


#鱼多多的盛世美美# #鱼多多小鱼出起


In these topics, although there are not many posts, the content is very harmonious.

And in the post dynamic, there are high-definition pictures.

In the accompanying picture is a beautiful young boy standing on the stage, shining brightly.

Taking a straight shot of his face at a close distance, the youth's facial features are exquisite, and his fair and delicate skin is like jade and porcelain, and he can't pick out the slightest flaw.

Such a face value, anyone who sees it will be amazed.

Xie Qin swiped on the topic of harmony for a while, and when he quit, it happened that the major marketing accounts were in a hurry to delete the black post, and took the initiative to send a clarifying video.

The clarification video was first issued by Jade, which has millions of fans.

Immediately afterwards, when he noticed the wrong marketing account, he quickly went to delete the black notice he received, and then quickly forwarded it for clarification.

They all know the status of Jade Bird Network, this media network.

It can make send a clarification, and the marketing accounts scolded: "Fuck, let's pick up the job!"

There are a lot of hacked fish, it's not that there is no backstage!

Just when the marketing accounts slipped on their knees and admitted their mistakes, the "just netizens" who originally scolded and cursed Yuduoduo, and even wanted mermaid Yuduoduo, were dumbfounded.

They don't quite understand what a marketing account means.

Even after seeing the clarification, some people deliberately went on to scold on their Weibo.

Wearing a vest on the Internet, the evil of human nature can always radiate to the greatest extent.

They didn't think that Yu Duoduo bullied his teammates too much, but they were using "Yu Duoduo" to vent their inner malice.

The abuse on private Weibo is rampant and arrogant.

Xie's lawyer department: "Well, I'm working." In the dormitory.

Yu Duoduo swiped his phone, and after seeing the black material disappear and the clarification video spread, his tense little face finally relaxed.

"Xie Ling!"

He rolled his eyes: "It turns out that there is really justice!"

Xie Ling had never been in contact with Xie's business, so he didn't know at all that the Blue Bird media belonged to them.

He was happy with the fish: "Well! There is justice."

Yu Duoduo repeatedly swiped Weibo, and seeing the apology under the clarification video and the comfort of kind passers-by, the more he watched, the happier he became.

If it weren't for Xie Qin, he would not have sent the video to Jade Bird Media, nor would it have been sent out for clarification.

"Xie Ling, I'm going back to the dormitory to make a call, see you tomorrow."

Yu Duoduo took his mobile phone and ran back to his dormitory in a hurry.

As soon as the door of the dormitory closed, Yu Duoduo immediately dialled a voice call to Xie Qin.

Coincidentally, Xie Qin was listening to Anna reporting the progress to him.

Seeing the voice from Yuduoduo, the unnoticeable cruelty in Xie Qin's eyes instantly dissipated.

"Anna, send what you want to say in the text."

Xie Qin finished speaking, hung up the phone, and connected to the WeChat voice,

"Xie Qin." On

the other end of the voice, the happy little fish almost turned his tail out and shook it. .

His clear youthful voice was full of excitement, and Meizizi said to Xie Qin, "I don't have any black material."

Xie Qin raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

Yu Duoduo didn't hear the "oh", he was pretending Unexpectedly, he rolled under the quilt and told Xie Qin everything just now.

"They didn't scold me anymore, they apologized and coaxed me."

Yu Duoduo's repeated words made Xie Qin realize something sensitively.

"Duoduo, do you like being coaxed?"

Yu Duo who rolled the quilt moved a little, maybe because he was too happy at the moment, so he put down his usual vigilance for the time being.

"I like it." The stubborn and fierce little fish put his face on the quilt and said in a low voice, "No one has ever coaxed me before."

These whispered words clearly fell into Xie Qin's ears.

In an instant.

Xie Qin's cold and hard heart seemed to have been stabbed by a soft and slender thorn.

"Xie Qin, thank you."

After about a few seconds, Xiaoyu, who was slightly out of the excited state, grabbed the quilt, thinking of his slightly hypocritical tone just now, he blushed a little embarrassedly.

Xie Qin did not speak.

Yu Duoduo, who couldn't wait for a reply, leaned closer to the phone, blinked, and asked, "Xie Qin, are you still listening to me?"

"Listening." In the empty room, the man leaning against the French window, behind him Covered with night.

His expression was indistinct in the dim light.

Because of the sleepiness of the boy on the phone, the increasingly soft and waxy voice became smaller and smaller. In the end, only the sound of even breathing remained.

Xie Qin lowered his eyes and looked at the avatar of the teenager on WeChat.

The avatar is a Q version of the little fish, the little fish shows sharp teeth, very fierce.

Just like the boy who always said he was fierce.

"I've been bullied and scolded, but I've never been coaxed..."

Xie Qin's slender and beautiful fingers touched the little fish on the avatar.

He murmured in a low voice, not knowing whether it was the little fish on the opposite avatar or the boy who was using the avatar of the little fish.

"Not in the future."

Xiaoyu doesn't need to be so fierce, nor will he be bullied again.

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