ch 13

548 21 2

 Time passed unhurriedly.

Yu Duoduo has appeared on the stage several times, and his dance has also been out of the circle.

Xie Ling pulled him and showed him super words.

"Hey, my current level can already apply for a small host!"

Yu Duoduo came over and looked at his mobile phone screen.

On the screen, it is Yuduoduo's super words.

I don't know who built this super talk, and the current number of fans is quite considerable.

And since Xie Ling discovered this super talk, he clocked in on time every day, and the upgrade was quite fast.

"Duoduo, there are a lot of stage photos of you in it."

Xie Ling looked at the photos in Chaohua's post and said with emotion, "It's so beautiful!" In the


On the huge stage, the beautiful young man was as cute and bewitching as an elf. He raised his chin slightly, and his eyes were sparkling as if pretending to be light.

"They look good when they take pictures."

Yu Duoduo swiped several posts in a row, and sincerely praised the photos in the posts.

"Duoduo, when you win the final, there will be more fans!"

Yu Duoduo nodded, he will work hard to win the final!

There is a bonus in the final, the director said, it is 10w dollars and a debut quota, as well as a million traffic support plan.

"Duoduo, do you want to save these photos? If you want, I will send them to you."


Yu Duoduo agreed, "You can send them to me."

He also liked these photos very much, Xie Ling sent them to him, he You don't have to look for it.

"Hmm, wait a minute."

Xie Ling said, bowing her head and starting to choose photos in the album.

After being busy for several minutes, Yu Duoduo poked him: "Has it not been sent yet?"

Xie Ling nodded his hand on the phone, he raised his head, his eyes were blank: "I have already sent dozens of them."

Yu Duoduo was even more at a loss than him: "I haven't received one."

Look at me for the two of you, and I'll look at you. The next second, they read WeChat in unison.

I saw that on Xie Ling's WeChat list, there were three stickers on top.

Dad, Big Brother, Toto.

And Xie Ling sent dozens of photos just now, and at this moment, they are all in the dialogue box with her eldest brother.

Yu Duoduo: "..."

Yu Duoduo patted his arm angrily: "You are so stupid!"

Even the photos were wrong.

Xie Ling was in a hurry to withdraw, but the withdrawal failed after more than two minutes.

"Forget it, don't worry about it."

Yu Duoduo said, and looked at the dialogue between the two brothers, and found that the chat content was pitiful.

But less returns less, and transfers are quite a lot.

for example.

Xie Ling: "Brother, have you eaten yet?"

Xie Qin: "Yeah."

Xie Qin: "[Transfer 10,000]"

Xie Ling: "QAQ, I'm not asking for money."

Another example.

Xie Ling: "Brother, are you feeling better?"

Xie Qin: "Okay."

Xie Qin: "[Transfer 10,000]"

Xie Ling: "=_=Thank you, brother."

Yu Duoduo looked at the number of transfers and said Said: "Your elder brother is so kind to you."

When Xie Ling heard the words, her eyes seemed a little lost, but she quickly covered up the past.

"Ang, it's pretty good."

In fact, he wasn't short of money, all he wanted was words of concern.

But with a cold temper like the eldest brother, Xie Ling couldn't imagine that he would use words to coax who cares about who.


Xie Ling sighed, sometimes he was really worried that his eldest brother would never be able to marry a daughter-in-law for the rest of his life.

"Xie Ling, let's go."

Yu Duoduo didn't ask for any more photos, but dragged him to the music room.

Not long after the two left, Xie Qin, who was in the office, turned on his mobile phone.

The pile of photos in the dialog box also has a watermark in the lower right corner.

Xie Qin, who has a 2G network speed, naturally would not have thought that he could find photos through the watermark.

He just saved the photo and put it directly into the search box.

After a few seconds.

Xie Qin found a super talk.

Half an hour later, Anna had to bite the bullet and remind Xie Qin who was still looking at her phone.

"Boss, we're going to have a meeting soon."


Xie Qin put down his phone with a cold expression, and before he put down his phone, he became the 14521st small fish breeder on a certain fish.

in the music room.

Yu Duoduo raised his face and listened carefully to Shen Xin's lecture.

He listened to all the teachers' classes with such an attentive expression, and it wasn't pretentious.

The teachers in the program group are very fond of him.

Especially judge Wan Ning, added Yu Duoduo's WeChat and also finalized the matter of Yu Duoduo joining the group to play that small role.

"There are only three days left until the finals. We have only eight debut spots and only one champion."

After the class, the director came in and talked to them again.

"Although the competition is fierce, I hope you can calm down and don't have too much pressure." The

director babbled, but few of the people below listened.

Yu Duoduo also felt that what the director said didn't seem to have any useful information.

He looked at his stomach and was thinking seriously.

He can only eat three days of free meals, he has to eat more!


I don't know if I have eaten too much recently, but my stomach seems to be a little different from before.

Yu Duoduo lowered his head to study his stomach, not even noticing when the director left.

"Duoduo, hurry, hurry, auntie said that today there is a secret braised pork ribs, limited supply!"

Yuduoduo: "!"

Yuduoduo stood up abruptly: "Chong!" The

canteen aunt made braised pork ribs, using her secret The seasoning is super delicious.

The two rushed to the cafeteria, but Song Qiu laughed mockingly when he saw their backs.

"Rong Qi."

He walked side by side with another team member: "Did your company win the list?"

Rong Qi said "um".

Among the players who are still here, I am afraid that only Yu Duoduo and that Xie Ling are still actively preparing for the competition.

At this point, whether they can debut or not, the quota has long been determined by default.

Leaving Yu Duoduo and Xie Ling until now is just because the popularity of the two of them is unexpectedly good, and they can make the show more topical.

"My agent also told me that this time I want to debut in the card position." The

card position debut, which means that there are eight debut positions, and he will be ranked eighth.

"By the way."

Song Qiu touched his arm: "I brought Yu Duoduo in. I remember it was your manager. What do you mean by your manager? If you don't plan to sign him, let him stay until now?"

Rong Qi Xiaoxiao: "I don't know. My agent has brought other people with him recently. How do I know what he's thinking."

Rong Qi's temperament looks very gentle, and in the program group, he is also positioned as a big brother who takes care of his younger brothers.

Song Qiu didn't say anything out of his mouth, and he didn't ask any more questions.


At the end of the day's practice, Yu Duoduo was carefully brushing the last pair of shoes when the phone rang suddenly.

It's not Xie Qin's voice call, it's Ma Ge's call.

"Duoduo, I'll see you, can you open the door for me?"

Yu Duoduo was taken aback, he dropped his shoes in the basin and walked to the door.

Door open.

Brother Ma appeared in front of him with a bag of snacks.

"Brother Ma."

Yu Duoduo didn't expect him to come, so he missed him and let him into the dormitory.

The dorm is clean.

Brother Ma seemed to stop for a few seconds when he saw the shoes in the water basin.

"Duo Duo, are you still getting used to it here?"


Yu Duoduo moved him a chair: "Sit down."

"Hey, good."

Brother Ma put the snack bag on the table and sat down.

"I'm here because I have something to tell you." Brother Ma thought about his words, and at the same time looked at Yu Duoduo's face.

Yu Duoduo looked at him with confusion, his eyes were full of confusion on his beautiful face.

"Cough, the finals are coming soon, about the finals..."

Brother Ma modified his vocabulary and said a lot.

But Duoduo only understood the result.

"I don't have a place to debut."

He calmly repeated what Marco said: "But under normal circumstances, my off-court votes, or on-site results, are likely to surpass others, so to be on the safe side, you let me in the finals. I almost performed at that time."



After being in the circle for so many years, Brother Ma has long since hardened his heart, but seeing the young man in front of him clenching his fists and pretending to be calm, he still A little uncomfortable.

"Duoduo, I sent you in at the beginning, I didn't expect you to get here."

At the beginning, Yu Duoduo was asked to come over, just to let him make up the number and run with him.

Who knows...

"There is money in the bag, I prepared it for you." Brother Ma stood up and didn't want to stay any longer: "Anyway, you cooperate a little that day. If you don't cooperate and offend the company, even if you have a debut quota, you will be fine. No use."

He was about to leave.

However, Yu Duoduo held him back: "Wait

a minute." In the package of snacks on the table, there was the money Ma said.

With a small round face, Yu Duoduo returned the snack bag to Brother Ma.

"I do not want."

He didn't even look at Brother Ma but said stubbornly: "No matter if there is a debut quota, I will play well that day."

In his super words, there are many fans who like him.

And Sechin will also come to watch his games.

He won't be fooled, and he won't behave badly on purpose!

Brother Ma was a little helpless: "I posted this money for you alone. If you hold it, can't you work harder in the future?"

"I don't want it."

Cai Fan Xiaoyu is very principled, and he doesn't want this kind of money.

Brother Ma had no choice but to take the bag again.

Anyway, he also notified in advance that when Yuduoduo arrives, no matter how he behaves, it will be for nothing.

After Brother Ma left, Yu Duoduo looked at the unfinished shoes in the basin.

He sniffed and didn't want to brush his shoes.


Xie Qin's voice call came, Yu Duoduo was stuffy in the bed, Weng Shengweng said: "I just want to sing you a song today."


Yu Duoduo chose a short song to sing to him, After singing, without giving Xie Qin a chance to speak, he closed his eyes and continued: "Xie Qin, I'm going to bed, good night."

Xie Qin: "..."

Xie Qin didn't even have a chance to speak.

After hearing that Yuduoduo's side was completely quiet, Xie Qin thought for a while, used another mobile phone, went outside, and called Xie Ling.

Xie Ling was still drawing the fanart of his X actor, and when he received the call, he was shocked.

"Big brother?"

"Well, it's me." The

brothers rarely talked to each other, and Xie Ling didn't defend his elder brother at all.

Not long after, Xie Ling scratched his head and said in a daze: "It's okay, we are still having dinner together at night."

"I'm fine too, I know my level, and it's a miracle that I haven't been eliminated until now. It 's over."

Xie Ling said a few more words to Xie Qin, and the two ended the call.

Xie Qin still didn't understand what the little fish was unhappy about today.

Time flies.

Three days later, the final round of the draft came nervously.

Many people came to the final venue, including Sechin.

Xie Qin entered the venue in a low-key manner, with the exception of his usual personal bodyguards, and did not inform others.

The director and the crowd naturally did not know that they had come here to honour the gods.

Most of the people sitting in the seats were little girls.

The little girl next to Xie Qin happened to like Yuduoduo.

The little girl is holding a small fish-shaped fluorescent lamp in her hand.

She was holding the fluorescent light and noticed that the man beside her seemed to be looking at her light.

"Well, I'm a fan of Yuduoduo, are you too?" the little girl asked with blinking eyes.

Xie Qin "hmm".

next second.

The little girl happily gave him a small fish lamp.

"You really have a good eye! Our little fish is amazing, and it's not a loss to become a shareholder!"



that's all!!! 

I felt like this novel is not interesting for me so I stopped translating it 

there are 142 chapters in the whole

小人鱼他超凶   -  the little mermaid is super fierce

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