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That night, the little fish in the quilt slept peacefully and sweetly and was not disturbed by the things on the Internet at all.

the next day.

The alarm clock rang on time, and Yu Duoduo stared blankly. Before opening his eyes, he sat up first.

"Get up, get up."

He murmured dully: "Going to class." The director said, and the next teacher for them was even better than before.

And, the more they advance, the better the teachers assigned to them.

Thinking of this, Yu Duoduo shook his head and woke himself up.

After he woke up completely, his first action was to touch the phone.

"Xie Qin?"

Yu Duoduo called into the phone. The voice calls between him and Xie Qinlian were basically hung up all night.

Unless the signal is not good in the middle of the night, it will not be interrupted halfway.

"Well, I'm here."

Xie Qin, who woke up earlier than Yuduoduo, had already eaten breakfast and was drinking coffee while reading the urgent information, responded to him in a low voice.

"I'm going to get up." Yu Duoduo reported to him: "Today there is a new music teacher, I'm going to attend the class earlier."

Yu Duoduo has inquired about teachers in the human world, all like diligent students.

He mixed in with humans and wanted to be the most diligent little fish.

"Okay, don't forget to eat breakfast."

Xie Qin put down the coffee in his hand and reminded him.

When Yu Duoduo heard the breakfast, his eyes lit up.

"I won't forget it." Yuduoduo will not forget the free meals are given by the program team.

He has made plans to eat more and grow more meat during this time!

In this way, even if the promotion fails, he cannot be a very profitable star, and he is not afraid of being tired and then all of a sudden when he goes out to work.

Hanging up the voice, Yu Duoduo changed his pyjamas, and after washing up, he went to call Xie Ling next door.

Compared with Yuduoduo's vitality, Xie Ling was obviously a little slack.

"Duoduo, I'm sleepy." Yu Duoduo looked at him, trying to wake him up by brainwashing: "No, you're not sleepy."

"I'm sleepy."

"You're not sleepy!"

On the small round face, the brows furrowed. This is a very bad signal, and it means that the grumpy little fish is about to get impatient.

Xie Ling recognized the signal, and he didn't want to be beaten, so he had to compromise: "Okay, I'm not sleepy."

Yu Duoduo nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go, let's go to dinner and sing after dinner."

Under the leadership of Yuanqi Xiaoyu, the two of them were the first to come to the music classroom.


Xie Ling listened to Yu Duoduo singing in advance, rubbed his ears, and asked him, "You told me last time that you want to be a singer, are you serious?"

Yu Duoduo didn't hesitate. Reply: "Seriously."

He is a little mermaid.

No mermaid can't sing, so as long as he works hard, he will be able to sing the best song in the future.

He wants to be a singer in the human world, and when he returns to the bottom of the sea, he can show it off to the merman who drove him away.

Xie Ling looked at Yuduoduo's confident expression and was dazed.

"too frightening."

If Duoduo really became a singer, what would this world be like if it collapsed.

Yu Duoduo, who was passionately practising his voice, didn't hear this muttering, otherwise, he would definitely be a murderer.

The watch on the wall in the music room reached seven-fifty.

The door was pushed open.

The director walked in with the new music teacher: "Duoduo, you are here so early again."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yu Duoduo felt the director's eyes when looking at him, and suddenly he became a little more loving.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is your music teacher, called Shen Xin."

Shen Xin is a refined middle-aged man, not very good-looking, but his gentle appearance looks very friendly.

"Hello, I'm Shen Xin, you can call me Teacher Shen in the future."

"Mr. Shen."

Yu Duoduo called at him politely.

Shen Xin really liked these two students who came early, especially the well-behaved and polite Yuduoduo.

But this love, after all, can not withstand the grinding of cruel reality.


After a morning's practice, Shen Xin pressed his temples and said to him, "Don't rush to leave, then stay and practice."

Yuduoduo ran several times in the morning, and he had a sad face. , did not go out to eat with other players.


Among the contestants who went out, Song Qiu, who was successfully promoted, tutted yin and yang on purpose as he passed in front of him.

As if mocking him for being rude.

Duoduo: "..." The

tail is hard!

Want to smoke people.

With the teacher here, Yu Duoduo did not expose his bad temper.

He made a note for Song Qiu in the book of revenge in his heart, and then walked up to the teacher who waved at him and listened to the teacher giving him a separate lesson.

Xie Ling was not left behind, he went to bring food to Yuduoduo.

In the music room, only Teacher Shen and Yu Duoduo were left, and they practiced for a while.

"Duoduo, it's easy for you to get out of tune. It's not easy to completely solve this problem in the short term."

Shen Xin waved his hand and paused temporarily.

He sat on the stool, held a cup of wolfberry tea, and analyzed with Yuduoduo: "You are going to participate in the competition now, you definitely don't have time to slowly correct the problem of out of tune like this."

Yuduoduo felt that he was right.

"I have a bold idea."

Shen Xin pondered and said slowly: "You can sing a new song."

"New song?"

"Yes. I have a few ready-made lyrics I just collected, and I will compose the music according to The tone and key that you can grasp, create a new song so that you won't be out of tune when you sing."

Yuduoduo: "!"

Yuduoduo was stunned.

If you don't want to be out of tune, is there still such an operation?

Shen Xin also said: "The song is yours. In this way, you are the original singer, and no one can question you for being out of tune in the future."

Yu Duoduo listened with admiration.

In terms of heart, it seems that his little fish is still not as good as a human being.

After Shen Xin discussed this with him, Yu Duoduo also recovered.

"Mr. Shen, we just met, why do you help me like this?"

"It is my responsibility to help all the students sing." Shen Xin replied.

Yu Duoduo blinked, feeling that Teacher Shen was treating him as a stupid fish with no brains.

The two looked at each other,

Shen Xin smiled, and didn't say any more perfunctory words. He lowered his voice and said to Yu Duoduo: "I think you will debut."

"Not only your debut, Duoduo, you will also develop very well and become popular."

"At that time, many people will look up to you."

Shen Xin After saying this slowly, he also brought out his own intentions.

"When I'm old, I can only be so tepid in the circle. Many of the resources I want are not available to me. Duoduo, I will help you today, and you will come back to help me later, which is very cost-effective.

" Duoduo didn't expect Shen Xin to think so much.

Moreover, he dared to be sure even after no one could say for sure.

"Okay." The ambitious Xiaoyu raised his face with a serious expression: "You help me this time, and I will help you in the future." The teacher's help is within the rules.

With the help of Shen Xin, Yu Duoduo went smoothly in the shortest music class.

After a few days.

Song Qiu stopped Yu Duoduo: "What's the matter with the new song you're practising? I don't remember your song."

Yu Duoduo had headphones on his ears, looking a little cool.

Of course, the premise of maintaining this coolness is to ignore his slightly childish little round face.

"You're asking this." Yu Duoduo took off his earphones, looked at Song Qiu, and rolled his eyes, "Want to know?" "


After hitting, he rolled his eyes: "Tell me, what's the matter with your song?"

Yu Duoduo looked at him, his eyes curved like crescent moons, which were very beautiful, but what he said was irritating.

"If you want to know, I won't tell you."

Song Qiu: "..."

Damn, I really owe it!

Yu Duoduo was so angry that he put on his earphones and continued to walk away.

into the night.

There was a lot of fish lying on the bed, talking to Xie Qin.

"I can go out soon."

Yu Duoduo spent his time and calculated: "In half a month, the game will end."


Xie Qin replied: "I will pick you up at that time."

" Well, it's picking me up and Xie Ling."

After Yu Duoduo corrected him, he thought about it, and asked him, "The director said that people can be invited to watch the finals. Xie Qin, do you want to come?"

Xie Ling was startled.

He hadn't thought about getting in.

Xie Qin never knew about these domestic drafts.

But since Yu Duoduo asked this question, he followed suit and said, "Okay, I'll go over there."

One person and one fish agreed on the matter, and Yu Duoduo hummed a new song to Xie Qin again, and then grabbed the pillow. Close your eyes and go to sleep.

He slept soundly, but in the middle of the night, his dream suddenly returned to the bottom of the sea.

The bottom of the sea is still the same as before, big, and no one pays any attention to him.

He swung the fish tail and swam back to his stone nest.


The handsome man sat up slowly on the small bed in the stone nest, his deep eyes reflected his figure: "You're back." Yu Duoduo's eyes widened, and he stared at the sudden appearance of his daughter-in-law.

"You, didn't you run away?"

The man looked at him and seemed to smile: "I didn't run, I've always been there."

Yu Duoduo was stunned and stopped in place.

And then—

he woke himself up.

When I woke up, it was just dawn. Yu Duoduo was short of breath and sat up suddenly from the bed.


Duoduo?" At the other end of the voice, Xie Qin noticed something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong with you?" "

I, I dreamed.


Qin: "?"

The thing in Xie Qin's hand fell, and he didn't realize it. He just stared at the phone and continued to ask, "What daughter-in-law?"

How could Yuduoduo have a daughter-in-law?

How old is he?

Yu Duoduo patted his chest, giving himself comfort.

"I have, but my daughter-in-law ran away with my things. I don't want him now."

Xie Qin's tense expression suddenly eased when he heard that he was no longer wanted.

"You did the right thing."

He affirmed Yu Duoduo's decision: "You really can't have that kind of daughter-in-law, Duoduo, you should find one who is good for you."

"Yeah! I know."

Yu Duoduo's tone was firm: "I don't want him. , I'm looking for a new daughter-in-law."

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