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The program stipulates that no fights are allowed among the contestants.

Otherwise, the player who was so angry with Yu Duoduo probably really wanted to do something to him.


Xie Ling, who came back from the restaurant, happily walked towards him with the lunch box: "I've brought you back."

Yu Duoduo was chatting with Xie Qin on WeChat, when he heard the words, he raised his head, asked: "Did you bring fish?"


Xie Ling likes to eat fish, but when he was eating fish two days ago, he found out that the fish was not very interesting, so he stopped eating fish.

"Don't worry, you are a small fish, and I won't eat fish in the future."

Yuduoduo: "???"

Yuduoduo's whole fish was stunned. He widened his eyes and asked incredulously: "What did you say?!"

When did he lose his horse?!

Xie Ling scratched his head, and in Yuduoduo's shocked eyes, he said naively: "Didn't you call Yuduoduo? That's Xiaoyu, I won't eat fish in the future."

Yuduoduo: "..."

Yuduoduo endured a lot, but still couldn't hold back and slapped him.

Xie Ling was beaten for no reason and felt aggrieved.

"Why are you beating me? I've already beaten you with drumsticks."

Yuduoduo opened the lunch box, and there was a big drumstick inside.

There is no money to eat here, and after the fish came in, I ate a lot of each meal.

Moreover, he also chose meat to eat.

Meat is very expensive. If he didn't want money, he would be working outside and would be reluctant to buy it.

After eating and drinking enough, Yuduoduo touched his round belly and felt that he was okay again!

"Come on, let's go to the music room and practice vocal music for a while."

After their training, they are going to the stage.

The first round of the stage is about to start, and Yu Duoduo has been working hard recently to practice, sing and find tunes.

Xie Ling had a little blind reliance on Yuduoduo, so Yuduoduo asked him to go, and he followed Pidianpidian.

As soon as they walked on their front feet, someone opened their mouths from behind.

"How is it? Was that scene recorded just now?"


The boy who was being questioned shared the screen with the people beside him.

"Yu Duoduo is bullied within the team, and there is no reason to beat people for others to run errands."

"Let's shoot more material, as long as Yu Duoduo dares to advance, we will release it. At that time, it will be no use for him to advance!"

With a mobile phone The boy who took these pictures carefully kept several copies.

The person beside him raised a doubt: "This recruiting bank is OK, but what should Xie Ling do to help him clarify? Xie Ling is very attentive to Yuduoduo." "

Don't be afraid."

He revealed: "I have inquired about them. They have no background or backing. Before they came to record the show, these two were still handing out flyers by the roadside, tsk, two poor boys."

"I want to drive them out. , it's not difficult."

With these words, with his other player, Shu Xin smiled.

into the night.

Yu Duoduo was lying on the bed in the dormitory, wearing headphones, and chatting with Xie Qin as usual.

"Are you coming back?" Yu Duoduo was talking to Xie Ling while searching for novels in Lujj.

Xie Ling also seemed to be busy with his own business, and there was still the sound of pages turning over there.

"Yes, I'm going back."

The flipping sound stopped, and Xie Qin answered Yuduoduo's question.

The fish didn't notice this little detail.

He opened a book with a small fish on the cover, and continued to ask, "Then when you come back, will you still beat Xie Ling? He said he was afraid that you would beat him."

If Xie Ling came to ask, "Brother, Are you going to beat me?"

Xie Qin would reply without hesitation, "Yeah."

He didn't know anyone well, so it was worth a beating.

But now the same question was asked by Yu Duoduo, Xie Ling paused.

"Do you think he should be beaten?" Xie Qin threw the question back.

Yu Duoduo didn't think about it: "Yes."

Xie Ling suddenly called Xiaoyu during the day, "scare" him, and the vengeful Xiaoyu Benyu felt that he really needed to be cleaned up.

Xie Qin got the answer, and then answered the question just now. "When I go back, I 'll

beat him up.

" Yuduoduo was fascinated by reading books. The book he opened with a picture of Xiaoyu on the cover is an ancient novel of pure love. In a nutshell, the content is in one sentence - the overbearing prince Qiao Xiaoyu. The prince is the emperor's third brother, and the little fish is a koi fish. When Xiaoyu was swimming in the river, he was mistaken by the lord that he was going to throw himself into the river. The prince, who was rarely merciful, went straight down the river, stunned the fluttering little fish with one palm, and brought it back to the mansion. And then, the little fish that returned to the house turned into its original form and was almost stewed. Xiaoyu took revenge and began to take revenge on the prince.

Yu Duoduo clenched his fists when he looked at it: "Bad Prince! Xiaoyu beat him to death!"

All those who bullied Yuyu should be beaten.

Whether it was in the book, or the one who rolled his beads and ran away, he should have been beaten by Yuyu!

The little koi in the book is gearing up to kill the prince.

But doing it just doesn't seem right.

Yu Duoduo's head was full of question marks: "Why was the little fish pressed to the bed?"

Lord Dog also said that he wanted to stew the fish on the bed?

So annoying.

The little fish outside the book could not wait to push the dog prince into the pot and drag the little fish out of the book that was pushed on the bed.


Xie Qin on the other end of the voice heard that Yuduoduo's voice was not right, so he stopped his movements and asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm reading a novel."

Yuduoduo drummed cheeks, a little unhappy.

He didn't want to see the little fish being stewed.

Xie Qin heard that he was in a wrong mood, and without saying a word, sent a red envelope.

"[Gong Xi Fa Cai]"

Yu Duoduo was not a greedy little fish, but when he saw the red envelope, he controlled it and wanted to open it.

[888 yuan. ]

The number of red envelopes is not too small, Xie Qin is very accurate in the acceptance of Yuduoduo.

After Xie Qin sent out the red envelope, he also gave a legitimate reason.

"You sang an extra song to me today, this is the reward." A deep and pleasant voice came from the phone, and Yu Duoduo rubbed his ears.

"My songs are worthless."

Yu Duoduo told the truth: "The vocal music teacher said that I sing to death."

Xie Qin smiled slightly.

It seems that this vocal teacher was tortured a lot by Duoduo.

"Your singing has improved a lot than before."

Xie Qin flipped through the information in his hand, and said to Yu Duoduo: "As long as the singing conveys a feeling of happiness, it is good."

"Duo Duo, you can sing to make people feel that you are very sincere. "

Yu Duoduo rubbed these words, always feeling that something was wrong.

Can singing be described with sincerity?

Before he could think about anything, Xie Qin spoke again.

"It's very late, Duoduo, it's time for you to go to bed."

Yu Duoduo glanced at the time, ten twenty-six, it was very late.

He hurriedly put the phone on the bedside, turned off the light and lay down, with the covers and eyes closed.

"Xie Qin, good night."

He has to go to bed early and get up early to be the hardest working little fish in the entire show team!

"Good night, Duoduo."

Xie Qin gave him the gentleness that no one could see or enjoy for the only teenager who could make him feel at ease.

Three more days.

Yu Duoduo is finally going to be on his first stage.

He and Xie Ling were assigned to a group. Xie Ling's singing and dancing performance was average, not holding back, but not eye-catching.

"Duoduo, the director said, our show is live."

Before going on stage, Xie Ling grumbled and bit his ears with Yuduoduo.

"You said, will my brother watch our live broadcast? Will he vote for us? By the way, the audience outside the venue can only cast one vote. You said, will my brother vote for me?"

Yu Duoduo's ears hurt from his noise.

"Don't talk."

Yu Duoduo stretched out his hand and covered Xie Ling's mouth: "I still want to memorize the lyrics."

After taking the stage, there will actually be a teleprompter right in front of the contestants to remind the contestants.

But Yu Duoduo has done enough homework. In addition to being familiar with the teleprompter, he also memorized the lyrics himself.

He loves singing so much!

Xie Ling was forced to shut up and had to listen to Yu Duoduo's words.

Soon, it was their turn to play.

The lights flicker.

The youths, full of energy, rushed to the stage one by one.

The accompaniment sounded, and the teenagers danced and practiced countless dances and sang songs that were repeated many times.

at the same time.

The rich and powerful hosting platform directly broadcast the first stage live and pushed it to the top of the hot search.

The platform will report the draft every three years, and there are also prosperous stars who came out of the draft before.

Therefore, this live broadcast on the whole network has attracted the attention of many people.

"Mr. Xie, you just got off the plane, won't you take a break?"

In a limited-edition luxury car that just left the airport, a man who has always been accustomed to closing his eyes and resting in the car turned on the computer for the first time.

The driver grabbed the steering wheel and gave him a special concern.

The man didn't lift his head, just said in a low voice, "I don't want to rest now." After

he finished, he put the computer on his lap, lowered his eyes, and looked at the big screen seriously.

Instead of the stage appearing on the screen, there was a clip first.

In the clip, the players briefly introduced themselves.

He looked down one by one.

When he saw the eighth one, his originally impatient expression finally changed.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yuduoduo, it's a lot of a lot, not a lot of excess." In the

camera, the stunning-looking young man is sitting on a chair with his hands folded on his knees, like a primary school student. Introduce yourself carefully.

This self-introduction just came out, and the barrage that was deserted just now was instantly full.

"Am I dazzled??? Otherwise, why do I think I've seen a fairy!"

"Fuck, fuck, there's still something in this orange stage draft!"

"Ah, ah, scream, three minutes. Inside, I want all the information about this cub!"

"It's so cute, cute, and soft, I declare that this cub is mine."

Yu Duoduo's self-introduction is actually very serious.

However, on his beautiful little round face, he also has unfaded milk fat, which makes people feel amazing and cute at the same time.

Cute enough to make people want to pinch, kiss, and rua.

Xie Qin had not watched the live broadcast, nor did he understand the barrage.

He watched the various texts popping up on the screen, and completely covered Yu Duoduo's face.


Xie Qin called Anna's phone with a blank face: "Tell Orange TV that there is a problem with their live broadcast." The

contestants couldn't see their faces. How does this platform work?

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